The AR Disorder

The Animal Rights Vision

"leave the animals alone" That`s the message that animal rights organizations try to sell the naive public.
This picture is a true illustration of what happens to wildlife when left unmanaged.

The land has only so much carrying capacity and surplus animals succumb to starvation and disease ... that`s no secret.

I see the results every year and it is a direct result from the lack of trapping pressure.

The animals are not being trapped and controlled through proper management practices and die a long lingering death when left alone.

Some will argue that trapping and hunting kill animals so there`s little or no difference but the big difference is the game and fur bearing animals are put to good use when harvested through regulated hunting and trapping measures, when these same animals are not harvested by humans they become a wasted resource and Ontario is no longer playing a role as a partner in conservation.

If you support any animal rights organization you are contributing to the wanton waste and destruction of Ontario`s wildlife.

The Humane Society kills over one million dogs and cats every month ... it`s necessary but some people can`t see the link between controlling wild animals in the same manner we control domestic animals or are they just Hypocrites?

Thinking about banning trapping in Ontario?

Recently the coyote has been in many local newspapers (almost daily) here on the sandbar known as Cape Cod. Massachusetts is a state that voted out trapping a few years ago, and everyone is concerned about human coyote interaction. Coyotes are seen daily by many people in this, a small, very populated area. A coyote mauled a three year old boy here 2 years ago, and was shot at the scene by police. This, and the fact that every telephone pole has a missing pet sign on it.

Picture a 22-month old child sitting on the floor in his suburban home. Now try and imagine various dangers that might befall the toddler in this seemingly safe environment. Most rational minds might think of poorly stored household chemicals or uncovered electrical sockets, but only in a Hollywood movie would anyone consider the danger of a wild coyote walking boldly through the front door and attacking the youngster.

That is exactly what happened in Mesa, Arizona on October 26 of this year. The child’s father had just returned from shopping with his young son and laden with groceries had sat the child on the floor and left the door open as he went to the kitchen with the bags. Moments later he heard his son scream and returned to find a coyote attempting to drag the child out the door. The coyote quickly released the boy and fled.

The child was treated for puncture wounds to the shoulder and a series of rabies shots began as local wildlife officials expressed amazement at the boldness of the attack. ``We have had nothing like this before,`` said Arizona Game and Fish Department spokesman Randy Babb. While it is certainly true that people need not add coyote home invasions to the top of their list of concerns, coyote attacks on people are not really that uncommon.

Wolf Attacks Boy in Canada Summary of an article by Cindi Lash that appeared in the August, 28, 1996 issue of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

On August 18, the Devanthal family was camping near a remote lake in Algonquin Provincial Park. At 2 am, Zach, 12, awoke the rest of the family screaming. Jagged gashes bisected his cheeks under both eyes, while other wounds gushed blood into his sleeping bag. While Zach slept, a wolf had attacked and dragged him, clamping its jaws around the Zach's face so tightly that its canine teeth penetrated his cheekbone and broke his nose in five places. There were other wounds: to his cheek and chin, a tear duct was crushed, and tissue was torn from his gums and one ear. The family then canoed for two hours in the darkness to get Zach help. He is OK now. Park officials claim no other human before Zach had been attacked by a wolf. In the week after the attack a camper's dog was killed by a wolf and two campers were forced from their campsites by a ravaging wolf. Park officials located and killed a wolf but can't be sure it is the one that attacked Zach.

Wolf attacks 6-year-old near Yakutat by KAREN AHO Daily News reporter Thursday, April 27, 2000

In what may be the first report of a wolf attacking a human in Alaska, a radio-collared wolf on Wednesday repeatedly bit a 6-year-old boy playing in a grove of alders at a logging camp northwest of Yakutat, Alaska State Troopers said. The boy had tears on his back and puncture wounds, but he was not seriously injured, troopers said. The wolf, an adult male that returned to the area shortly afterward and was shot, did not have any obvious signs of injury or trauma that would immediately explain aggressive behavior, troopers said. The wolf will be tested for rabies.

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