Cancer immunotherapy .net
Oraal plaveiselcel carcinoma
tumour type
Studie-protocol 2007 Klinische fase II studie
Current clinical phase II cats with oral squamous cell carcinomain the Netherlands
Oproep voor patienten:
met oraal plaveiselcel carcinoma
Behandeling van uw zieke kat gebeurt door vakkundige dierartsen, zoals die aangesloten bij:
tumour type
Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
Mechanism of IL-2 therapy of cancer

Cancers sensitve to IL-2
Surgery and IL-2
Radiotherapy and IL-2
Chemotherapy and IL-2

I want to co-operate (doctors)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Information for doctors
Information for patients
I want to support this research or  more information on the EPTI fund supporting this research
Our research is supported by Stichting ter bevordering van het onderzoek in de Experimentele Pathologie en in het bijzonder in de TumourImmunologie. Stichting EPTI, IJselstein, The Netherlands