- This page is intended to inform people about Canadian (British North American) men who served
and died during the American Civil War (1861-65). Canadians who fought in the war did so for various reasons; some went voluntarily, while others were pressed into service by shady recruiting tactics (crimping). Many
more Canadians found themselves in a position where they were fighting for their "adopted country,"
having left Canada to reside in the States at some time in their lives, often when they were young. All in all, it is believed
that between 40,000 to 60,000 Canadians served during the Civil War, the majority likely coming
from the then independent Maritime provinces and Canada East (now Quebec). That this great of a number fought in the war is somewhat debatable, although I have read that someone has already managed to compile a fairly extensive list of names. Unfortunately, it looks as though this information will not be made available in the near future. For this reason, my intention is to make as much information available so as to provide all interested people with a wealth of knowledge on this oft neglected aspect of Canadian history.
What's New: I have compiled a new "most up-to-date" list. Currently, the number of names stands at 3303, which is slightly less than the previous list. However, I have yet to add names from several sources, and I believe that this will push the total over 4,000.
Please read: First of all, I want to thank people who have contacted me and provided information and encouragement. For the time being, I will not be able to answer queries and such. In most cases, it is unlikely that I can assist at all, as the information that I have available is somewhat limited. I will make every effort in the next little while to make available what information that I do have through this site. I hope that it will assist some of you in your research.
Canadians in the Civil War Message Forum As I have not been devoting much time to this site recently, those of you with questions or information to share may want to join my Yahoo! Group.
Canadians in the Civil War eTexts I have begun to publish a number of eTexts at Lulu.com pertaining to Canadians in the Civil War and related subjects. For more information click here.
- The most up-to-date list of Canadians in the Civil War [here] (3303 names)
Relating to particular cities or regions of Canada
- Hamiltonians (Hamilton, Ontario) and the Civil War [here]
- Grand Army of the Republic Post 472 "W. W. Cooke" in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [here]
- American Civil War Veterans of Stormont County, Ontario [here]
Relating to Canadian individuals
- Gallery [here]
- Rankin's Lancers -- a Canadian MPP attempts to form a unit in 1861 [here]
- Visitor Submissions [here]
- Willaim Harvey Taylor [here]
- Mark Downie - 1st Minnesota Infantry [here]
Recommended Canada and the Civil War Books
Other items of interest
- Franco-American History [here] (Database of French Canadians and Franco-American Participants in the Civil War)
- States, Territories and Branches of Service [here]
- Links [here]
- Miscellany (consists mainly of blurbs from various Canadian newspapers)[here]
- Canadian Medal of Honor Recipients [here]
- Canadian-born Civil War Soldiers listed in the Historical Register and Dictionary of the U. S. Army, 1789-1903, volume 1 [here]
- Canadian-born men from Illinois serving in the U. S. Navy [here]
- British North American-born Blacks in the U.S. Navy [here]
- Canadians who died at Andersonville [here]
- Bibliography of Books Pertaining to Canadians and the Civil War [here]
- Bibliography of Articles Pertaining to Canadians and the Civil War [here]
- Civil War Veterans buried in Canada [here]
- The New York British Volonteers [here]
- created by: Ken Scheffler