I have been a
Purple Angel since
February 27, 2005..

My name is
Anita Torchia, and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I have
lived here all 49 years of my life. My plan, though, is
to move in the next 6 months to New Orleans, LA. WHY?
Because most of my friends have moved there, plus, I HATE the
winter weather.
animals. I am owned by 6 Yorkshire Terriers, and I am
VERY involved in Yorkie Rescue. I am proud to be a part
of "A New Start On Life"; the Rescue I mainly work
Jitters is 10 1/2 years old. She was
MINE the day she was born! I can't BELIEVE my
"Baby" is 10 1/2 years old! She THINKS she is
a puppy! She has pulled my heart strings since the day I
brought her home.
Buttons is
a 15 year old Yorkshire Terrier. She was at a local
shelter 2 years ago. Her "owner" wanted her to
be put down, because her Maltese sister was dying of cancer.
I was contacted by the shelter, and I brought her home to live
with me. She was 13 at the time, and she seemed like a
puppy! At 15, she is beginning to slow down. She
has cataracts, and doesn't run as fast, but otherwise, she is
healthy and loving!
Doo is a 7 year old
Yorkshire Terrier. He is a puppymill rescue, and my
first puppymill rescue. EVERYONE loves my Scooby Doo!
When he first came to live with me, he was 18 months old.
He was afraid of everyone and everything. NOW, he the
the "Greeter" when anyone comes to my home.
Because of Scooby Doo, I became VERY involved with Rescue, and
followed the foot steps of Michelle Bender, the
Owner and Founder of
"A New Start On Life".
Blue is a 5 year old
puppymill rescue Yorkshire Terrier. China Blue was 5
months old when she came to live with me. She is a very
"special baby". I was told by my vet that
because China Blue was born with SO many neurological
problems, she probably wouldn't see her first birthday!
Well, my little "survivor" has proved him wrong, and
he is always so happy to see her! She was also born
deaf, but has learned sign language. She is such a
sweetie, and if I didn't tell you she was deaf, you'd never
Blue is a 5 year old
puppymill rescue Yorkshire Terrier. Pepper Blue came to
me at the age of 5 months old. The puppymillers didn't
want him because his testicles had dropped! He WAS going
to be a foster, BUT, his first 3 weeks were spent at the Vet
Hospital because he was so dehydrated and has "gastric
problems." So, thousands of dollars later, I
decided to donate his vet charges to the rescue group, and
adopt him! He has some neurological
problems..........nothing as severe as China Blue; let's just
say, it took me 3 years to housebreak him, and he is a little
"dense" when it comes to learning anything.
Today, he is a healthy 5 year old furbaby!
Sammy is
a 7 year old Yorkie mix. He is an owner turn-in.
His "previous owner" didn't want him anymore because
he could NEVER be like his "sister" who passed away.
I was told Sammy was NOT lovable............believe me, this
boy is VERY lovable! I adopted him out to a family; they
returned him because he had ONE accident in their home.
Once Sammy came back to me, I just knew his "home"
was right here with me and my babies.
My "Real Job" is a Psychologist.
I am in Private Practice in Pittsburgh, PA and specialize in the treatment of
Trauma/Abuse and Eating Disorders. I LOVE my job, and couldn't imagine
doing anything else. The GREAT thing about my job, is that I bring my
furbabies to work with me. Every day a different baby comes with me.
They are VERY soothing to my clients, and I get to spend extra
"alone" time with each of them.
Oh yeah, I am 49 years old, single, though
my eyes still are open for the right man to come along! The last man
left me when Pepper Blue came to live with me, and I didn't ask the rescue to
pay for his hospital costs. He told me to choose "Dog" or
"him".............well, we ALL know what I chose!
I am a DIE - HARD Pittsburgh Steelers Fan!
I go to all the home games (no matter WHAT the temperature is), and when
possible go to the away games that I can get tickets to! I think I was
BORN a Pittsburgh Steeler Fan! My parents ALWAYS watched the games, had
Steeler parties, and eventually had season tickets. When my father
passed away in 1992, I "inherited" his season tickets.
You can
contact me at