amt_ac-130u.jpg (15721 bytes)

Reviewer: Gavin Reed  (rec.models.scale)

The AC-130U is yet another variant of the C-130 Hercules airframe, this time especially produced for the USAF Special Operations as an upgraded Gunship to take them into the 21st Century.  Known as the 'U-Boat' it's exact details both as an aircraft and mission profiles are still classified given that it is a new and covert operative.  It replaces the AC-130H version in Special Ops service and contains new targetting avionics allowing it to target multiple threats at the same time and utilise more than one of its big guns which include 25mm Gatling gun, 40mm Bofors gun or 105mm Howitzer.

Essentially the kit is AMT's AC-103H repackaged with an extra sprue for the U model's parts.  This means that wings, fuselage, tail and so forth are the H model parts and some extra work is required to revamp it as a U model.  The kit contains grey injected plastic with the normal AMT attention to panel lines and of reasonably good quality. Some of the parts on the 'U' sprue needed a bit of cleaning up to get rid of some crudeness and you can tell at a glance that it appears these have been added to a H kit.   There's obviously not much to be shown for the interior with only the detail covering the parts sticking out the side but it looks okay.  The tail on the U model is different to the H model so this must be cut to allow the U model part to fit in, also the 20mm five barrel cannon from the H sprue is chopped to make the 25 mm six barrel cannon for the U model.  There's a small amount of flash to contend with on the parts but otherwise looks okay.

Instructions are well set out but a bit vague in the exact positioning of a lot of the parts, especially sub assemblies and the guns.   You need to dry fit most things before glueing it otherwise you will get yourself into a sticky spot that is not just because of the glue!  Some parts are wrongly named, for instance the fire control center is called the ammunition box in the instructions.

Construction problems are those generally experienced with AMT kits, fit is reasonable but needs a bit of extra work to get in place.  Not bad enough to cause too much problems and should be overcome with reasonable ease by those with even basic skills, but certainly not up to the legendary fit ease of other kits like Hasegawa.  Spare some patience while you work on the bits as it generally pays off. The wings cause a little bit of problem as far as aligment and gaps are concerned and it may be best to glue them and the fuselage in stages.  Some small imperfections in the plastic, especially side fuselage windows may need to be taken care of but nothing too major.

Accuracy seems quite good on the completed model although there are a few antennae and tubes missing from the aircraft fuselage.  I added a couple of noticeable ones on by using strectched sprue but only the most discernable U-boat fanatic is going to spot the rest.  Those who have built the AC-130H from AMT are going to have the same kit with a few subtle differences to distinguish it as a U model.  There are two sets of decals for the aircraft that seem a little out of proportion for the scale but otherwise are okay.

Overall it's a decent kit. It isn't going to win any awards for complete accuracy or ease of make but it's nothing too much out of the ordinary to contemplate.  On the plus side with a bit of effort it makes a nice representation of a U boat that can spike up a model display cabinet quite nicely.


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