Dassault Mystere 4-A

Dassault Mystere 4-A Dassault Mystere 4-A
Dassault Mystere 4-A Dassault Mystere 4-A

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   The first Mystere IV-th arrived in Israel in 1956 and were in IAF service until the end of 1967 Six Day War. It flew both air-to-air and ground attack missions and managed to down 9 enemy aircrafts.

P.S. One more Israeli Mystere 4-A is now on display in the MUSEO NACIONAL AERONAUTICO Y DEL ESPACIO DE CHILE in Santiago. It was traded on the Hunter FGA.9 which is now in the IAF Museum exposition. You can find this Mystere's photo on AVIAVISION - CHILE site. Many thanks to this site's Webmaster Mr. Alvaro Romero Pérez for this interesting information.