The Luscombe Model 8, like the Phantom before it, was well ahead of its time. Don Luscombe got the first Model 8 going as part of a class project in one of his aviation trade schools and it went into production in 1938/39.It was the very first commercially successful all-aluminum light aircraft, although aircraft like the Buhl Pup had used the same material much earlier. By the time the war shut Luscombe down, the airplanes were selling extremely well,
Performance-Powered with a 75 h.p. Continental engine,the Silvaire has a maximum speed of 120 m.p.h.,cruises at 110 m.p.h.,Its normal range is 350 miles.Rate of climb 1100 ft./min. Service ceiling 17,000 ft.
Manufactured by Luscombe Airplane Corporation, West Trenton, New Jersey. Luscombe Model 8 Breakdown: Specifications for Luscombe Model 8C:-
Wing span 35'.
Length 20'.
Height 5' 10.5".
Weight empty 650lbs.(depending on equipment)
Gross weight 1200 lbs.
Fuel capacity 15gals.
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