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Bry's Pirate Radio Station

For fans of SHORTWAVE, MW-AM and FM band "Free Radio"

There are many formats out there: live audio, CDs, cartridges, cassettes, open reel tape, vinyl, computer files (MIDI, WAV, MP3, AU, REAL AUDIO etc.)
Music digital files come in several formats. The most popular ones are WAV files and MP3 Files.
WAV files are just like what is on an audio CD. You can make WAV files of your own voice or
from the stereo LINE INPUT on your sound card etc. with MUSIC MATCH JUKEBOX. Then you can record, play and edit songs and make your own
program sequences too!
Want some GREAT MP3 files from the web?
Everyone has heard of www.mp3.com, BUT they mostly have music by obscure new artists.
There is an alternative though:
Download the NAPSTER program and start sharing your
cool MP3 files with other people all over the world day and night!
It will even download files for you while you are asleep! Napster also has a built-in
Now to make your OWN MP3 files and convert them to WAV files and vice versa you want to use MUSIC MATCH JUKEBOX.
This program will help you prepare files for making audio CDs on your CD burner. (I use the NERO CD Burner Program)
There are some other AUDIO PLAYERS out there, but MUSIC MATCH is one of the best. You might find IUMA to be a useful resource too.
TO EDIT your WAV files you need either WHAM or COOL EDIT. These programs let you ad special effects, remove parts of WAV files etc. They both work extremely well!
It's easy to set up your own pirate station using these player and edit programs. Just connect the LINE OUT from your sound card to the inputs of an FM stereo Broadcaster and away you go! Your computer can do the rest using the programs above! Let your neighbours know what great music they SHOULD be listening to!
Michael from Aachen Germany writes:
No real changes to Radio Caroline over the last two months but I do have
a page up and going where you (anybody) can download recent audio clips
of Radio Caroline and get a little more recent information. Of course,
more will come over time:

This is one REMARKABLE Web Site Paul Sexton has put together. You GOTTA hear it!!
CLICK HERE to hear 1960s REAL 20,000 Watt Piracy!
The only time I have tried pirate radio was in 1967 in Marietta, Georgia with a K-mart record
player and an 807 tube transmitter I built for the Medium Wave (AM Broadcast) Band. I used to play
records and do a bit of dee-jaying. I had the equipment up on the third story of the windmill-style
clubhouse building of the apartments where we lived, in a storage area. Later on in college I was a
DJ on our current carrier station, WSTB RADIO!! Now THAT was fun.
Now, for a litle more detail about Pirate Radio in the U.K. (United Kingdom) - we received this message from
Tue, 28 Jul 1998
Sorry Bry, Radio Monique was a dutch pirate broadcasting from the "MI AMIGO"
off of the Kent coast in the early 70`s , they shared air time with Radio
Caroline,Monique broadcasting during the day on as I remember 909 Mhz AM and
Radio Caroline doing the night shift between 18:00 and 06:00. unfortunately I
believe they went down with the Mi Amigo in about 1976. they played basically
the same music as Caroline although it was more "POPPISH" i.e.more singles
rather than album tracks.
I also noticed on your websight that you had no mention of a station called
LASER 558 who used to broadcast from the north sea in the early eighties off
of a ship called LASER 558 this was just after Caroline started up again from
the ROSS REVENGE. They broadcast for about 18 months maybe 2 years until the
British government sent a cutter out to watch them for 24 Hrs a day stopping
supply vessels reaching them. While they were broadcasting they had a
HUGE following among the teen-agers locally.
For your further information, in the early nineties the Ross Revenge home of
Radio Caroline was boarded `illegally`?? by representatives of the British and
Dutch government who systematically destroyed the transmitters and all but one
of the generators on board the ship this is what eventually forced the closure
of Radio Caroline as a pirate station although they still broadcast under
special licence and running extremely low power from the Ross Revenge anchored
in a dock outside Chatham in Kent...
(Note from Bry - we will all miss Radio Caroline for sure!!)

From: kissfm ( E-mail: kissfm@tinyonline.co.uk )
Subject: re:radio monique artical
Date sent: Sat, 26 Jun 1999
1. Radio Monique did not broadcast from the mi-amigo,the mi-amigo home of
Radio Caroline sank in march 20th 1980 in heavy seas. The vessel was too old
to continue to stay afloat she grounded on a sand bank and took in water,so
much so that the pumps counld not handle it. It took four attempts for the
life boat to rescue the crew and canary.
2. The Ross Revenge the new home of Caroline dropped anchor in the north sea
in 1983 and started test transmissions not long after.
Radio Monique started broadcasting from the Ross Revenge around 1983/84 as
the dutch network, it transmitted on 819khz-366m medium wave. May I make a
suggestion? Contact the Caroline web site England and get all the lowdown on
the station from easter sunday 1964 -caroline 1999.
I hope that this information has been of some use! If you wish to reply
contact me at the following email address: kissfm@tinyonline.co.uk
My name is Jan, but please call me Jon (dutch to english translation...)

Date sent: Sun, 11 Jul 1999
From: Dave Granger
Organization: FMFX/Capitol Underground
Subject: FCC Shuts Down Denver Station
FCC shuts down Micro-station in Denver Colorado:
Capitol Underground Radio - The flagship station of the Denver Radio
Coalition was shut down Thursday July 8th, by FCC agents and local
At approximately 6:30 pm, one half hour after the beginning of
Capitol Undergrounds broadcast day two FCC agents, and three Denver
police officers gained entry into the broadcast studio. The agents then
seized the transmitter and antennae, cataloged and photographed the
studio and remaining equipment.
Capitol Underground and its staff will continue to fight for
legalized micro-power radio, and is actively lobbying the FCC and
Congress to pass the proposed rulemaking for Low-Power FM service.
To find out more about the Denver Radio Coalition and the
Free-Airwaves Campaign go to the Denver Radio Coalition web-site at
or contact Dave Granger at danger@netherworld.com for information on the
latest events in Denver.
We will not be stopped in our fight to bring Free-Radio to Denver and
the country.
Dave Granger
Capitol Underground Radio

For those who care, you can get information about the FCC Rules Part 15 for low power, unlicensed broadcasting at:
PART 15 RULES: Click on "Information
available online" then FCC rules and regulations.
Or take the shortcut here!

Where to Hear the Euro-Pirates!
Here are some logs from Europe for December 13, 1998
Frequency | Time UTC | Station | Remark |
6210 | 0844 | European Music Radio | E pop ID |
6219 | 0914 | Laser Hot Hits | E. ID |
6235 | 1009 | CLCG | CLCG Magazine |
6246 | 0845 | City FM | |
6258 | 1010 | UNID pop oldies | |
6261 | 0845 | Magic SW | E ID PO 1104 NL-8001 BC Zwolle |
6263 | 0945 | Fantasy Radio Network | Alex Warner ID |
6266 | 1002 | UK Radio | E. ID Adv |
6270 | 0847 | UNID | music |
6275 | 1045 | UNID | music |
6284 | 0933 | Farmers of Holland | music |
6299 | 0850 | Radio Torenvalk | E. ID |
6308 | 0933 | Radio Joystick | G. music/talk |
6308 | 1033 | Radio Pandora | E. ID |
6310 | 1020 | UNID | Pop |
7306 | 0924 | UNID | Pop, non-stop USB |
7415 | 1104 | Radio Silver | E. ID Oldies |
7415 | 1055 | IMR | E. USB - DJs Chris & Yellow |
7590 | 1104 | UNID | E. Oldies |
7590 | 0923 | FRSH Radio | E. ID USB |

Please report FAILED WEB LINKS here.
Over 230 Great Links and Growing!
Stations in North America
- MTRO SYDNEY, FM 93.75 in Halifax, CANADA
- Lick 106.9 FM in Monroe, Louisiana
- WPRT, 97.7 FM Paranormal Radio
- Don Juan's 87X FREE RADIO TAMPA - recently raided!
- GRID RADIO 96.9 FM Cleveland
- Free Radio Prison City 96FM in Michigan
- KCUF in L.A. with "Extreme Death Metal" (oh well...) - not really a pirate, but certainly non-conformists!
- WMLD Radio Pittsburgh , PA with 50 watts on 99.1 FM
- North Valley Radio 105.1 FM

Stations in Canada
- FM 90.4 in Toronto, Ontario
- JAM 90.5 FM in Toronto!

Stations in U.K. & Europe
- Alfa Lima International shortwafe radio in Holland
- Alfa Lima International shortwafe radio in Holland (Secondary site)
- Live Audio feeds from ten European Pirate stations
- FFFR: German Free Radio Page in English. Includes info on Radio Benelux 7480 kHz transmissions
- NEWER FFFR: German Free Radio Page in English. Includes info on Radio Benelux 7480 kHz transmissions
- StephenLewis' Pirate Radio Site with picture of Radio Noordsee and info about Radio Caroline etc.
- Michael's MP3 Files of old Radio Caroline sounds!
- RADIO 101 - a cool Euro-pirate rock station on 27 MHz Shortwave
- RADIO 510 International, from Europe
- Real Audio from England's stations of the past, Radio Caroline etc. Photos too!
- A history of U.K. Pirate Radio
- The history of a U.K. Pirate Radio D.J.
- The Modern Day 1990s London Pirate FM scene
- Free Radio World of Germany
- Radio Visie Off-shore Pirate Radio Page - lots of cool stuff
- DX group on Italy and station irate on shorts waves (well, that IS what he said to put!!)

Stations Elsewhere!
- The Jeff Davis Show, on Micro-power AM, FM and Shortwave
- RADIO PIRATA 99.9 FM - LA ONDA BARBARA: Pirate station in Nicaragua!

Pirate History
- Pirate's Cove
- This is one of the BEST and most exciting Pirate Radio sites I have seen, with audio archives and diary data about some of the famous old-time pirate stations!
- Jungle Piracy! 'Radio First Termer' - South Vietnam, 1971 - great site with radio playlists and audio samples!!
- DUNCAN's: Audio from Londons stations of the past, Radio Caroline etc. photos too!
- A history of U.K. Pirate Radio
- The history of a U.K. Pirate Radio D.J.

- ILG Co. The Radio Market Place for Transmitters, Antennas, Receivers, Tubes and Equipment (Europe)
- Tom RF's Web Site - Scheemaddics and Instructions to build your own Pirate Radio Equipment! - requires a PASSWORD? WHY?
- The Pirate Radio Kit Page - discussions, chat, information on kits, reviews and technical info exchange
- Broadcast.Net where you can buy old used broadcast transmitters
- Dale's nice selection of old used broadcast transmitters
And for that really BIG pirate station, there's always:
- Continental Electronics, Nevada City, California - HF transmitters for SW broadcast up to 500 kilowatts!
- An AM Transmitter Design
- Buy and sell crystals for your transmitter
- A practical 15 watt FM amplifier you can build (for VHF-FM broadcast or the 144 MHz ham band)
- Broadcast Warehouse Fm transmitters and products
- Marconis review of Broadcast Warehouse's new 1 watt LCD readout, PLL Transmitter
- FM Transmitters at supposedly low prices
- Suppliers of crystals for your transmitter
- ABC Rigs: ready-built line of transmitters, receivers and links
- Wavemach Communications: transmitters, amps etc.
- Wenzel Co. Crystal Oscillators & RF modules
- Ramsey Electronics AA-25 transmitter for AM Broadcasting
- MiniCircuits - great harmonic filters for your transmitter
- Mycal's Sources of Equipment and Information for VHF FM low-power broadcasting

Production Resources and Programming Materials
- Professional sweepers & promos. We're already rockin' on pirates: WPAR, Party Pirate, Phantom 101 and more
- John's Radio Show - coming soon!
- DX Audio Service in Real Audio: Great old music and radio sounds (Fred Vobbe)
- RealProducer: Tools for converting WAV files etc. to RealAudio files for WEB Broadcasting etc.

Legal Matters
- Rodger Skinner's Petition for Rulemaking to the FCC requesting the creation of a LPFM service
- Grassroots News Network - Coalition of 29 media oriented groups incl. micro radio to deal with the FCC
- North Valley Radio 105.1fm - by Mark Alan in Oroville, Washington, USA Low Power FM Micro-Caster - New legal info will be added. Those interested in the Micro-KIND, GRID, FRB, and Lonnie Kobres legal cases may find this site thought provoking

Current News
- Lonnie Kobres Microbroadcaster arrested by FCC
- Grassroots News Network - Coalition of 29 media oriented groups incl. micro radio to deal with the FCC
- Don Juan's 87X FREE RADIO TAMPA - recently raided!
- Radio Free Internet - Quarterly news and information you can use!

General Pirate Interest
- Ken Branch's Fantastic Pirate Radio site (& more) from Essex, in England
- MIGHTY's Pirate Radio Site - It's mighty good!!
- How to be a Radio Pirate
- C-Rock web site with Real Audio!!
- PIRATE CHAT: Try it in the evenings at 19.00 UTC for a
chat. Scroll down the page until you see CHAT.
- Another pirate radio site of interest
- The Pirate Radio Kit Bulletin Board - share ideas & links etc.
- 2,000 FLUSHES: Pirate Radio Information Page......oh kaaaaaay!
- Chris Smolinski's 'Pirate Talk' page
- EntrancE (not sure what this is yet!)
- Swampy's PIRATE MONITOR Page
- WKJCE Pirate Web Page
SW Pirate radio audio, info & chat!
- Low Power Broadcasting FAQ Page
- Another Low Power Broadcasting FAQ Page
- Medium Wave Alliance: AM transmitter schematics for 550-1700 kHz band! Click on ENGINEERING
- Allen Cutts Home page
- Martin's pirate radio address list. etc.
- Mark Weiss's micropower broadcasting movement page
- Kind Micro Radio, with Internet Audio feed
- Columbia River Radio in Portland, 89.5 MHz and 13 MHz SW in the 22 meter band
- The Dissent Show
- Tom's Pirate Page
- -=Channel 61=- The best of pirate radio and TV
- Radio Newyork International: Famous offshore station. Not much here, but promises Real audio clips in the future
- The Decade Company A new Canadian company that sells, very expensive FM transmitters(starting at $900). Cool Site though!!
- Les Ondes de Pirates (French - The Waves of the Pirates!) Great Links all in English though!
- Onda Caliente A shortwave pirate station from France that transmitts on Sunday mornings
- Stuart Kidd's REAL AUDIO "Pirate Station" on the WEB live broadcasts WED & THU evenings from London
- SRS (The Swedish Report Service) European Pirate DX-ers Extensive logs (The Best European Pirate Radio Site!!)
- The Free Radio Network Info, pictures & audio clips
- Durham Radio Sales & Service Low power FM Transmitters! Canada's largest Ramsey Dealer!
- A pirate radio station in Pittsburgh, PA
- Free Radio Santa Cruz!!
- Radio Resources, Baltimore, MD Go to "preowned showroom"
- Reinier de Barbier's FREE-RADIO-FADING site (Dutch FM pirate w/photos)
- Radio station WKJCE
- CCA Electronics Broadcast Transmitter manufacturer
- Information on Getting Started in Amateur Radio (not PIRATE!)
- Rogue Radio Research, case histories: Includes case study of Free Radio Berkeley
- A 14 year-old has fun with Free Radio!
- Does the FCC still care? Some comments! (works now!!)
- A U.K. Pirate Web Site
- Joop Ter Zee: Free Radio from the Netherlands
- Freestyle FM (pirate radio from Delft, Holland)
- Free Radio Fading (Holland)1970s & 80s
- NLNR 101.9 MHz FM in Seattle, WA
- FCC Enforcement comments
- Henk Leppers Pirate Mediapage
- John Harper's FM Free Radio site
- KPRT Pirate Radio
- WATTS UP! - a pirate magazine
- New Zealand Free Radio
- The Amazing History of Pirate Radio in New Zealand!
- Achim's Free Radio Disaster
- Sales page with info about AM BC transmitters
- Jim's Radio Room - Tubes & hi-power BC transmitting LARGE graphics!
- Transatlantic radio Europirates
- List of all the latest pirate radio in London
- Psych Rock info page!!
- Dutch FM transmitter schematics on-line
- Broadcast Station Locator
- Steve's Radio World
- Clandestine Radio International
- ACE Clandestine Radio site
- FCC Information about low power radio
- KICK-FM Radio Station
- Antennas for pirates by John Lentz
- Amplifiers for Pirate Radio
- Tom Grady, G6IGA's Ham Radio, Scanning & pirate site
- Burton James of 102.1 FM Pirate & Patriot government conspiracy pages!
- Burton James of 102.1 FM Pirate & Patriot government conspiracy page 2
- Legal Briefs filed in the Stephen Dunifer "Pirate" case
- Is it Legal? Will I get caught? The FCC and Pirates!
- Real Audio On-air samples of old TOP
40 DeeJays!
- Pirate address list, infos, DJs etc.
- Diagrams etc for BA1404 transmitters, Linears and other stuff
- INFO about ARC5 SW transmitters from WW2 which can be converted for Pirate AM (NOT for beginners!)
- A Dutch Pirate station with great links
- Micropower Broadcasting Movement
- Various Pirate stations: Laryngitis, Confusion etc.
- Italian pirate radio 'Freewaves'
- J. Cruzan mirror for Greek pirate radio
- Stichting Media Communicatie
- alt.radio.pirate via www news
Please report FAILED WEB LINKS here.
- Free Radio Network - Links to MANY stations
- Media Pirates Network
- Pirate Connection
- Radio Marabu
- Telstar Radio FRCG
- Harry's pirate radio web site
- Pirate Radio Newsgroup archives
- VERONICA FM transmitter kits 5 watts of pirate delight!
- RADIO WAVES' OTHER PAGE: lots of links & info
- Micropower broadcasting movement
- AND Freedom of the airwaves!
- NLNR 102.1 FM American micro-broadcaster
- Latest UK & London pirate radio listings
- Pirate supplies from North Country
- John Harper's Pirate FM radio site
- FREE RADIO WEEKLY on-line magazine.
- The Virtual Pirate Band TRY IT!
- FREE RADIO pirate radio site
- Pirate station in Minneapolis
- L.D. Brewer's Pirate pages
- Pirate xmtr kits
- Transmitter Plans on-line
- MORE Pirate Radio kits
- Pirate radio Web pages!
- Pirate radio Web pages!
- Pirate radio Web pages!
- WTPS PIRATE RADIO by Commander Todd
- Pirate Connection Magazine
- Pirates & more! PIRATE RADIO is alive!
- Radio Newyawk International: Old defunct pirate station. Real Audio clips soon
- Radio Free Holland: Popular European SW pirate station) cool homepage
- Jan Nieuwenhuis's EUROTX web page
- Mycal's Micro Radio Page - excellent: starting your own FM Pirate Radio station
- D. Schmidt (FM pirate gear) Seller of transmitters etc.
- Free Radio Stations Pirate INFO
- MY FREE RADIO FAQ my copy available here!
- Latest update to the FREE RADIO FAQ" IF he is still doing it!
- FAQ: Low Power FM Broadcast transmitters
- More Wonderful Pirate radio links!
- Chris Smolinski's SW/Pirate/numbers Radio info page!
- Glen's Pirate Radio Site
- FRSH Radio, Netherlands A COOL Dutch Pirate Station!!
- List of pirates who were heard this weekend
Broadcast Equipment Manufactures and Suppliers
- Audio Broadcast Group - Broadcast Equipment Supplier
- A/D Technologies, Inc. - Technical Services & RF Systems
- Abekas: Furniture and equipment
- ADC Telecommunications - More than Patch Bays
- RADIO-ONLINE: Some great radio resources here
- Audio Concepts and Engineering: Technical Broadcast Consulting
- Andrew Corporation: Coax, Antennas & Accessories
- Belar Electronics Laboratory: Send Mail to Belar - Monitoring Equipment
- BBH Software: Specializes in Media Addresses and Databases
- Broadcast Software International: Digital Studio and Other Broadcast Related Software
- Broadcast Systems: Broadcast Equipment Distributor
- BSS Audio: Pro Audio Signal Processing & Distribution Equipment
- Broadcast.Net: Shopping Mall of Broadcast Equipment
- Carpenter & Associates: Broadcast Equipment Leasing
- Circuit Research Labs: Audio Processing, RBDS
- Comrex: Equipment Manufacturer
- Crouse-Kimzey Company: Equipment Supplier
- Communications Data Services, Inc.: Broadcast & Communications Software & Data Supplier
- EDX Engineering: Broadcast Engineering Software Demos & Databases
- Dixon Systems: Manufacturer & Services Supplier
- Dolby Labs: Dolby Equipment Web Site
- Electrotex: SBE Internet Provider/Electronic Parts Supplier
- Energy Control Systems: Power Quality Equipment
- Euphonix: Audio Mixing Consoles
- Eventide: Audio Processors
- Hall Electronics: Digital, Pro Audio & RF Equipment
- Hi-Tech Enterprises: Dealers of used/new broadcast video equip
- Harris/Allied Broadcast Division: Equipment Manufacturer
- HL Dalis: Parts and Equipment Supplier
- International Tapetronics - International Tapetronics Corporation (ITC)
- Jampro Antennas - FM and TV Antennas
- LeBlanc - Supplier
- Leitch - Equipment Manufacturer
- LJ Video Engineering - Equipment Rental & Services
- Logitek Systems, Inc. - Digital Audio Meters, Amplifiers & consoles
- McCurdy - Hard Disk Audio, Metering and Audio Monitoring
- Meret/Dynair - Optical Transmission Products
- Mole/Richardson - Lighting, Grip & Camera Supplies
- MGN Online - Media Graphics & Photo Database
- Omnicron Video - Audio/Video Duplication Accessories
- One-Step - Coaxial Cable Leak Repair
- Optimark - Fiber Optic Components & Transmission Systems
- Orban - Audio Processing
- Powergold - Music Scheduling Software
- R F Specialties - Broadcast Equipment Supplier
- Panasonic - Products Division
- Phasetek - AM Phasors and Antenna Systems Components
- Radio Data Systems (RDS) - RBDS Equipment Supplier
- Richardson Electronics - Tubes and Semiconductors
- Rule Broadcast Systems, Inc. - Equipment Rental
- Smart Radio Store - RBDS Receiving Equipment
- SOSOFT - ISDN Remote Talkback & Control Software
- Seimans Audio - Audio Equipment
- Smart Radio Store - RBDS Receiving Equipment
- Svetlana - Tubes
- TELOS Systems - ISDN & Telephone interfacing equipment
- Toshiba - Equipment Manufacturer
- Tucker Electronics - New and Used Test Equipment (out of Business now??)
- Tektronix - Product Information
- V.A.S. Group - Scan Converters - Animation Controllers
- V-Soft Communications - Doug Vernier AM/FM/TV Engineering Software
- Videotape Products, Inc. - Broadcast & Ind. Video Equipment Dealer
- Zephyr - Audio Codec Manufacturer

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