Exploded views/part diagrams of some guns
Azt hiszem (gyk: asszem) , sokan vagyunk meg olyanok akik csaknem annyira szeretjuk a fegyvereket ossze meg szetszerelgetni , es ugy altalaban buheralni , mint loni veluk. Na , ha ti is igy vagytok akkor igazan fogjatok elvezni az alabbi kepeket , amik mar szetszedve vagy metszetben abrazoljak kedvenc eszkozeinket.
I think, that we are so many who like to field-stripping , repairing firearms , almost as to shoot them. I think you will also love these images which show our favourite devices as exploded views.
I think , most of you have this image in your head...
Sub-Compact 9mm Para with modular building. Interesting , that the mainspring pulls instead pushing.
Both in .44Spec. and .357 Mag.
A sub-compact DAO again.
Czech CZ-75 an excellent conventional handgun.
33+1 shooter Hungarian pistol , the mag is the big cylinder. (this is only the prototype)
The Ruger Revolvers` mechanism is different from every other kinds of revolvers.
Smith and Wesson M686 .357Magnum
The classic heavy duty Magnum.
Tipical DA/SA semiauto pistol from SW. If you know the FEG P9R you can see, that the differences are very little.
Polymer frame gun with built-in recoil absorbing system. Who knows which firing-mode version is this one?
The new toy of the agent 007.
The all-time classic pocket-pistol.
Here you can see , that the Makarov is very different from Walther PPK. (Compare to FEG BR61 or Walther PPK)
Cross-sectional view of the brutal Soviet selective-fire pistol in 9x18 Makarov.
Hungarian clone of PPK in .380 ACP with aluminium frame.
Small Hungarian pistol designed by Rudolf Frommer the director of FEG before the WW2. It was made in .32 and .380ACP. Very rare closed-bolt handgun in this caliber.
This miniature pistol have slide stop lever and grip safety as its larger brothers.
With special DA fast shooting mechanism.
Exactly a Stoeger STS American Eagle
The old version, not the current US military model.
Forerunner of the M92, also known as Egyptian Helwan.
Small Italian military pistol from WW2.
It looks like a toy , but it is a gun.
Taurus` copy of SIG locking.
With unique rotary-barrel locking.
Austrian world class target pistol.
Disassembly views of Bushmaster XM15 E2S
Spanish SMG .
Another mini SMG.
cal: 4,7 mm Ohne Hulse, pioneer AR with caseless ammunition. I don't think that this conception have future, but it's an interesting mechanism.