Republican Party

Republicans are against affirmative action because they believe people should
be judged by their ability.  They have consistently attacked affirmative action all levels
of government:local, state, and federal.  In 1996, Republicans abolished California’s affirmative
action programs in public education, public employment, and public contracting.

“Because we are all one America, we oppose discrimination. We believe in the equality of all
people before the law and that individuals should be judged by their
ability rather than their race, creed, or disability.”

American Independent Party

The American Independent Party does not support affirmative action because
they support the fact that people should be judged on their abilities rather than race.
They are affiliated at the national level with the U.S. Taxpayers Party.

Statement of Purpose:
“We oppose government speculation with Social Security trust funds, and affirmative
action programs which substitute racial favoritism for ability.”

U.S. taxpayers Party

The U.S. taxpayers Party disagrees with affirmative action.  They believe God created
everyone equal, so everyone should be judged primarily on their merits.

 Individual Rights
“Human dignity is a basic right recognized in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
We affirm that human beings are created equal by God and, therefore, should be
evaluated on their individual merits.
We call for the elimination of all so-called affirmative action programs which
substitute race, or creed, or other illegitimate criteria for merit.”

Libertarian Party

Libertarians do not support affirmative action, but they strongly support
Constitutionally-protected civil liberties including the right to equal treatment under the law.
They oppose government inference in education and employment.  Libertarians do not
believe in governmental quotas that deny individual’s rights because of sex, race, color,
religion, age, and disability.  Because of their strong opposition to affirmative action,they want
to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1991and the Americans With Disabilities act.

“No individual's rights should be denied or abridged by the laws of the United States or any
state or locality on account of sex, race, color, creed, age, national origin, marital status,
sexual preference, physical handicap or learning disability. We affirm that government should
not use quota systems based on any of the above criteria.
We oppose any governmental attempts to regulate private choice in association, including
discrimination in employment, housing, and the use of privately-owned "public"
accommodations. The right to trade includes the right not to trade -- for any reason
whatsoever. We also call for the repeal of the so-called Civil Rights Act of 1991 whose
self-contradictory provisions forces employers to use hiring quotas on the basis of race and
sex in order to avoid "disparate impact" lawsuits, but whose provisions make it illegal to use
such hiring quotas.
We call for repeal of the Americans With Disabilities Act, which mandates costly expenditures
of taxpayers' money for new equipment for and jobs for the physically and mentally
handicapped (including those who are drug or alcohol dependent). Indeed, requiring employers
to provide benefits discourages employers from hiring low-skilled or disabled people.”

Pansexual Peace Party

The Pansexual Peace Party (PPP) disagrees with affirmative action. They do not believe in
special treatment of humans.  The PPP believes all people should be treated equally
for many reasons including race, gender, and religion.

Human Rights
“The PPP affirms that humans everywhere ought to be treated the same regardless of ethnic
background (race), gender, religious affiliation, national origin, stature, appearance, physical
disability, sexual orientation, age, class, caste, or political alignment.”


Democratic Party

Position papers:
The Democratic Party supports affirmative action.  Democrats want to make sure all
Americans receive the opportunity to achieve the American dream.  They support all laws
promoting equal opportunity for all Americans by prohibiting discrimination based on race,
gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation.  Since the Democrats strongly
support affirmative action, they also support programs which meet the four standards
of fairness President Clinton outlined in 1995.”

Green Party

 The Green Party agrees with affirmative action on the basis that it should be race/gender-based
instead of class-based.  They support race/gender affirmative action because it is an attempt
to include specific groups that were excluded in the past.  The Greens also support race/gender
affirmative action because it promotes diversity.

  The Green Party recognizes the need for affirmative action programs and supports the following:
 · Retention of inclusion goals for women and minorities in government hiring and procurement
when all other qualifications are equal--similar to the preferences given to veterans.
 · Maintaining employment programs whose goals are to achieve a workforce that
reflects the diversity of the community.
 · Promoting equal employment opportunity through education and examples of successful
programs, but also pursuing Court imposed remedies and legal retribution where necessary.
 · A realistic assessment of our future economy and employment in the post-industrial age.
 · Proportional representation as an affirmative action towards achieving fair representation
for all. Electoral systems promote patterns of inclusion or exclusion and, so, the Green Party
supports the goals of the Voting Rights Act.

Peace and Freedom Party

The Peace and Freedom Party supports affirmative action to combat past and present
discrimination based on race and gender.  They have been consistently defending the rights
of working class people, of minorities, and of women.

Ending Racism and National Oppression
Accompanying the continuing economic crisis, we see a rise in racial discrimination, increased
terrorism against racially and nationally oppressed people, and retrenchment in civil rights.
Minority families are disproportionately victimized by cutbacks in health care, education,child
care,welfare, food stamps and jobs.
We demand:
- End all forms of racial discrimination.
- Enforce non-discrimination in hiring and promotion with affirmative action where necessary.

Democratic Socialist Party

The Democratic Socialists support affirmative action because they believe in equality among all
people.  They fight for gender and racial equality through social movements.

where we stand:
“We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both
on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources,
meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality,
and non-oppressive relationships.”
“Democratic socialists are dedicated to building truly international social movements - of
unionists, environmentalists, feminists, and people of color.”

Communist Party

The Communist Party stands for affirmative action because their underlying belief is in full
equality and unity.  Communists fight to end racism and discrimination everywhere including
the work place.

Communist Party Principles:
  “For full equality and against all forms of racism, chauvinism and discrimination. The US working
class is multinational, multiracial, men and women, young and senior, skilled and unskilled.
Only full equality and unity of the working class can beat the power of the capitalist class.
 We are an integral part of every struggle and movement for change to eliminate poverty
and joblessness, against racism and for full equality.”

Reform Party

The Reform party should support affirmative action because they believe in diversity as one of
our greatest strengths.  One way to achieve diversity, is through affirmative action programs.

“ We, the members of the Reform Party, celebrate our heritage of individual liberty, recognizing
that one of our greatest strengths is our diversity; and we will foster tolerance of the customs,
beliefs, and private actions of all persons which do not infringe upon the rights of others.”

Patriot Party

The Patriot Party supports the Reform Party, so they should also support affirmative action.
Affirmative action would give people equal opportunity along with promoting diversity.

Party Principles
    “ Our party shall promote an economic system dedicated to free enterprise in which all Americans
have an equal opportunity to achieve economic rewards in proportion
to their individual initiative, effort and ability.”

“ We, the members of the Patriot Party, celebrate our heritage of individual liberty, recognizing
that one of our greatest strengths is our diversity; and we will foster tolerance of the customs,
beliefs, and private actions of all persons which do not infringe on the rights of others.”


Natural Law

The Natural Law Party believes in affirmative action, but not in affirmative action quotas.  They
support affirmative action in the workplace and in schools because it promotes equal
opportunity and ends discrimination.

Affirmative Action
“The Natural Law Party believes that affirmative action is a necessary evil--a stop-gap measure
to prevent discrimination in the workplace and in school admissions policies. However, the
Party does not support quotas, since we feel that representatives of all sectors of society find
quotas to be demeaning and a source of resentment in the workplace. The Natural Law
Party upholds laws guaranteeing equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
In addition, history has shown that it is difficult to legislate equality; government cannot be
present in every business and school to ensure that people are always treated fairly. Therefore,
the Natural Law Party places its strongest focus on education programs that can develop
broad comprehension, increased intelligence, and improved moral reasoning, thereby reducing
the social stress that leads to fear, divisiveness, and narrow-mindedness.”

New Party

The New Party supports affirmative action because they believe in fairness.  They do not want
race or gender to get in the way of anyone receiving a fair chance.

New Party Principles:
“The same recognition fuels our commitment to fairness in social life -- not letting such moral
irrelevancies as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, country of origin, or inheritance
determine one's life chances.
* We want a society in which everyone receives a fair chance
        in life, regardless of race or gender.”

Labor Party

 The Labor Party supports affirmative action and anti-discrimination programs.  They are against
discrimination of any kind, including race, gender, and disability.  The programs they support
would give workers more rights.

The Labor Party's Program
“Not to be discriminated against because of our race, gender, ethnicity, disability, national origin,
or sexual orientation, at work or in our communities.
We favor full rights for all, and we will tolerate no discrimination or other form of injustice
based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, disability, national origin, age, creed, sexual orientation,
language, or political beliefs.”

“We support affirmative action and anti-discrimination programs to take away the bosses’
power to divide and conquer.”