Spider's Gun Control Debating Pages

Want to debate the issue of gun control? Bring up some new point or angle you've come up with? Relate some interesting fact or statistic you've heard? Or maybe just spout off? Send an email to me, Spider, at spider44@airmail.net and I will do my best to post it and my response here as quickly as possible. I will not print your email address with your message unless you specifically tell me to.

PS - I don't censor information, ideas, and opinions - but since it is my page, I reserve the right to censor offensive language (although I have a pretty lenient interpretation of "offensive"). I will substitute corny and bizarre words and expressions for profanities at my own discretion, so for your own sake, keep it clean.

Soliloquy - Spider's "It's not ALL about Self Defense"

Some Thoughts Concerning Your Discussion With Cathy - begun 2/21/97

Brian Gives Us A Corrections Officer's Point Of View - begun 2/19/97

Some Commentary From Wizardkiller, begun 2/10/97

Spider's Debate With Cathy F., begun 1/20/97

Spider's Typical Debate With A Gun Control Advocate, circa 3/96

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