The New Blanquism
Anton Pannekoek
(Originally published in Der Kommunist (
When the material situation is
conducive to revolution, but the masses remain passive and are not at all
inclined to revolt, doctrines then arise which seek to attain their goal by
other means than the political revolution of the proletarians. So it was in
It is therefore easily understandable that similar doctrines should once again make their appearance, although, of course, in a much more advanced and elaborate form, based on everything which, in the form of the Marxist doctrine of class struggle, has in the meantime become the common property of all proletarian fighters; and they have thus taken shape as different versions of those teachings. The conviction that the proletariat must build up its economic power in the domain of the production process, by means of the factory councils, and that all the politics of force (Gewaltpolitik) practiced by Noske’s people must be incapable of overcoming this economic power, could lead to a kind of neo-Proudhonism, if its proponents come to believe that this method is sufficient, by means of its miraculous power, to conduct society to the communist order without major revolutionary struggles on the part of the proletariat. On the other hand, a neo-Blanquist tendency is becoming evident in the conception that a revolutionary minority could conquer and hold political power, and that this would be the conquest of political power by the proletariat. This tendency is displayed in the writings of Struthahns1 on the dictatorship of the working class and the Communist Party.
Struthahns says, concerning the dictatorship of the working class: “What does this mean? That the interests of the working class come first and that these interests alone guide policy. Secondly, that it can only be administered by workers organizations.” In other words: the “dictatorship of the working class” does not mean the dictatorship of the working class, but something else. It is not a class dictatorship, but the dictatorship of certain groups, and it calls itself a proletarian dictatorship because it is implemented by a workers organization (the SPD is also a workers organization) and because it puts the workers’ interests first (which is what many social traitors assert about themselves). What is depicted here is the dictatorship of the communist party, the dictatorship of a determined revolutionary minority.
He then offers many
qualifications of this definition, however; usually excellent explanations
concerning the role of the Communist Party in the revolution, which display
great political dexterity with words, to the effect that this idea is not to be
understood as advocating blind coup attempts, and that its supporters have
learned much from the Russian Revolution. But his theoretical principle deserves
closer scrutiny. As an additional corollary of his doctrine, it is, again, not
the Communist Party as a whole, but its central committee which exercises the
dictatorship, first of all within the party, where it excludes certain people
from the circle of its absolute power, and uses underhanded methods to expel
the opposition. Now, much of what Struthahns says about this concept of
dictatorship is also very valuable. But the proud words about the
centralization of revolutionary power in the hands of proven champions would
make a greater impression if it were not known that this argument was currently
being used to defend a short-sighted, opportunistic policy intended to inveigle
the Independents, and in the interests of a zealous pursuit of the
parliamentary tribune. Nor is his appeal to
We are by no means fanatics of
democracy, we have no superstitious respect for majority decision nor do we
render homage to the belief that everything the majority does is for the best
and must succeed. Action is crucial, activity overpowers mass inertia. Where
power enters as a factor, we want to use and apply it. If, nonetheless, we
firmly reject the doctrine of the revolutionary minority, this is just for the
reason that it must lead to a mere semblance of power, to merely apparent
victories, and thus to serious defeats. It could be applicable in a country
where the apathy of the masses is a characteristic of their class situation,
such as, for instance, in a country with a peasant majority, who do not see
anything outside of their villages and turn their backs on national politics;
there, an active proletarian minority of the population could conquer State
power. But if this tactic has never been attempted or recommended in
It is therefore correct to
emphasize that the process of the revolution will be much slower and more
difficult in Western Europe, because the bourgeoisie is much more powerful here
than in
This does not mean that victory is not possible here: the proletariat also has vast untapped resources; the revolution here will take place on a much greater scale. Nor does this mean that revolutionary expropriation must be postponed to a distant future: circumstances could somehow compel the masses to take power into their hands at any time, despite all the spiritual impediments, which can then only be overcome later, within a subsequent process of struggle. But this does mean that the revolution is not possible as a result of the actions of a resolute minority. Everything the latter does is done to seize a hostile power in the hands of the bourgeoisie, rather than on behalf of the revolution.
In this social environment the
revolutionary Party is not embedded among the masses, who
look on with indifference—or so it seems; everything which may appear to be an
apparently apathetic stance towards communist propaganda is capable of turning
into an instrument of the counterrevolution thanks to the power of
capitalist-bourgeois ideology. While one part of the proletariat, upon whom
crucial struggles rely, is paralyzed, passive, and rendered indecisive by the
old ideology, the more backwards elements, whose passivity is expected, become
a force for the bourgeoisie. The history of the
In the capitalist countries with a spiritually powerful bourgeois culture, any deviation in the direction of a Blanquist tactic is consequently doomed and must be condemned. The doctrine of the revolutionary minority, of the communist party dictatorship (Parteidiktatur), is a sign of the underestimation of the enemy’s power, and of the underestimation of the necessary work of propaganda, which must lead to the most serious setbacks. The revolution can only issue from the masses, and it is only through the masses that it is carried out. The Communist Party has forgotten this simple truth and, with the insufficient forces of a revolutionary minority, it wants to do what only the class can do, in such a way that the consequence will be defeat, which will set back the cause of the World Revolution for a long time, at the cost of the most painful sacrifices.
1. A pseudonym employed by Karl Radek.