Personal research of engineer Boris Dobrovensky

The mystery of Israeli submarine "DAKAR".


Just now, 9 November 2001 I saw the photo of the upper
bridge, that was found in distance of 230 meter of the 
wreck. But in the realty it is a third of conning tower,
that have a specific form, - other as it seemed me
before of it was picked up and at last was publicated.
That is the view:

The form of these part of conning tower, consist an actual information that very matter for to make a right conclusion about occurred with INS "Dakar", 33 years before. The new information is very matter for understanding what could happen with "Dakar" in it's last time. But the photo of the conning tower is very litle and give not the needing information of many technical question, that we have to answer and to disclose. At last could to be made clear as all versions, that was written before, are mistakenly. -The specifical real form of the wreckedd submarine should given a correct answer -what occurred then, at the storm night, 24 january 1968. We will know the truth. This time is not far. Would I could see the photo of the bridge before then should not be the mistake version. So,a view on the photo negative my supposition as anybody dismantled the bridge from the konning tower, as I conceived it mystakenly. Nobody does not corrected me. The image on the photo learn that on the "Dakar", in these fatal night could be occurred a fire, that caused an exsplosion, as in result of it the half of the Conning Tower(with the bridge) was thrown off from the wrecked ship so far as more was the power of explosion. This supposition could be checked by laboratory examination, if so occurred; but who could to disclose now the real cause of the fire and when it occurred ?! There was an inner or a foreghn faktor caused the explosion; does it was a wreck or no? The Conning tower and a fragment of the added tank would to answer a basic question. Nobody does not corrected me that the upper bridge is a welded part of the Conning tower and so it could not be dismantle by man. I am very griev, but my previous version could be (all or part of them) are mistakenly. I will correct the written as soon, as possible.

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  The Inquest of INS "DAKAR" and its crew loss in 1968.
                                32 years ago.
For the conclusion from inquest click here.

  25 January 1968, -the Israeli submarine "DAKAR" vanished
  on the way from Portsmouth, England to Haifa, Israel.
  -In May 28, 1999, - the submarine was found near Crete,
  500 km from Haifa, in deep 2900 meter of water (near the
  point of it's last communication with Haifa Navy Base.

  -At last the "DAKAR" is found.. But as 32 years before,
  the secret of its mysterious sunk -left unsolved.

  -The all present explanations of what caused the
  wreck are doubt because they were not proved.
  The autor of this page during the 31 years far
  as 'Dakar' were found), tryed to disclose the 
  mystery of the 'Dakar's disappearance in 1968.
  Here written about 'Dakar' and seeking for it.
  There are describe several versions of the 
  disaster and research the reasons of it sunking.
  -Now is clear that my supposition of location of 
  sunking submarine "Dakar", was assumed right.
  It was found accuracy in the place as I pointed
  (Year before of the "Dakar" found).
  See my 1998 th -letter to Prime Minister 

  Up to moment as the ruins of "Dakar" found,
  I was sure as it was caught in a -special net.
  It was my 1968 th version of "Dakar" lost. That
  version up to day left as earthly and logical.
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 Because I had not a chance to study the "Dakar's"
 ruins, the publicized information caused me a 
 mistakly impression of the general show; so I 
 thought as if do not were any ship that got the 
 S.O.S. signals of disaster from "Dakar"(in spite
 of as this supposition is not proved), -so caused 
 me a wrong impression, as if nobody (ship) do not 
 met the "Dakar" after its last communication.

 Yet passible as the disaster occurred as a crack 
 in the hull as -a metal fatigue, or  because of 
 other technical reason as described in my
second version about occurred with 'Dakar'. 
 In 1999 I sent to Government inspector the note 
 for  to  inquest -the wreck, as causing because 
 of  technologic negligence welding.
But the new proofs caused me to seek the realty answers in alternative direction to. Now is very important to know, if at last the cage of emergency buoy and the tank were found in area around 'Dakar'. In the meantime know that the bridge of 'Dakar were rised from the bed of sea, but it photo do not showing.
As it attended, the most obtained proofs were inclosed from public without any argue of security. But as at 4 April I got update about specific form of the dam-buoy's cable's scrap and informed that the socket of the buoy not found, as the new data caused for -change of the kast conclusion. -The specific form of cable's end pointed as in the time as the wrecked "Dakar" floated helpless under water, -above it occurred an action of any foreigner ship, that tore out the wreck-buoy from "Dakar" together with its socket and cable.

The way of "Dakar's" running.. and.. Sketch of disposition "Dakar's" ruins

  The actual information caused other conclusion.
 -The specific form of cable's end pointed that
 at time as the wrecked "Dakar" floated helpless
 under water, about it maybe occurred action of 
 any ship, that tore out the wreck buoy together 
 with its cage and cable from desk of 'Dakar'. 
 So was influenced the destiny of "Dakar's" crew.

     The mystery of the dam-buoy.
a. The emergency buoy of "Dakar" was pulled out
  from the desk together with its cable and socket.

b. For to break the cable of buoy necessary action
 about three Ton power; in middle of the sea that
 action passible only by partnership of any ship;
 or were extention situation as the buoy released
 by crew in more of 250 meter deep of water;
 or were other extention situation as the buoy 
 released just after wreck, but the sunk was so 
 quicly, as the buoy pulled out with its' socked.
c. Or this action was causing by any foreigner
 ship that come near "Dakar" or on the S.O.S.
 signal, or it come before of the wreck occurred,
 or any fish-boat with a -trade fish-net that
 passed here and so caught the wreck-buoy.
d. After any time this buoy was throw out in the 
 sea in area of Crete and so sunk on the ground; 
 as it cage rest on the ground in place of ~600 
 meter deep of water and the buoy floates above 
 it on 272 meter (the length of cable);

 so the buoy for a long time was kept in ~300 meter
 deep of water, as it was kept fast only by several
 wires of the damaged cable, that were broken about 
 of six weeks before of the emergency buoy was found.

 -For got more accurate answer necessary got more
 information that in the meantime -ignored.
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    Do it caused an hostile action?
 My supposition of causing the wreck and what
 occurred with "Dakar" and its crew at night of
 disaster, 31 years ago, 25 January 1968, -made
 as conclusion of research ruins of "Dakar".

 Therefore there are two alternative optional 
 versions compatible with obtained evidences.

 1. Or it could been occurred any wreck because
  of technical reasons in the storm situation,
  then the disaster could been occurred as it
  expounded after "Dakar" found.
 2. Or INS "Dakar" were -caught in special net
  (or caught casual) as expounded in my 1968 th
  experience to discovery of the mystery missing. 
 Now we should to take into consideration that
 the commander's bridge of "Dakar" was found 
 in 230 meter distance from it hull(ruins) and 
 the tank, composed into the Conning Tower 
 does not found between ruins of the submarine.

 It should point that the bridge and the tank
 could been dismantled by men from any ship,
 that was about at the time of 25-26 January
 in the area where "Dakar" found.

 Assumming of the named evidences with facts 
 as the emergency buoy of "Dakar" was tore out
 with its cage and as the second wreck-buoy 
 does not were released, -these evidences are 
 points on the option of causing a hostile act.
 In the meantime only this version give a better
 logical explanation for all what we know. 

 We should remember as the INS "Dakar" does 
 not were armed, then the negligence or hostile   
 action against "Dakar" could been causing 
 by any civil ship to. There is probability
 that the course of "Dakar" was disclosed for 
 any interesting site that watched for it.

 -Now there are arguments to check again my
 1968 th version of "Dakar's" mystery sunk.

 Then it should to excite the question about
 the destiny of 69 men crew of "Dakar".

 But for other hand there is theory assumtion 
 that the tore out the dam-buoy's cable could 
 been occurred if the dam-buoy where released 
 at time as the wrecked submarine just sank in 
 deep of water more of ~250 meter and if up to 
 moment of its come to surfase the submarine 
 would sunk in more of 270 meter deep of water.
 Then could occurred as the wreck buoy was 
 tore out with its cage without outside intervene.

 But there are other evidences that refute
 these supposition as not realty (as the
 dismantle bridge, the vanisher tank, the 
 S.O.S. signals in 27 january 1968 and more).

We can not to interpret now if these ships caused the disaster as purpose or as casualty. Then there is open question, if the wreck with 'Dakar' occurred as technical casualty, or it was caught in a special net, -as supposed in the past.
So or other the obtained information pointed as could been other versions of "Dakar's" fate as if reading about casualty of disaster. The fish-both version (as negligence or casualty) --------------------------------- Yet the case of dam-buoy tore out, could been occurred casually by net of any fish-both; The fish-man could not seen that in their huge fish net caught in any thinks of 350 KG weight. Could been as when the men from the fish-boat detected the buoy in their net, they throw out it away in the sea without informing any one. However, the caught dam-buoy could been release oneself during any time of floating. In that case the following could occurred as described in my -previous version That hypothesis right for assumption that has not caused a hostile action against "Dakar". But this version could not explaine facts of the mystery dismantled bridge, etc ?
Do the tore out the wreck-buoy were casualty? --------------------------------------------- Yet the dam-buoy tore out, could been occurred casualty by crew that came for help after the S.O.S. signals. If the men that came for help, has not experience, they could toke out the dam-buoy on the desk of they ship, then the cable could been broken or tore out with its cage at moment as their ship lifts on the wave. Would we suppose as the upper bridge were dismantled by the "Dakar's" crew, then why they do not released the second dam-buoy (?!) As this dam-buoy seen being in normal condition? So, there are more evidences for assumption that "Dakar" was caught by a hostile action.

  1. The finish conclusions of causing the wreck
  2. The map of 'Dakar' running up it's losse
  3. The last update, the broken cable
  4. The broken cable disclose the mystery
  5. The Data obtained after "Dakar's" found
  6. The technologic negligence wreck version
  7. "Dakar" does not sank suddenly
  8. The mystery of dam-buoy
    Two optional versions !
  9. Does a hostile action is possible?
  10. The evidences pointed on hostile action!

  11. There are reasons to check -my 1968 th version.
    The destiny of 69 men crew unsolved.

    My 1968 th version of "Dakar" disappearance.

  12. The circumstances of this story

    Below written developing of disclose the mystery,
    from first radio advise of disappearance the
    Israeli submarine "Dakar" in 25 January 1968.

  13. Mea Culpa. It was my dilettante mistake
  14. My 1968 th version of the mystery missing..
  15. The sailing to home began well. ..
  16. It was command: -to delay the coming ...
  17. Then Submarine "DAKAR" has vanished..
  18. My version of "DAKAR" caught in special net
  19. Please to clear some dilemmas of...
  20. The Haifa Institute's researcher data..
  21. It was grown the conning tower...
  22. I defended a realty of my version...
  23. My version and correctives of realty...
  24. "Dakar" there not near Alexandria...
    I have given a Right Address of "DAKAR"
  25. Help us find the vanished Submarine !

    -Links to The Memorial sites of "Dakar"..

  26. Uri D.. Submarine "DAKAR" Memorial
  27. The 69 men crew of "DAKAR"
  28. Submarine "DAKAR". Coral company Page

  29. All NAVY, ADI, Hystoric data and People
  30. Thanks for Dolphin and foreign submariners !
  31. Other versions of "Dakar" missing
  32. Please Answer me, Updata!
    . Information for disclose the mystery!
  33. For GuestBook or my Address Click here
  34. E-mail me now; Phone 972 4 8598270

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UPDATE (after "DAKAR" found):

            -"DAKAR". Israeli submarine mystery.

 -January 25, 1968, -the Israeli submarine "DAKAR" vanished.
 -In May 28, 1999, - More of 31 years after -it was found
 -near Crete, 500 km from Haifa, in deep 2900 meter (near
 the point of it's last communication with Haifa Navy base.
 So I proved for long time before before of found

-At last "DAKAR" is found.. But as 30 years before, the secret of its mystery sunk is left inclosed. -The all present explanation of causing the wreck are left as suspect version only, but the real reason of the wreck up this time is ignorance. -But in difference to the past, now we have more an actual data for got a real technical answer. -With all respect to opinion the famous seekers, that found "Dakar", I am not agree with their version of disaster because negation of proofs. -I mind other version of causing "Dakar" sunk and destroying, but before of given my text I would wish learn the photo and design data of several details that obtained after "Dakar" found; for be sure. There is absurd situation, as who got data, told for public legends absent logic, this time as I take a self mission to disclose the truth without possibility seen the rate relevant data. So cased in the past, the officials got data but during 31 years continued seeking after "Dakar".. The Update in 30 May, 1999.
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 -Maybe 30 years before I caused mistake in discovery
 the mystery missing the submarine "DAKAR", when I
 supposed that "Dakar" was caught in a special net
 (this version designed because has not go to surface
 anything include the emergency buoy wasn't found).
 Till of this time we know not the reasons of the sunk.

 Meanwhile is clear that I expected right that him "Dakar"
 sank because a technic reason, then it could occurred
 near the geographic point of it's last transmission
 maximum in distance of it's possible of 8 hours running.

 -After "DAKAR" was found the version of Michael Eldar as
 though the submarine changed it's direction under rule
 of commander, as written in his book, -is seen not real.
 As fact the submarine found as runs in curse to home.
 See here Other version
 -But Now, more of in the past we could ask our officials:
 -Did why You sent the seeker expeditions, during 31 years
  to seek for "DAKAR" in Hegey and near Alexandria?!
 -For these expeditions were not any reason and any logic!
 -Absolutely, Always ! In all circumstances!

 -After the American seekers found "Dakar", we make
 bold to decker as tough "Dakar" found as result that
 our officials were so clever for given agree to seek
 for "Dakar" in the optimal area where it was found...
 About these circumstances I will read in other time.

 -For much people is important that "Dakar" at last
 found and there is known the place and time of falling
 the 69 young men that in 1968 goes out in the sea.
 The Update in 30 May, 1999.
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Some thinks in hearing

Dear Friend,
-In 1968 I devote oneself with disclose  a secret of "Dakar"
missing, from first day as it was transmitted by radio.

-Then, because a vulgar anti Israeli possition of the USSR
government after the 1967 Six-Days war and grown of the
anti-Semitic policy of Soviet government influenced on my 
conception that "Dakar" was sunk by a traitress action.
-After that understanding I could not moore live in USSR.

-Yet In 1968-1969 I got an original verssion of falling
the "Dakar" with it's crew of 69 sailors. But at that
time there were known the only that the "Dakar" wreck
dam buoys do not go to surface, do not left a track.

-The version of catch "Dakar" in the net described
in this site; there were one of practical, earthly
version about "Dakar" vanisher, that was written far
before of it found (it's version of 30 years ago)

After "Dakar" found the officials watch for itself a
privilege for ironic sentences regards earlier seekers,
and critic of their mistakenly versions. -But the last
official comments of "Dakar" sunk is advertised
accordance with version of  USA friends after its found.

-But with all respect to real authors off the last 
version, as if  'Dakar' wreck happen after it clash with
any other ship, -it could been a mistakenly suppose.

-Yet one year before of it's found I wroote about 
possibility a collition  of  'Dakar'  with other ship.
But in our case there is anti arguments for this suppose.

-I mean that it is not a time to do exacctly answer what
realty caused sunk of "Dakar" and what occurred before.

-It's interesting that all clever our offficials takes
oneself the clever decides on area for seeking, in time
that I recommended in this site yet one and a half year
before of their doing, and I have written and spoken
with our officials for much years before on absent
logic for seeking "Dakar" near Alexandria or in Hegey.

-The last my letter to our Prime Ministeer and the Defence
Minister sent one year before of "Dakar"s found
-For improve their sensibility to my opiinion I sent this
data to news groups for help find "Dakar", as it written.

-Yet then, I wrote that we have send froom optimal points
20-30 radio buoys for check a possible way of "Dakar"...

-In my site written that the captain of  "Dakar", LC Ya'acov
Ra'anan could not deviate out from the official  course;

-Then I wrote that is rational to seek ""Dakar" in distance
of 10-20 mill from the point of it
last transmission with Navy base.

-But if to believe official comments in  our press, "Dakar"
at last found thanks for their clever decision to begin
seek "Dakar" from the point of it last transmission.

-As it clear now, "Dakar" found accordannce to my compute, 
with accuracy 1-2 km. -Maybe our CIC of the Navy, Admiral 
Alex Tal will given for me a military rank of "veteran sailor"?

    E-mail me
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 In the meantime we have not enough data for got
 exactly answer what caused the wreck with "Dakar".

But after "Dakar" found we obtained several 
proofs that made passible to reconstruct the 
part of occurred at time of disaster. So I made.

 -Just now I suspect that more feasible as the real 
 reason of the wreck could be the changes in the 
 body of submarine by inexperienced engineering;
 or there is an unknown reason, that need disclose.

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My August 1998 th message to Mr. B. Nataniyahu, the
Prime Minister (written Hebrew in TXT system editor)

                         " צוללת " דקר

                                      ,לא האמנתם לי
     "עם עלייתי ב 1972 הבאתי רעיון שצוללת "דקר
    נתפסה ברשת וכך נטבעה, -כול החכמים בצבא 
     דחו את רעיון שלי -שכביכול הנחיתי לא ריאליות

  ;הנה ספרו לי שצוללת של סין נתפסה ברשת ונטבעה
    ?ועוד: -איזה אידיאות שלך לחפש "דקר" בים היגיי
                           ?!? איפה ראש יהודי

לדעתי הקברניט של "דקר" היה בסדר גמור     ,
              המוזר  היה תוך  מטכ"ל
       דקר" יש להתחיל לחפש אח ורק מסביב נקודת"
             ! קשר אחרון אתה, ובכוון אופטימלי
        !!! שלא יחזרו לשגויות מטופשות הקודמות

                 בוריס   דוברובנסקי

As seen from text, Year before the submarine "Dakar"
found, -I supposed the optimal area for seeking
after "Dakar" and told and sent to administration.

Now, more of in the past we must note our officials
that for sending during 31 years the expeditions to
seek for "DAKAR" in Hegey and near Alexandria were
not any reason and any logic! -Absolutely, Always!

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Click for my original version:
-The mistake caused because of my ignoraance the specific details of a submarine in experience. -Casual, one submariner explained me, that the wreck dam-buoy, after it's push out in the wreck case, -continues be fasten to the submarine by a long cable, that give not for a buoy go to surface freely, more of a length of this cable.. -Then, if the place where sank "Dakar" wwas very depth, as the dam-buoy could not came to surface; -The second dam-buoy could be deformed bbecause of the high water pressure on the great depth.

-Now I understand others the possible reeason -why the two dam-buoys of "Dakar" not goo to surface immediately after it sank. -Him I been knew these details before thhen would not was given my version of catch submarine by any net. -Till now any one not show me my basic mmistake. -Even this disclose my dilettante mistakke I wish not now to erase my page and not abolish my version on the reason of the submarine "Dakar" missing. -The version is given one of real possibble reasons explained the submarine disappearance. -Till the moment of the real disclose thhe mystery of "Dakar" disappearance all version are rights. -For other hand all this story is near ffor my heart, it was a part of my life for long time. -Then I left my record without changes.

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My 1968 th version on Submarine "DAKAR" disappearance.

The official version of the Israeli authorities
lacks any connection with the reality,
-it also far from logical explanation.

-Herein I try to shade some light on thee mystery
how has the submarine "Dakar" vanished.

-In 9 January 1968, the Israeli submarinne "Dakar" sailed from Portsmouth, England to Haifa, Israel. -25 January, 1968, 0:05 AM was its last radio contact with the Israeli Navy base in the Haifa port. There were difficalcy during last communication. The watching at 8:00 AM next communication from "Dakar" do not were occurred. -27 january the Nicosia radiostation received the S.O.S. of the "Dakar" wreck buoy frequancy. -In 27 January was publication about missing the submarine "Dakar" and began seeking for it. -But after the last contact there is not left any track about caused with "Dakar"; -it vanished.
-There not found its dam-buoy, that may automatically (so I understand by mistake because of lack of knowledge) come to surface and send S.O.S. in case of shipwreck.

Till now, -30 years after is known not much:

  • -Is known the geographical point on Mediterranean from where "Dakar" sent its last radio-signal. -as left the way for 250 miles to home, Haifa.
  • -The submarine runs with speed 6 miles per hour.
  • By the last contact the submarine got command: -to delay 24 hours its arrive to base, pport Haifa.
  • -In February 1969, on the beach near Gaza found the dam-buoy of the missing submarine.
  • -Ten years after its found the dam-buoy was tested in Marine Ecology Institute laboratory, that has given conclusion as the dam-buoy for a long time was in ~300 meter deap of water.
  • -The submarine was not armed, (maybe because for its long way all possible weight took solar for its Diesel machine).
  • -There is not much evidence of "Dakar" vanisher. -Yet was known that -in this same period has vanished the France's submarine "Minerve" in the similar mystery circumstances.
-In 1968 (or maybe in 1969), I discovereed the mystery vanisher of the submarine "DAKAR". -On my opinion the submarine was caught in a special net and then either sank on the spot or towed away from the place of its catch.
-At the time of 1968 every Israeli soldiier was for me a brother and the mother. -The vanish of "Dakar" and loss of its 69 crew touched my heart. -A long time, during many months; the daays and the nights I had seek the answer about the tragedy caused with "Dakar" and with my 69 brothers. Then I carefully controlled all versions of the vanisher by considering the circumstances and facts, as were transmitted by the radio broadcasts.
-Three long years I kept my secret from anybody. -As the rule of the USSR got me rectificcation for repatriation, as in 9 June 1972 (on the second day after immigration in Israel), I came to Defence Ministry for given my discovery. -Then I though that my proposals could bbe useful for Israeli security. -In first months of 1973 I personally brrought and presented for the Armed Forces Staff in Tel-Aviv a draft sketch of a presumed special net, including a system of the floating weights from iron or glass that could be occurs the cause and effect of disappearance the submarine "Dakar". - Also I attached a written textual expllanation. Then one of the staffs officers told me without any feel that he mocked at me, that there was idea likely "the submarine had been swallowed by a monster." -It is not was funny.. -But my real and basic version of "DAKARR's" vanisher was totally ignored by the officials -without any explanation.

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-Now, -30 years after, -as I watched thee Michael
Limor's television program about the "Dakar's"
vanisher, as me was very impressive the explaining
the researches expertise the dam-buoy of "Dakar".
to Topics of page

The researches the Haifa's Institute of Marine
Ecologic came to the conclusion that the dam-buoy
before coming to surface of the Sea had remained
a long time in a depth about 300 meters or more.

-Our researchers based their disclose onn testing
the flora remnants on the dam-buoy,
-They gave the important date needs for  the
searchers to update the place where "Dakar" sank.

But a researcher could not answer the question how
and why the dam-buoy was found where it was found.

I am not concerned about who was the first to
present the right hypothesis. -Yet it was my
profession to give the technical answers.

-I make my obligation to give the techniical
and the logical answer in this regard,
without knowing all need data, the facts.

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My old version on Submarine "DAKAR" mystery

-Now it is proved that the official expllanation
nowadays is not logic. -It is not see earnestly.

-Although all negations, on basis everytthing what
is known till to-day, the proofs confirms that my
disclose in 1969 about "Dakar's" vanisher -is right.

-I ask the administration to give an ansswer : -If you believe that your version is reaal, then please explain:
  • -Why the submarine "Dakar" with its dam-buoy have been found in the depth 300 meter!!?
  • -Why was not found the second dam-buoy?
  • -Were there two buoys!? -Yes or No?
  • -Is the depth of the Sea near Alexandria -300 meter?
  • -How can the captain act against other country without the high command?!? (-So they pleads).
  • -If this command was given, why did you search for "Dakar" near Cyprus?!
  • -Could the fault of the diesel-machine cause any resistance to the submarine coming to surface itself?
  • -Why did they not return to use the electric machine?
  • -Why are you sure that the Russian admiral must know everything what was going on in the Mediterranean Sea?! (as he declared that USSR Forges no met with "Dakar".
  • -What happened with the France's submarine 'Minerve'? -it has vanisher in the same time with "Dakar".
Go for Topics -Important:
  • -I suppose the possibility that the dam-buoy could be left at any point of the Sea after the capture of "Dakar's" vanisher. (post factum (after case?).
  • -The Haifa's Marine Institute test and conclusion does not contradict my version of catching "Dakar" in the special net with special float-weights system.
  • -If at the place where was "Dakar" the free depth of Sea is 300 meter, -then the two dam-buoys have come to the surface immediately after the shipwreck. -What could catch the dam-buoys in this moment?!
  • -I answered on this question: -It is possible that the dam-buoys were closed by the same net, together with the submarine. - I had explained exactly this moment.
  • -My conjecture about the secret of "Dakar" vanisher is build exactly on control of the reason why does the dam-buoys are not come to the surface of the Sea.
  • -I explained to relevant peoples that the finding dam_buoy could be send at it place or in other place after catch the submarine. -It is possible. My discovery version give answer on all quests.
  • -In 1973 I personally had bring and gave to the Armed Forces Staff peoples in Tel-Aviv the draught schema of the supposed special net with system of the float weights that could be the cause and effect for catch the submarine "Dakar". I gave them a textual explain.
  • -On the same draft I gave the schema of the capture of the submarine accordance to my version. -There I drafted the net with a system oof floats between two ships and the attacked submarine.
  • - On the other drafted scheme was draft of proposal for building the small submarines.

Click here for Topics -I wish remind the important: -In this period has vanished the France''s submarine in the similar mystery circumstances. -I explained to relevant peoples that thhe finding dam_buoy could be send at the place or in other place after catch the submarine(post factum).
-The fancied that "Dakar" set on light ssoil ground near Alexandria go wrong with the researches explaining of the depth of 300 or more meter. One version go wrong against other official version.
-After seeing the television reportage oof Michael Limor, I go be sure more then in the past that my first version give logical explaining the "Dakar" vanisher and answers on all quests. -It is important to pay attention that tthe "Dakar's" vanish by using the net, -could be cause not only by military forges! -The net could be any experimental net wwith a pneumatic-hydraulic system control apparats for changing the depth of the net's submerging, with makes from iron or glass floats and weights. -The peoples, who tested the new net couuld not know why at night, in the storms Sea was vanished they a kilometers long net, together with the equipment. -Perhaps one jolly boat of 30-40 ton sudddenly sank with its net together, at night in this storm Sea; -the people could not understand what caaused then. -We must pay attention on all technical alternative. -If a little ship sank in these circumsttances, it could be more risky for submarine then a big vessel. - It is important to pay attention, thatt my version of the submarine catching by net gives an exactly answer why the dam-buoy occurred in the depth of 300 or more meter for long time. So explained the cause and effect why the submarine sank. -I sure that till now not was any one onnes that gave the answer more logical, base more carefully of my. -I could explain more the dynamics of caaused with "Dakar", but any one no interesting in real answer.
Click here for Topics The official peoples till now gives the supposes on strange behavior of captain of "DAKAR", they searches and fancied the psychological mistakes of others, - but not discuss the itself's mistakes.
- The point of "DAKAR" could be in radiuus no longer of its runs in pause of two radio-connections. -It could cause in runs of 10 - 20 miless or 70 miles of the knowledge point.
Then, -If the dam-buoy was not sent down afterr case. -If the Institute's conclusions are righht, then in the depth of 300 meter, exactly in the point where in the past has been its dam-buoy, -Here is the mystery place of "DAKAR"! -Here it is covered by a heavy net! -There is the brothers grave of 69 sons. -The submarine disposed in any inconceivvable position. -The net during the past years become covered with the Sea's flora and fauna; -Then very difficult to find the submariine. -Now I am sure more. -So it could cauuse.
to Top Click Here -I want be sure that captain of "DAKAR" has not done any operation without higher commander. -We may to suppose that the commander ussed the free time situation after got order to delay came home for learn after got occasionaly free time situation for learn his sailors to operate with appliances of the new submarine and test they interaction. -In the Sea was many ships, -it was whatt to do. -Here it can occurs the cause what I desscribe. -I believe that Russian admiral told truue. -"Dakar" couldn't run away far of 70 kiilometer from the point of its last contact, -to any site. -Then the conclusion: -It caused not near Alexandria or near CCyprus. -But it is clearly that we could find "DDakar" in place where in depth more 300 meter, there is the flora like to the tested on the dam-buoy. We could find "Dakar" would we search from these geographical Mediterranean point, where got the last communication, -not from Haifa. -In this season (now) we must send in thhe Sea 20-30 radio-buoys in all the supposed places for find the possible place where could sank "Dakar". -Accordance to your explain for public. -Attention!
-Maybe anybody know about a little fish boat sank in 25 January 1968 in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, please write me !!! -Maybe it is known in any Marina's Insurrance Company about any shipwreck in this time !!? -In 1968 could be Claims Damage because loss or sank an equipment with a new fish's net because the storm in Mediterranean.?! -The old mariners would remember these ccase. -Please ask them. It caused in January 11968. -If anyone have any information, alternaatively opinion, -please write me. Together we can to find the right answer, for disclose the mystery.

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Colonel Michael Eldar version.

  PS.   (addendum March 7, 1998 )
-At last time announced about the -High Court
prohibition for publication of colonel's Michael 
Eldar book about disappearance of the submarine 
"Dakar" with his 69 men crew.

As followed after publicized in media, the author
build his version on an evidences and on his 
personal familiarity with circumstances that I do
not knew and not related on them in my disclose.

.. The year 1968 were period of hostility and
suspiciousness; -then I thought that the Israeli
submarine was damaged by hostile, then I has seek
the technical causation of the mystery vanisher: 
-Why the submarine has vanisher and not  left any 
proof about what happened at its last moment?

This circumstances got me to lead that it could
happen in case if the submarine caught in a net.

Now I ask to pay attention that the interpretation of 
colonel M. Eldar do not go wrong with my version
of the technical question -what caused the sinking.

The High Court for Justice forbid publicize the
Micael Eldar's book about "Dakar" because
the Army argued as if the publication would 
hurt for families of the perishes sailors.

-In this situation is very relevant a quuestion:
If the Army understand, that the uncertainty of
the realty for long time (tens years) is more
hurt than a knowledge of the cruel true.??!

-For other hand, him now would know thatt the
Israeli high commander 30 years before gave
the command change the direction of submarine
"Dakar" to Alexandria for intelligence service,

-if this data could influence the internnational
 relation of Israel with Egypt?! -No, it is not.

-Him it caused accordance to proposal off colonel
Michael Eldar, -it was a natural command because
it was the period of war between Egypt and Israel.
-On my opinion this aspect do not could  be the
reason of prohibitory decree.

-The publication could cause a discuss tthe main
question: -did command to send the submarine for
intelligences service at time of end his long way,
without update, -if this command was rational??!

-About the conversation of any Egypt capptain as
though his crew bombed and sank "Dakar" not seen
real. The Egypt has not any reason for sealant
the sinking of Israeli submarine, -not was the
reason for sealant in the past and is not now.

-Him the Egypt Marine Forges was sank thhe Israeli
submarine then the Russian admiral has know this.

Sincerely    .    .  . Boris Dobrovensky.

               -Mechanical Engineer,
       -Odessa's Marine Engineers Institute.
Click here for Topics The Technical data: The submarine has built in England in 1944, -It's length ~90 meter, the displacementt 1700 ton. It toke part in the Two World War, In 1968 after modernization it bayed to Israel. The Israeli specialists make light addendum to the submarine hull for better use the submarine, but the changes could not did better the stability of submarine by a storm's condition. -It's was grown the Conning Tower of thee submarine -It was grown the area of the waves knocck, etc.. -Into the Conning Tower placed a tank off 5 Ton as this design and with composition on the hull caused a real danger for the submarine. -In this way was grown the real capsize moment. Then the capsize power caused be more of used. Especially these changes could cause difficulty at moment of submarines coming to surface for ventilation needs in storm condition, as the vessel has not an exactly orientation relative with direction of waves attack in storm.

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-In 9 January 1968 -the INS DAKAR crew goes out in the sea and no come back. They are were 69 our sailors... Remember!
Written from January 98. In April 2000 updated.

 My Great Thanks for Submariners, "Dolphin" veterans
 Moty Even Hen, Mosheah Moshe, Uri Dotan and others;
 Thanks for Professor Micael Lerner and foreigner
 submariners for contacting, explanation,  helping me
 to study the specifically details of submarine and so
 helped me going a correct way disclose the disaster.
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