Shout It Out Loud: Thank You!

Here are the people I'd like to thank for making this web page possible:

Jean-François Gaudreault: For making me discover the hottest band in the world! Also for giving me a lot of pics form the KISS Konvention. And a good friend.
Richard Bédard: To help me built my home page and for trading with me a lot of cool stuff, BED's the best.
The kiss Asylum Web Page: For some of the lyrics and the references.
KISStory the book: For informations. It's the ultimate bible.
Dale Sherman: A lot of infos were taken from his two great books: Black Diamond 1 & 2.
Bob Rodrick: Some of the facts you can read on the discography page were taken from his KISS Fact Of The Week at KISS
Gordon G.G. Gebert: Some infos taken from his two great and controversial books KISS & Tell (written with Bob McAdams) and KISS & Tell More!
Allen Dunn: A great KISS fan and hockey fan. He sent me great pictures of the KISS show in Nashville in 1999.

Like in all the Thank You list, people are forgotten, but they are as special as the ones listed above.

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©1997-2008 Shout It Out Loud.
Shout It Out Loud is an Unofficial KISS web site. The KISS logo and likeness are © KISS.
This is a non profit fan based site.
Webmaster: Louis Lapointe
This page is dedicated to all KISS fans in the world!