Caro's Creations

June 21, 2000

WELCOME to my newest site! I'm SO excited about it. Thanks to some wonderful tools, such as Paint Shop Pro (PSP), I'm learning how to make graphics for web page design.
This one is my first. I hope you like it. More shall be added as time permits. It should be interesting to watch the evolution of my efforts. :)
I hope you will find something that will aid YOU in making a spectacular site.


Please read the following terms and conditions of use before downloading:

1. All graphics are free for use on personal and nonprofit webpages. By personal, I mean you may use any graphic "AS IS " You may NOT use any part of any graphic to make your own graphics.

2. Please do NOT include any graphics found here in any collection on or off the web.

3. Please do NOT alter my graphics in any way, shape or form. This includes colorizing or resizing. The only graphic you can alter is the blank buttons I provide.

4. If you decide to use my graphics, please give me credit. All graphics are linkware, unless you would like to purchase them exclusively. PLEASE use my logo, and put link back to me on the same page as the graphics you're using! I'd prefer not to be listed on a page of credits, where people have no idea which graphics on your site were mine. Don't forget to link it back to my site at

5. To use the graphics, you MUST save them to your own computer and upload them to your server. Please do NOT link back to my server for any of the graphics.

6. If you do decide to use my graphics, please email me so I can have a look. Please provide me the url where my graphics are being use...I love to see how people are using them.

7. Lastly, if your site contains or promotes pornography, violence, racism, or any offensive or controversial material, please do NOT use any graphics from this site. In no offense to these sites.... I'd prefer my graphics to be used on family friendly web pages, viewable by all ages.

If you agree to all the terms and conditions I have set forth here, then you probably want to see the goodies :o)

Go HERE to see my graphics.

Angels are with you.
Love, Caro

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Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro 6


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