Avengers entry date: Mar 1, 2008 AVENGERS original airdates: Oct 30, 1999-Feb 26, 2000 on FOX episodes: 13 animated by: Saban Entertainment distributed and owned by: Buena Vista Entertainment and Marvel Entertainent note: line-up included Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Vision, Falcon and Tigra EPISODE GUIDE (in production order) 1st Season (1998) #01-101 Avengers Assemble Part 1 (10.30.1999) #02-102 Avengers Assemble Part 2 (11.06.1999) #03-103 Command Decision (12.11.1999) (gs: Captain America) #04-104 Egg-streme Vengeance (02.05.2000) #05-105 Kang (11.13.1999) #06-106 Comes a Swordsman (11.27.1999) #07-107 Remnants (12.04.1999) #08-108 Shooting Stars (01.22.2000) (gs: Iron Man) #09-109 To Rule Atlantis (12.18.1999) (gs: Namor) #10-110 What a Vision Has To Do (01.29.2000) #11-111 The Sorceress’s Apprentice (02.12.2000) #12-112 Earth and Fire Part 1 (01.19.2000) #13-113 Earth and Fire Part 2 (02.26.2000) VOICE ACTORS Linda Ballantyne as the Wasp Dan Chameroy as Captain America Tony Daniels as Aquarius, Ares, Boomerang, Bruticus, Hawkeye Francis Diakowsky as Iron Man Gramham Harley as Edwin Jarvis Ray Landry as Raymond Sikorsky Caroly Larson as the computer Julie Lemieux as Gemini Stavroula Logothettis as the Scarlet Witch Hamish McEwan as Wonder Man Gerry Mendicino as Taurus Martin Roach as the Falcon Susan Roman as Moonstone Ron Ruben as the Vision Elizabeth Shepard as Agatha Harkness John Stocker as Ultron Raoul Trujillo as Namor Rod Wilson as Ant-Man Lenore Zann as Tigra
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This page was created on Mar 1, 2008