I come of love everlasting and comfort and peace and joy and justice
I come godly within and bring the word for all to hear now I come...
Look you if you are men like me or would be,
to your child’s heart in your breast
Look you in the eye so deep in the mirror you see the very light of love
Look you, yes, you...to your hands now ask what would you have them do
Would you have these hands build torture chambers for the already weakened
Take food from starving babies,
and mothers who can no longer give milk
Sow toxic seeds of barrels of poison to proclaim man is death and reigns here
Hoard wealth with those hands until there is nothing for any other of your kind
Sully with blood stained hand every bit of perfection you smear with feces
Balled and open handed blows against your children and women...
Look you to your child’s heart now through your eye seek God in the mirror
Whispered warnings of all I see come from within like a seashell
For you know what your hands have wrought and now see how they fail you
How you have let your hands slice at the eyes of all who would see...and tell.
Witness how heinous your works are and how they betray your children
Witness your own betrayals at the hands of the world fraught with illness
Witness you now...yes you, your renewal and the awakening of love in the breast
I come on cloud banks in angel harp chorus harmonies blazing dawn within you
Come I now one man to tell of love’s powerful spell and magical bonds forgotten
Sit you down now drink my wine and eat up for I come bearing plenty
Peace and joy eternal,
loving arms around you always your child’s heart coddled
Your lover always wanting always soft,
each of you a Master in your own right
Each of you an artist come poet come crafter of beautiful lasting soulful things
Quiver full of lightning bolts poised to strike at all that harms your perfect heart
I come one man with the word of all that is perfect in us godly now and always.
So now I take pause on hilltop...
where butterflies play on flower tops
in lovers tummies
in meadows of daisies
black-eyed susan’s and angels
feminine fairies and my love
laid me down
and rose me everlasting
that sweet rose
that lingers on the senses like love
love a flower
and me the birds and the bees
and when she begs...
the rutting stag
but me...
let me be that butterfly till she begs me
no other way
can match her simple endless loving
and I need not race
or fight
or argue
or conquer here
all those manly things I excel at
for all my love needs of me
is my gentle poet’s heart
laid down wholly loving
and it is her game we play laid down in this meadow
the arrogant man is done and here let me stay grateful
for the women are smarter
and know better
and speak rightly
whenever love comes on the lips of a woman
man should pause silent and grateful for they are the secrets
of God’s meadows and spells to reduce riding warriors
to butterflies that cause twinges in my tummy as her fingers massage
sacred delicate parts of bodies offered freely for womanly exalation
my love honours me
in flesh and thought
over and over till I reel
with godly feelings
of heart filled blazing like a perfect sun
like the very sun that shines hard on this meadow
my poet’s heart in this woman’s hands shines blinding
she makes me and I make her what we never were without
each other always exalted
always offering love
we sustain refrains of grand symphonic sex
in equal parts of lusting frenzy and loving gentility
we exalt each other and I try to learn her ways
for she whispers mothering truth to my orphan’s ears
now I love myself as she does I am made serene
for she exalts my gentle parts in greater wisdom
than can be found in any work of man...
and all she asks is that I listen and love her gently too
for my love is like a butterfly
and I as well
and in God’s velvety meadow I learn her ways
they are God’s ways and ways to save foolish man
from his own anguished folly
your women all exalt this if you come to them like
grateful butterflies to God’s meadow
they will honour you men in ways untold
when your power is laid down before this
and your hands are turned to pick up roses
and whispering sea shells
and your women’s loving
my love rose me up....and laid me down
and taught me the truth of God’s meadow
and all else is folly my brothers.