Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder, though it is not a multiple personality disorder.  The definition of the term is as follows:  This tearm was originaly used to signify that the people were considered to be on the border between nurosis and psycosis. 
People who have Borderline Personality Disorder are greatly afraid of being abandon or left by anyone, family, friends, and other loved ones.Peple with this make desperate attemps to avoid real or imagined abandonment.  The perception of rejection or abandonment can lead to profound changes in self image and emotion.  People who have BPD may react with panic or anger enen if ther is no imeadiate danger of rejection.  A patteren of unstable relationships is often found with this disorder.
Some symtoms of this disorder are:
Spoiling their own good fortune
Self injury
recurrent suicidal behavior
abusive home life
Sudden and extreme mood swings
Emotionaly unstable
These are some of the symtoms of BPD. Btween 8 to 10% of the BPD patiens actually kill themselves by suicide.
Bpd occurs in about 2% of the general population.  It is also more common in women than it is in men. 75% of those with BPD are female.  The risk of suicide is higher among young adults than it is with older adults.


Therapy is a useful tool in the treatment of those wo suffer from BPD.  Also in addtion to therapy medication is often used.  Some commonly used are:
Lithium carbonate
Low-dose antipsychotic drugs
Because symptoms can range it is difficult to choose the right medications. 
Even when medication is teamed up with psychotherapy the treatment may need to continue for years.  Hospitalization may be nessisary in a crisis ex: suicidal thoughts are great or if a realtionship is near its breaking point. Having BPD myself is difficult at times but it is easier to deal with in threapy.  If you or someone you know has these or other symptoms then contact a doctor or talk to some one.
information from the "encyclopeadia of personality disorders by Harvard University Medical School.*
Self injury
Famous self injurers
Bill of rights
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