I met Mewsette at the CLAW Club, when I took ofur my bridge sisfur Smokey's role as co-leader of da Gremlin Hunters group. I had da best time working wiff Mewsette, she were da beauty AND da brains behind da group. And oh, what a great hunter she was! Dancin wiff her was magical and it only made me luff her more. I purrposed to her on our trip to Mexico, an I thot I couldn't be any happier. But each day wiff her I fell in luff more. Just going fur walks wiff her made my heart sing. Our wedwink was purrfect. I'll nefur furget how beautiful she looked as she walked down da aisle towards me. She took my breath away. I still luff to look at the photo album of our wedwink. Efen now all I haff to do is close my eyes an I feel her next to me. I will luff mew furefur, Mewsette. You will always be in my heart an in my dreams. Your furefur wedwink, E.T. I've always had so much fun wiff Mewsette an Phelicity. We went to camp one year an us girls snuck away to da beauty salon, we luff being pampurred. We went on so many exciting trips. We went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans an efen got to ride a float in da parade. An efury Sunday E.T. took us fur Sunday brunch. When E.T. an Mewsette wedwinked, we offically became a family. We'll always be a family, a family wiff hearts full of wonderpurr memories. Thank mew, Mewsette, I will always treasure haffin mew fur a sisfur. Wiff all my luff, your liddle sisfur Ginger My precious sisfur was the most wonderpurr kitty in the world to me. She was so luffing that there is no way that luff is gone, she left it wif us. I watched ofur her in her last days here, but I did not say goodbye. I know I will see her again and she will be watching ofur me till then. To my sisfur Mewsette, I luff mew, from Phelicity From her many furriends: We will so miss our Friend Mewsette, but oh such memories we have. We remember the wedding and how glamorous and beautiful a bride Mewsette was. We remember all the parties and how excited we were to receive an invitation. We remember Mewsette and E.T. in the Spanish dance number and she was magnificent. She was so graceful, and wow, could that kitty dress! Mewsette will be missed but she will always be remembered. That is her gift to us. Purrs, Fern and Maddie Mewsette, we all will miss your friendly, dear presence on our cat internet.. You were special - always kind, loving and thoughtful. Your name, Mewsette, was purrfect for you - as it sounded like music - the most melodious, refreshing and harmonious of all the arts. You will be with the Kitty Angels at the Rainbow Bridge - but none will shine more beautifully than you. Many purrs are winging their way to you from your fren, Freya From Bentley, Tiffany, Murff, Chrissy & Charlie Sad as we are that Mewsette has left us, we are sadder still at the thought of never having met her. She enriched our lives and helped us become wiser and kinder kitties. We are so lucky to have known her and shared a portion of Life's path. For two decades she gave unconditional love and affection to her furmily. We know their hearts are breaking, and we purr that they will find some healing in their wonderful memories of this generous spirited cat. She is part of us all. Always. The Twins, Hadarah, an meowmie Daphne Mwe is so furry sorry to hear sweet Mewsette is now at da bridge. Mwe know her had such a loving and wonder home, and happy life. Mwe hate dat her been so sick and now mwe purr dat her crossing were peacefur and dat her has been greeted by all da ofurr angel kitties, and dat dey showing her so much love. Mwe purring fur da family cause mew know mew hearts is broken. Sending purrs of comfort, Shamus, Selkie, Firefly and Willow We are so sad to hear about sweet Mewsette going to the Bridge. We always thought of her as such a nice kitty who was so talented and creative. We loved all the poems she wrote fur the CLAW cards. Her loving purrsonality really shone through her mews. We know mew will miss her so much and feel bad that mew must endure such pain. We hope with time mew and your mom will be less sad and remember all the happy times mew had with Mewsette. Sad supportive purrs, Max and the gang The Kitty Tribe is so furry sorry to hear about Mewsette! A beautifur soul, we are sure she was welcomed by many many furriends at the Rainbow Bridge! We are sending our best comfurting purrs to mewr family! Soft Purrs, KT Click here for page 2 of the memorial Please visit her mom's tribute here. Please email E.T. here to submit anything for this memorial page. Thank mew. Copyright 2006 Smokey's Web World |