The 12 cocktails Catacombo has created for you are now available on a full length vinyl 33rpm 12" MONO album called "FAKE YOUTH CULTURE". Some cocktails are savage and bitter at heart, others are sweet and gentle on the tongue; its exquisite variety is a dangerous combination for the untrained though here are the twelve cocktails # Fake Youth Culture: too strong to the majority # Female Trouble: once a month will do # Alone: if you're feeling blue # Down In Honolulu: ask for it at your local Tiki bar # Sticky: only for the sweet-tooth # Child Of The Night: drink this each midnight # Sonic Fever: never ever try this one on your own # Enemy In Me: exorcists swear by this one # Conquer And Conquest: if you're looking for a date # Cheap: a budget teaser # Penthouse Playboys: for the bachelor pad expert # Outrophonic: to end the night with if you want to go back to the previous menu: click here |
COOKBOOK LESSON #3: TASTE and now it's time to taste and to enjoy it's getting more and more obvious that hand-made cocktails shaken with love for perfection aren't fit for consumption when not being handled by the right tools |
The power of these recordings is easy to explain: it's called MONO. Never really understood the purpose of using stereo effects except for movies; the taste of MONO is like a direct punch in your face. |