

When Corporation (X) take over a (X) Corporation it become a (XX) Corporation. Sometimes When we want to rate a Corporation we have problems to count the numbers.


       I use to fly frequently between the Northeast and the Southeast. However
the airline I use in the past decided to go Season, and I had to use one of those
Companies product of at least three takeovers a (XXX) company.
	I was one of the lucky ones that wasn't bump, but when I arrive on destination
my luggage was lost, and when getting in  line to file my claim, was number fourteen
and wait forty-five minutes for the chance to file.
	Two days later they sent over three quarters of my bag to my address and the
sticker mentioning that it had been rerouted from S. Domingo.
I filed a claim with the company's Claim Center for the amount I paid for the bag and
seven weeks later I got a letter with the apology and stating that my claim had been 
approve. The check will be  send under a different cover. Many weeks pass and the (beef)
never came. I star to wander if it had been rerouted to other country.
	I keep waiting because all those takeovers had been done with the customers
in mind.