(Book 2)



The ethics of the time were too strict for the Duke of Dantes, to acknowledge being the father of the two children from his young servant, "Rodent was her name." However he loves them so much that want to do everything in his power to make sure they will be grown in the upper-class, and nothing less than the best, could happen to them. To be sure they could have a family name, he went back to Zara and arranges some proof, stating that the young lady was married to one of his top soldiers, who died in battle with the Clifford's forces, a few months back. He made arrangements with the Bishop of Vinkovici for the baby girls to be baptized, in a pompous ceremony, witnessed by many important people from the area. He became the Godfather of the girls, with Even Wolf being the Godmother. From then on, he would be their protector and will guaranty that they will have a good education. Their names were Christine Anna Zachary and Beatrice Anna Zachary. He was sure that some time later, some title would be bought for them. John of Dantes got the best teacher he could master, for his beloved (daughters), and when they became fourteen, he already tried to get them recognized in the high society. Want them to have good relationship with important people and was thinking about them being married with people from the highest society in the Nation. At sixteen the girls still being alike twins, however they differ on temper, while Beatrice was very calm and submissive, Christine was impulsive and pursues her owner ideas. She was destined to suffer more, and be in confrontation with her owner father, "She only recognized as Godfather, at the time." Her Godfather at first tried to go easy on her, advising and inviting some guests to the cottage, to be sure she related with people from her owner class. However Christine seems more interested in the conversation of the servants, and feels more comfortable talking with the children of the workers. Many times when her (father) was coming, her mother went to the stables and comes with her, this way he thought she was just walking with her mother. She never contradicts her (father), but as soon as he goes out, she will do what she wants, things like going alone to the woods or helping the workers. Was on one of those times, when she went out alone to the woods, that she met somebody who comes from hunting. This young man was the son of Clifford. A tall man, good complexion and a sober look. He looks like his father, has a strong temper, but gentler, his smile was affable, and Christine smile to him. Have a nice day Christine, be careful you may be lost in the woods. If I do, somebody would find me, my Godfather would send for me. Your father would ask God to protect you, and lucky the man that finds you. I don't mind to be the one. When Samuel Clifford said, I no mind to be the one, he was already riding away, but Christine heard those words, and they pierce her mind, lodging a big contentment in her heart. Samuel as well as Christine, know that their parents will never consent in a relation between their children, and either one depart with the conviction that this had been an unfortunate encounter, not to happen again. The young lady felt different while walking home, never in her life she heard from a young man lips the words that Samuel pronounces while riding away. She felt like singing, and at her sixteen years, those words didn't come too soon. Her mother could see that she was happier then usual, but at the same time she didn't go talking with the servants like she use to do. On the next day Christine, walk in the woods again, but this time she went directly to the niche of Saint Joseph, right on the lane not far from the cottage. She prayed, for help from the saint: -- Why our parents had to be enemies? God, helps us not to fall in love, it would be a disgrace, we never could be happy, and she looks up like imploring to God when she saw somebody siting on one branch of a tree, just over the niche. She looks again, but Samuel put a finger on his lips and next point to the lane, Christine looks to that direction and saw her mother just standing. She poses for a couple minutes more, and after gotten up walk in direction to the place where her mother was, but she had left already. Now she knows she had been followed by her mother, but she doesn't ask her why, however she would go to the place again, it wasn't any crime to go praying. Two days later when Christine went again to the niche, before she kneels in front of the statue, she saw that somebody was on the branch again. She proceeds as if she didn't see him, but a few minutes later a red rose falls just in front of her. She pick up the beautiful flower and looking up said, thank you God, and looking up again said, thank you Samuel, it is beautiful. Not as much as you are, Christine. Thanks, but I believe we shouldn't continue with this conversation. If our parents find out that we met here, we will have problems. Yes, we may have problems, but for me I think it worth the risk, I don't mind taking the rest of my life picking flowers for you. I love you Christine. Samuel, it would be impossible, think what could happen if your father finds out, that you had met with me in this place. I understand that the problem is big, but look, my father is old as your father is, but we are young, and one day we will be completely free, we could wait, and who knows. May be they change their minds. Samuel, you talk about my father, guess you mean my Godfather. My father died long ago, we should respect his memory. Sorry Christine, may be nobody had the guts to tell you, but I will not be the one who lie to you. Your father didn't die, he still well alive, and I tell you his name. He is the Duke of Dantes, your Godfather. Can't be, Christine reply, and suddenly begun running towards the cottage. This time Samuel regrets being so straight with his remarks, but he feels she should know. Nobody has the right to mislead that innocent girl for so long, he was sorry for her, but as far as he can understand, did what was supposed to be done. Meanwhile Christine went home, and alone in her room cried for long time. When her sister Beatrice came looking for her, she was still crying. Beatrice pressures her to tell what happen. Finally, Christine told her sister, that somebody discloses to her, what she suspects for long time. Their real father was the Godfather, and their mother never had been married. They need some confirmation, but from other source, Christine will never tell who disclose the secret to her. Samuel went every day to the place where he had seen Christine for the last time. He was worrying, she had left that place so abruptly, running to the cottage. He wonders if she told somebody those revelations about her father, and what the consequences that came from that. At first he thought about approaching one of the Dantes employees, bribes him, and finds out what happens. However this idea didn't result and originated an incident that only complicates things more. When Samuel was approaching the man, an other employ appears from the side of the lane, to defend his fellow worker, and the two men confront Samuel. He tried to ignore them, but when he began to retreat, one of them shouts:- No be coward, bastard, we will teach you a lesson that you never forget. Samuel snatches a branch of a tree, and turning to them, sweep the place, as if it was a couple of ants after somebody had destroyed their ant-ill. Lets them run-away, but made believe that he tried follow them, with intention to kill. The men got inside the inner grounds of the cottage, looking for cover as mice scared by a cat. The other men came to find out what happen, and the two reply that they had been attacked by Samuel, without any provocation. They didn't kill him, because he comes surprising them. John Dantes wasn't in town, but he would be informed when he comes back from Zara. Christine heard all that commotion, and began to fear for the life of Samuel. Now she knows he had been in the area of the niche, may be looking for her again. He as to be alert for the danger. The young lady decided that she would go praying again to the saint in the niche. She has to be sure nobody follow her, but now was more difficult then ever, her mother was afraid that Samuel was around and could do any arm to her. She advises her daughter not to go alone out off the perimeter of the cottage. If she decided to go to the Saint Joseph niche, she had to get some escort. Christine told somebody to go with her, and when getting close to the place told her escort to stay away from the place where she prays, and look to the trail to see if somebody was coming, and advise her, so they could run to the cottage. This way Christine was sure that if Samuel was on the branch, wouldn't be seen by her escort. When she gets there, a red rose was on the feet of the statue, she picks it up, could see it had been cut early in the day. On the side between two rocks, a few roses had been discarded losing their petals. He had been there every day. Why, my God? Why we can't be happy like the children of our slave workers? She picks up a flat little rock, and with other small rock scratch a few words. No come, is too danger, they are looking for you, and in the bottom; I love you too. She places the rock with the words down, holding down the rose. Took a second look to that branch, and before living said: Please, Saint Joseph, let him see this rock. Have pity on us! She walks to the cottage with her escort, her mother was waiting, and felt better after being sure her daughter was back safely. The fact that John was outer town was enough for the people in the cottage to feel unsafe, despite the large number of men trained with arms. Meanwhile Samuel went back to the niche, somebody had move the rose, he turn the rock, and his heart stops for a second to be filled with joy. She had been there and loves him; he wasn't afraid of the danger she alert him about. Will continue to see her as many times as he can. On the next day Samuel went to the place again, put a new rose in the same place and a new rock with the words: Talk to me, "behind the statue." He spent long time waiting, but finally she comes, look to the rose, pick it up, kiss it and said: Oh my love! Next flipped the rock; her face turns as red as the rose, for a minute she couldn't say nothing, looks to the place where the escort was watching the road. Placing her hand on the statue, and bending to the front they kiss each other. Made promises that their love would be for eternity, agree to meet in that place every-other-day when possible, and nothing would be in the way of their finale happiness.


The arrangements those two young enamored had for their meetings, work fairly well for a couple of months. When John Dantes came back from Zara, the incident Samuel had with the two men, was almost forgotten. However Christine's mother figure that she should tell him about the incident; didn't told him how the men described it at the time, but feel they should take precaution, because the young lady devout much time going to Saint Joseph. John calls the men for an explanation, but they recant a portion of the story they told before, and it looks like a minor incident. John told them to be careful, and if anything happens, he want to know it right away. Meanwhile from Zara come a young man, a guest of John. A well-educated man, son of merchant who use to deal with John for long time. He looks as timid as dislocated, this little town wasn't a center of business as Zara. The men dedicate time on agriculture, but most of them were shepherds and hunters, but all them practice the game of arms. This wasn't the line of the young man, and the reason that brought him to those remote sites was different and specific. He supposes to develop a friendship with one of the daughters of John, aiming to a marriage in a near future. He spent most of the time in the cottage, and began developing some propensity towards Christine. The young lady soon discovered his intentions, and she wasn't shy to let him know, that he wasn't her style. She tried to get him lured to her sister Beatrice, but he was persistent in his project. Once he tried to follow her when she went to her habitual prayer to Saint Joseph in the niche. Christine told him to turn back immediately, and that she shouldn't be shy to tell her Godfather that he was rude and abusive. The young man withdraws without any further insistence, but he was as evil as coward, and thought to revenge the affront. On the next time when she was about to leave to her prayer, he took a short-cut to go to the niche, want to listen to her prayers. When he got there, tried to hide in the bushes, But Samuel was behind the statue and wasn't about to let him ruin their plans. He imitated the roar of a lion, and with his feet made a big noise on the small rocks. The young man run towards the cottage like a wounded animal. When he arrived couldn't speak, but a few seconds later he began to stammer some words; a lion, a lion tried to kill me. No lions in this area, close to the houses, one of the men said. I saw it! It follows me to the cottage, was big and dark. The men look each other, came to their minds that Christine could be in danger. They grab their spears and everybody runs towards the niche. They find Christine kneeling in front of the statue. One of the men asked, did you see any animal around here? No, the only animal I use to see, is my cat, she replied. The dark one? One of the men asks. Yes, is the one that goes any place with me. The men look each other began laughing, and walking towards the cottage. When Christine got home and heard about the dark lion, she already had listens from Samuel the way he scared his rival. She laughs and with the cat on her lap, said to her admirer. If you follow me again, I will tell this lion to attack you. Everybody in the room laugh, the young man felt so ashamed and small, but seems not to find a place to hide. When the night came, he asked his host to have somebody to take him back to Zara. John was surprised, however thought the boy could change his mind before sunrise, but when he was told how things happen, he agrees it would be better to take the young man back: feel he wouldn't be the right person, to marry one of his daughters. On the next day he sent two men to escort the young fellow safely to Zara. All this seems strange to John Dantes. How his daughter became so devote, her behavior changes so much in a few months, looks more responsible, and less inclined to spend time with the workers. Could it be that the young lady changes so much in a few months? He has to wait and see. Meanwhile when the young man, "Michael II ", was the name, return to Zara in middle November, a three weeks after the historic fire, he find almost of the ancient walled city gone. The ground was still a heap of rubble and split timber, brick debris, molten lead now cooled, and in many cellars' fires continue to smoke and burn. Not even the torrential late October rains had been enough to put them out. Most of the houses had been obliterated, the streets were blocked off with debris from fallen buildings. Other streets were dangerous, because some chimneys and chunks of walls continue standing. Zara looked dead and ruined, the city was infinitely more sad and pitiful now that the cruel spectacle of the flames was mostly gone. Some gloomy predictions that it never raises again. This was the scenery that Michael and the John's men find on that rainy, gray November day, seems to be only inevitable that unrest and misery would plague the entire city. The future had never seemed more hopeless; men had never been more pessimistic and resentful. Michael parents had been trapped inside theirs house, and in spite of the heroic and indomitable will of their servants, couldn't had been saved. Most of John's warehouses had been destroyed, and the administrators had already begun to plan the reconstruction. A messenger had been dispatched to advise the Duke of Dantes, about what happen, alerting for the danger posed by the pirates, responsible for the terrible fire. They could strike back and burn the rest of the city. John got the bad news, and must resolve fast. He has to organize some kind of militia, and go to Zara. He figures the best way would be to move his, " so called," family back to the shores of the Adriatic. Told one of his best men to be in charge in the cottage, and the business in the area. When he told his Godchildren to prepare for the journey, Christine was disappointed. She bags him to let her stay back in the Clifford cottage, but he was persistent and decisive. They all have to go and wouldn't accept any excuses. Besides he as to stay in Zara for long time to oversee the reconstruction of his business, and it would be a better place for the future. Christine wouldn't insist anymore. Told her sister Beatrice, that would go to Saint Joseph, to pray for the help on their journey, and for good living in Zara. Beatrice wants to go with her, and despite of the excuses of Christine, she insists and the two young ladies went. There was no more red roses at the feet of the statue, it was late October, the season was gone, but a couple of wild flowers. Christine grabs the flowers and at the same time drops the small rock on the ground. When she picks it up, made a switch and left the one she had on her pocket, holding the flowers. On that little rock she had written; come tomorrow, go to Zara, long time. Love! After their prayer, the two young ladies went back to the cottage. In the big patio in front of the big house, the worry was a constant, everybody moves steadfast getting everything ready for the move. John Dantes saw his daughters coming together speaking so freely and with a smile, so different from when he gave the news of their imminent departure to Zara. He asks, were you come from? From the niche, we went pray for our good voyage. Beatrice answered with a happy jovial voice. John never felt so proud of his daughters; he said, one day we will have to talk about important things. On the next day, Christine just escapes alone, and went right to the niche. When she got there couldn't see Samuel, went right to the statue, and check to see if was any massage, wasn't anything there. She began to cry. My God, what can I do? Please help me! Have pity of me! Fell on her knees, and hold her face between her hands. Samuel came from behind the bushes. No cry, my love! What happens? Christine began to stammer some words, and after getting her thoughts together explain what was happening. Their imminent trip to Zara, and her father affirmation that would be for a long time. This was a separation they never expect. Seem that they couldn't separate anymore. John asks Beatrice; where is Christine? I don't know. I had been looking for her, and couldn't find her She isn't in her room, and I had looked all over the house. I'm worrying. John dispatched a man to look for her in the niche, may be she went alone. She was more devote then Beatrice; it could be a possibility. The two young enamored, didn't saw the man coming, and he was surprised by what he had witnessed: His mouth comes down on hers again, this time with more urgency. She leaned into him, forgetting everything, but the wonderful taste of his lips, soft and tender, on hers. His hands tightened around her waist. Shivers of desire dance through her. She savored the last of him, reveling on his embrace. His mouth worked slowly over hers, yet with an intensity that couldn't be ignore. They are lost in a tidal wave of emotions. Her foggy brain didn't aloud a protest. Suddenly the man Shouts. What in the hell are you doing? I will kill you, bastard. He runs toward Samuel, swinging on him. Samuel grabs him by the neck, with his thumbs on his throat. The eyes of the man roll seeming to jump out from their sites. Christine pleaded to Samuel not to kill him. When he took his hands off the man, he was purple and the pulse almost gone. After a few minutes, when he was recuperated, Samuel told him; if you tell anybody what happens here, you will be a dead man Now go with Christine, but remember I watch you, no make me change my mind. Turning to Christine, Samuel told her, no be afraid, I will meet you there, and your father has to agree one way or the other. Christine walks home followed by that man she doesn't trust, but know to be a coward. It could be he never winningly mention it to anybody, however his ignorance may take him to the point when he let some word come out off his mouth. From there he could be pursued to explain what he had seen. She told the man; I'm sure you know the Master is my father, now I can have a big influence on his decisions. One day, I will be the Master. If you cooperate with me you will be protected for the rest of your life. If not, you will be on the road, and Samuel would never forgive you. Your days could be counted by the fingers of your hand. I will never tell anybody, I promise Miss Christine, even if they ask, I swear not to tell anybody. Good, from now on, you will be my escort, I will tell Master John to put you under my orders; if you are my friend and collaborate with me, I will be your friend and protector. When they got to the cottage, John was waiting for them. What happen? Why you went alone? And looking to the man asks: What take you so long to bring Miss Christine back? Christine intervenes to say; I asked him to wait a little more, wasn't ready yet. Promise that it never happens again. If you didn't mind, the next time I have to go any place, this man, Joe, will go with me and help me with my things. Right, from now on he is assigned to your orders. He may help you with your personal luggage. You are late on that, tomorrow at sunrise we begin the journey to Zara. Christine would like to inform Samuel, that everything would be all-right, but has no time to do that. She decided to take one chance, written a little note, and told Joe to hide it in his inside pocket; after she ask him to be brave, when everybody is sleeping, go to the niche, put the note on the statue feet, with a little rock holding it down. Joe felt as a superman, her young Master trusted him that much. When everybody seems to be resting from the long day of preparations, he sneaks out, and went to the niche, left the note as he has been instructed to do, by his Master. In the morning when Samuel went to his habitual walk through the woods, heard the noise of horses trotting from the Clifford's Cottage in direction to the Adriatic Sea a couple days away. He jumps on top of a big rock, part of a stone-wall, and watch from that advantage point, wants to see if Christine was going with them. "She already had gone, the party of the upper-class in the cottage had been the ones to ride in the front, just behind the scouts." It was too late, she must be gone; after the last of the marchers pass, Samuel walks through the trail going in the direction to the Clifford's Cottage. When going by the niche, he stops trying to remember everything that happens on his last encounter with her loved Christine. Looking to the statue he saw the little rock holding down a neat folded sheet of rugged paper. He jumps, his heart was full with joy, it was a letter from his beloved Christine. Thank you Saint Joseph, he stammers in a low pitch voice. In that letter she said to Samuel: My love; My father just carried out his plan to take us to Zara. You will find me there, and with the help of Joe," the man you almost killed," we will meet in some place. Joe swears to me that he will never tell anybody; he knows the Master his my father, and that his well-being depends from me. My father put him under my direct orders, and my first order to him, was to deliver this letter in the darkness of the night, when most of the people were resting before the journey. No be afraid for me, I will be well, but be careful, it could be almost disastrous if my father discovers that we love each other. Zara is a big city, they tell me about a big fire that destroyed a big area, and my father said that it will take thousands of men to rebuild it again. May be our future is there! With Love Yours for eternity. Samuel, after reading those lines sat on a rock thinking about his life, he has to plan some. After a few minutes he got up and began to walk through the woods; walks for long time before he returns home.


Those two months Samuel was without seeing Christine, seems like two years. He had told his father, that he wants to go to Zara, see the city, and may be to start some business. At that age he felt that the time had come, to start doing anything on his owner. But his father was obstinate, arguing that he was too young, someday should begin to run the Clifford's affairs, and the Clifford's family has a tradition of being the most important family in all that area. Finally, he convinced the old man that he would go just to probe the possibility of a good market for the products from their lands, and the ones their tenants bring every year to pay for the use of some lands and buildings. However the old man was adamant, and he has to agree to take a man he trusts, with him. None of them knew well the way to Zara, but the two men began the journey, sometime late in the morning, they took two good horses and some provisions. They supposed to stay the first night in a small farm, where they could rest the horses and be safe. A few hours on their way, and they find themselves lost, the sun had been obscured by dark clouds, and the rain came in tremendous and sudden showers. Those poor souls, find themselves shriving their sins as if ready to depart to the unknown. The night came and they had to choose a place to sleep, or at least rest themselves and the horses. Under a big leafy tree, they tied the horses, but couldn't feed them, the wind was blowing hard and the storm lightening the skies. They tried to use the horses as a wind-break, but they were frighten with the storm, and move constantly in an unprecedented uneasiness, the night was one those things to remember for long time. Before sunrise, they saw two shining spots beaming on them, like the eyes of a tiger, instantly like driven by a mysterious force, the two men find themselves with their swords out off their husks. But after a more scrutinized observation they came to the conclusion that a well-fed black cat, was on its hunting expedition. However, it was strange to see that kind of animal so-far-way from the last houses they had seen the day before. After sunrise they fed the horses and change their clothing, hanging the wet ones like flags adorning their horses. After riding for a few minutes, they look back, and for their big surprise, they saw a couple farm houses just a few yards from he place where they stood all night. That was the reason the cat was so halcyon on its excursion. Turning around to ask for directions, they saw a very old man ready to begin planting some vines, Samuel asks what was the name of that farm. It happens to be the one where they want to stay for the night, and the way to Zara, was the one they already had chosen. However they couldn't understand, why a man on that age was planting some vines, he surely not be able to collect the fruits. When they arrive in Zara, it was late in the afternoon, they decided to camp for the night in the outskirts of the city, and going in at sunrise. In the morning the two men began touring the city, the section not destroyed by the fire. While the Samuel's companion was ready to look for the place to stay, he was more interested to see the city, before settling for the place. In his mind was the idea of discovering the address of Christine, wants to stay close. However, this was hard to find and he couldn't ask many questions, because don't want the man to know his intentions. It was late in the afternoon, and nothing happens, they decided for a place to stay for the night. It was close to the sea and has some kind of stable for the horses. When in the next morning they find out that the place was for sale, Samuel began asking the neighbors about business, and after prospecting all day he decided that the place was good. Was very close to the dock and on the edge of the burned section. From there he could sell to people working on the reconstruction, not only merchandise from his father estates, but buying from the boats and reselling. He has a problem, the one behind his coming to this town, but he knows John Dantes had some warehouses near the sea, and they have to be close to the dock. From there it would be easy to find Christine. After a few hours of negotiations, he bought the place from the old man, but only after the deal had been consummated he find out that a big warehouse was included. Now he knows why the old man was asking for so much money. This warehouse was a big step in front for the new business, he could buy lumber from the boats, and resale it at a big profit. With the help of the seller, he hired a few men who had been working in that kind of business and open the place to the public. At the same time Samuel was going around looking for different ways to organize his business, always made some questions regarding the Dantes business. It was cardinal to find the whereabouts of Christine. This investigation finally came to a conclusion, when one day Samuel asks somebody what was the best place to commercialize large quantities of buffalo pelts. The informer told him about the Dantes' warehouses; they use to export large quantities to Italy, and receiving in exchange marble stone to be sold for the reconstruction of the city. But Samuel makes believe he would like to talk with the owner, and finally he got the information he was expecting. On the next day he went for a ride on that area, and has no trouble to find the place. He studied the area, and began thinking about the best plan to get in touch with Christine. May be Joe could be of some help, but he knows that usually when people are about to be killed by someone, seldom they forget such affront. He has to be careful in the way to approach him, however if she didn't come out off the house he has to find some way to let her know that he was around. For now he would dispatch the man that came with him, to the Clifford's estates to inform his father that everything was ready to receive merchandise originated from Clifford's estates. After the man departed to his lonely journey back to the Clifford's, Samuel didn't have to hide anymore. Nobody would spy on him, and it would be very appropriate for a businessman to go around exploring any possibility for increasing his business, or even looking for possible customers. He went riding in that area for a few times; studied a few places where he thought, a possible encounter with his beloved Christine could be held. The house where Christine lived, was a good size cottage. Surrounded by a big patio with many leafy trees, it has a stonewall about the height of a tall man, on the front was a big gate, and on the back, a small one that just opens for a small farm. All the times Samuel passes in front of it, had seen somebody taking care of the patio, looks like having a double job. Samuel was sure he was there to be on guard as his primary affair. He was becoming despair. Was no way he could find out where she was, nor the way he could see her. He has to find the way. He went to mass in a small church, not to far from the Dantes, a few times. It was there that he has the lucky of seeing her. One day when he got inside the church, saw Christine kneeling in front of the altar; he walks out and began to walk in the courtyard, from place to place. He has a gray robe with a big collar that he unfolds up, not only it protects him from the frosty winds of December, but would help to avoid being recognized by any of the Dantes' men that inevitable would be around. When Christine comes out, he walks to the Church, almost in her direction, and when cruising with her he fold one side of the collar down, letting his face to show. Christine stops for a second, and her heart not only stops for a second, but began beating in a fast pace. A man looking like a superhuman, but seeming inhuman, moves fast in their direction looking defiantly to Samuel, but he didn't slow his walk to the church, getting in as if hadn't seen this gorilla-like-man, moving in his direction. However he was sure, this man was there for Christine's protection, and could be an obstacle for their meetings. For a few weeks Samuel went to that church waiting for a chance to talk to Christine; the gorilla was there every time, and it would be impossible to talk with her. However one day while Samuel was standing on the other side of the plaza in front of the church, this man passing by, almost ramming him, whispered; take this, and handle to him a folded piece of paper. Samuel had a second look at the man, and could recognize that was the man he was about to kill, and was saved because Christine had asked for his mercy. He owes his life to his young Master, and was proving his loyalty to her. Now the young Clifford knows, they have somebody to help them to organize their meetings, it makes him happy and thought, that one day the man would be compensated for his loyalty to her. When he unfolds that piece of thick, heavily built paper, "a commodity yet so rare on those times"; red those lines: My Love: Was with so much joy that I had seen you in and outside the church. I was sure you would come, but please be careful my love. Since we came to this town, my father has many men, just to protect us from the people, they call pirates, and had been responsible for the burning and sack of the city. In our house there are watch people, day and night, and my father said that he has people on guard on the warehouses, day and night. I will communicate with you through my helper Joe, he still under my orders, and I know I can trust him. Just hope my father doesn't make plans for my future; a few time after we came here, he brought some guests to the house, and now my sister is already engaged to one of those men, they will be married by the end of next summer. She says she likes him, and I hope they will be happy. God help us, so he could understand our love! Why can't we be together like other people can? See you in church, my love. Yours for eternity.


On the next day Samuel told one of his man, to saddle two horses, and after sunset they ridded in direction to the Church, that was situated on a hillside. This was an advantageous place, from there could be seen all the harbor and the open sea, over the city. About a ten to fifteen minutes walk from the Church, there was the place where John Dantes has his house. Samuel and his man ridded slowly, and in about half an hour they got to a place not far from the Church, stop under a big leafy tree. The moon was shining between a few clouds, at some moments it was dark but from time to time, the sea could be seen shining over the city. Samuel told his helper to tie the horses, and stay with them till he comes back. He has to meet somebody and could take time, he will come back late. The wind was blowing from the sea, and the man has to stay between the horses to stay warm. It was late January, and very cold, not much snow in the Fall, but the ground was frozen. Samuel walks that couple hundred yards to Saint George's Plaza, in front of the Church with the same name. It was dark, and he couldn't see nobody there. The moon comes out again from behind a dark cloud, and the rays beam on him, Joe comes from under a tree and said: I'm here. Wasn't sure, was the Master, and was hiding. We should use the darkness when the clouds cover the moon, to advance to the cottage, and just stop under the trees. The two men began walking, and when going closer, the process was more morose and more danger. One dog comes out barking, but Joe lets an almost unnoticeable whistle go out, and the animal just runs to him. Piloto, come here. Meet Master Samuel. While they wait for the clouds to eclipse the moon again, Samuel tried to captivate the dog, let it lick his hands and face. At the same time Joe combs the dog's back with his bare hands, making sure the animal would be friendly to Samuel. Now, he already has two allied friends to help on his proposes, besides the weather. It would be another problem if was snow in the ground, and they left footprints going around the wall to the gate on the back, during the night. Finally they got to the small gate, Joe takes the bell out slowly, put it on the ground and open the gate. Meanwhile the dog rush to go in at the same time they did, and knock the bell to the side. It made a sound that sounds more like a pan, and nobody comes out to investigate. Joe, with his hands together in front, with his fingers laced together on each other, told Samuel; put your foot here on my hands. He did, and with the motion of the two men he finds himself on the stable's roof. With one hand on the wall of the house, he balanced himself, while walking up on the roof to the window. It was about a waist high from the lower roof, he knocks on it, and the latches made a rusty noise, the window opens to the side. A melodious, but very low pitch voice, seeming like ashamed of coming out off so beautiful and soft lips, sounds like music to the hears of Samuel. My love, you did come! You risk your life to see me! My dear Christine, I gladly would give my life to be with you for the rest of my life. Hope God listens to you! They grab each other's hands, and their upper bodies cling together with the low wall separating their feet. Samuel puling his cap up, uses it to shield her from the cold, and the two made promisees of love and fidelity for the remains of their lives. Joe waits for long time for Samuel to come down from the roof, and when he did, Joe finds out that wasn't needed anymore. Samuel climbs the stonewall and jumps outside ignoring the gate, while Joe replaces the bell on the gate and went to his quarters very happy for having his orders carried out as a master in the game. Samuel wasn't so careful going out as they had been going in, but the moon had gone down in the horizon and despite of a few falls he got safely to the place where he left his horse and his man. For a couple of months they met without the help of Joe, sometimes he walks on snow, but it was too danger and they had to space their meetings for longer periods. Meanwhile John Dantes find out that he has somebody cutting on his business and sent somebody to investigate who was. He didn't like what they find out, the son of Clifford coming to Zara, and getting his business growing so fast. It was an affront to John, he advises his people not to do business with him, and cut on the prices to lure his clients. However most the merchandise Samuel was selling comes from the Clifford's estates, and he could absorb some losses on materials that they buy from the boats. He was no match for the Dantes business, but he could survive. Happen that one day, when his men went to load the sleds with timber in the dock, find out that somebody had cut the ropes used for the horses to pull. The hauling had to be postponed for the next day, and the John's men had been able to buy all the lumber from that particular boat. Samuel was informed of what happen and didn't like it either, he advises his men to be on guard, and himself went to investigate. Didn't took long to catch somebody, stops for a drink in a bar close to the dock, and when going out saw somebody near his horse. The guy runs out from there and when Samuel got closer to the horse, saw the reins had been cut. He mended it with a piece of string, and was riding around the block, when turning on the corner saw the man coming down on the street. He stops waiting for him, but as soon as the man looks and sees him, turns around and tried to escape. The horse was faster and in a minute the guy was flat on his back pleading for mercy. While Samuel was trying to get a confection from him, to find who gave the orders, a couple of men came throwing stones. Samuel presses his spurs on the horse, and the men didn't have time to run, they had been trampled to the ground, one had his brains exposed and the death was instantaneous. While he checks on the body the other guys run like jack rabbets outer the site.


Samuel was upset, he never expects that to happen, the horse stepped on the guy's head by accident, but was nothing else to do. People came from the houses around, and Samuel gave money to somebody to make a proper funeral. Sometime later somebody left the same amount of money in Samuel's warehouse with a note that reads: "Funerals can only be paid with funerals." Now Samuel had to be careful, he knows somebody is looking for revenge. He never knows; could be attacked by more then one man, and even by surprise. From now on he would be escorted by a man well trained with arms, even when he goes to meet Christine, the man goes with him. When they get close by, the man stays with the horses, and wait for him to come out. More he got some people to guard his business, it would be difficult for somebody to carry any act of sabotage. He decided to make a trip to see his father and his aging mother, but before he would go to see his love one. It was a raining night, but he has everything planed and ready for the next day departure, he has to go. Told his body guard, and the two men went riding the dark streets of Zara, in direction to the Dante's cottage. From time to time everything was illuminated by lightning. He left the man and the horses on the habitual place, and went to see Christine. He knocks a few times on the window, before she awakes up, she never expects him to come in a so inclement weather. You come with this weather? Yes, my love, tomorrow I go to the Valley, and stay there for a couple weeks. Couldn't go without talking with you before. Thank you Sam, you are my life, you are all wet, come inside off the rain. Samuel went inside that window for the first time, the wind was blowing the rain in. She close the window. My love, when will be the end of those trips, in the rain and snow; she asks? Soon he replies. Christine, I did organize my business; I no have to depend from my father anymore, and you no have to depend from yours either. Tomorrow I go to the Valley, I will tell my father about you, he has to understand. And if not, she asks? I will be sorry, but you are first. When I come back, will be the time to meet your father, If he doesn't understand, you will go with me one night, and you will see that he changes his mind when he finds out that he is losing you. They spent almost all night together, when he got to his man and the horses, was almost morning, and in the warehouse the men were up getting things ready to depart. He didn't sleep the entire night, but the sun, rises beautiful, not a single cloud, and after a day riding they got to the farm where the old man was planting the vines when he first came to Zara. He was there to great them, and Samuel had the chance for a good night sleep. It was good for him because he would be loosing the sleep for long time to come. When Samuel met his father and explains how the business works, it was evident that the old man approves it enthusiastically. The old Clifford himself would make a trip to Zara, he wonders if it would be feasible to invest even more in that area. May be the business his son started, could expand in other kind, like copper artifacts, arms and woven cloth. His son felt not to tell him at this time, about Christine. He doesn't want to ruin his enthusiastic approach to the business in Zara. Furthermore, if they expand his business enough to confront John Dantes, may be Christine's father doesn't dare to mount a big opposition to their marriage. He was in Valpovo with his father for about three weeks, after that he departs again back to his business, and the usual visits to his loved girl-friend. He informs her of his purpose of not telling him yet about their decision, it would be later, after he has his business even bigger, and profitable. One month later, in late July, Clifford went to Zara. With him he took a caravan with a few of his best people, loads of wheat, olive oil and pelts to be sold on his son's business. Samuel already has discovered other places they could buy, and gotten in touch with some people who had acknowledge of the business of sailing across the Adriatic, to and from Italy. From there they could buy all the artifacts his father had talked about, and seems like a good market for the pelts. They began working hard to accomplish their plans, but everything was coming in place. Even a boat with a good crew had been bought, and the two Clifford had made a special trip to Italy, where they contracted with Merchants some further deals. However Samuel had been out many evenings with his bodyguard, and not sleeping that much. His father had noticed all that, and he figures that a woman would be the cause of all those night excursions. One they he told the young Clifford; Samuel, I think the time had come for you to choose a young lady, to marry and get children. The name Clifford, needs continuation, and you need a lady to comfort you, to be with you. You no have to go out and expose yourself to danger, furthermore a businessman like you should have an organized family. Think about that! Father, I don't have to choose a lady, I already did. Didn't told you yet, because was afraid you don't approve, but I have to tell you anyway, and better now that later. That lady is... Is Christine, daughter of our enemy. What enemy? Samuel felt the ground sliding from under his feet, but in a moment he composed himself, and replay; our enemy in business, John Dantes. This time was the old Clifford, the one to feel the ground running out. What? You tell me... You tell me that you and... No, I don't think I understood you well, it couldn't be. You want to tell me that you spent those nights with her? Yes, father, is Christine, and I don't spent time with her only in Zara, but in Valpovo. We love each other for long time. You get me here for this. You are wrong, I'm a Clifford, and a Clifford who deserves his name, never consents that his only son, looks down to such people. Father, I'm sorry but the word of a Clifford had been given to that distinct lady, and as you taught me, that word never goes back. The old man told his son; you better take care of yourself, because from now on you get nothing from me. Never send men to get products from the Clifford estates, because they aren't available anymore. He told his men to get the horses ready, and depart to his estates, but on the way he went by the John's cottage. When at the gate he asks for John, was told that the Master wasn't there, and the young lady? Each one the man asks? Christine. Who is asking for her? Not your business! The man didn't move, and he shouts Clifford. The man went to advise Christine. Mr. Clifford is here? Yes, his here, but doesn't look so happy. Christine never thought she was about to meet the old Clifford, but when she comes out her surprise was evident, her love one wasn't there. He was the old Clifford, however it was too late to turn back, and she decided to confront the situation. When she comes about twenty yards from the old man, he was adamant, and very hard on his interpolation: Young girl, if you want to marry, choose your fellow slave, he will be the one you deserve, your father already has many starving around. Christine was perplexed, never before somebody had the boldness of talking to the young lady using such language. She returned to her room crying and wondering what happens, what could motivate the old man to take such attitude. May be her lover already talked to him, about her and their intentions to marry. She felt ashamed. and wounded on her sensibility as a lady, her father was a Dantes, but never openly conceded to her to be her father. She doesn't felt that his consent would be necessary for her marriage, it would be up to the young Clifford to decide if he wants to talk with him. Now she wants to talk with her love one, and know how everything happen, she was sure he had reviled their intentions of marriage to his father. On that night Samuel went to visit her, the night was beautiful and he comes sooner then usual, in fact she didn't expect him to come that soon. She was in her room crying, and when he looks could see her face close to the oil lamp, with a few tears rolling down on her cheeks. He knocks on the window, and she wipe her face fast trying to disguise her anguish: My love you come sooner, what you have to tell me? Not much, why are you crying? No matter, something not important. She couldn't disguise anymore, and Samuel could feel her wet face against his. My love don't cry, tell me what happen, I am here to help you. Your father was here, Samuel, he asked for me, and when they told me that Mr. Clifford wants to see me, I thought were you, come out and saw him... What happen? She embraces him again, my love he told me; young lady if you want to marry, choose a fellow slave it is what you deserve. Miserable, how low he could come. I believe his age doesn't let him be reasonable anymore. I told him about us, and he became furious, when he comprehended that I wouldn't go back on my plans, just told me not to expect any help from him and departed to Valpovo shouting you will be sorry. Now we have to see what your father says, may be he is as adamant as mine, but that wouldn't spoil our happiness. Samuel, my father never told me that I was his daughter, if you don't want to talk with him, that is okay with me, I believe we don't need his approval. Right, we don't need his approval, but it would be better if he comprehended our love, and who knows, the unexpected may happen. One idea came to the mind of Christine, and if I speak to my mother before? When she talk to him, he always listen to her; I know it would be a big surprise for her, but think she could resist to the trauma. Could be less, then if you come with me, before she knows about us. Well, I'm gonna try, and what will be will be. On the next day Christine told her mother; mother I have some important to talk with you about, it is private, can you come to my room? Yes, how private? Well, I came to a big decision on my life, and I need your approval and help. Long time ago I find the man of my dreams, we fall in love, and now we decided to marry. What? Are you on your right mind? Yes mother, you listen right, we want to be married. Is it Joe? No mother, is an important man, we never told you before because we figure Master John wouldn't approve, but now I need your approval. And Master John's approval too. I never told you, but I know you suspect this already; Master John is your father, you know that? Yes, I know because somebody told me the truth long ago, but if he likes me as a daughter he had come foreword long ago, and I don't think he has anything to say now. He doesn't have the authority nor even the moral to do so. No be so independent, Master John did protect you since a baby, and always try to get the best for you. Look how you had been grown, can't you see, that only you and your sister got the education, all the other have to work hard? Sorry, mother I know I shouldn't say what I said, but one thing I have to tell you, my mind is made, and I will marry him despite the opposition of the Master. How you know he is against the marriage? Who is that lucky man? Mother, is Samuel Clifford. What? How can you? Mother, we had been friends for long at Valpovo, do you remember when he beat up on Joe? Well, it was because Joe tried to intervene in our meetings, but after that he hadn't other choice but collaborate with us. He his our friend, and we intend to compensate him for his help in our meetings. How you gonna tell your father about your intentions, you think he is gonna be happy with so unspeakable attitude? Mother, I come asking for your help, please see what you can do for us, I would like to do everything the best way I can, but I'm not ready to abdicate of my happiness. Well, I will see what I can do, will not be easy, but daughters bring us problems all the time. Rodent knows well that her lover, Master Johns, would never consent in such marriage, but is her daughter, and the way she was adamant, some very wrong could happen. At the very same day at night, Rodent got the guts to tell John what had happen. His daughter get a wrong boyfriend, and the worse is; she plans to marry him, despite everything that could happen. Well, but who is this so uttered boyfriend, somebody working in the stables? No, is an important man, but his your number one enemy, she told me that her relation with him, goes far back from Valpovo, he is Samuel Clifford. John came out off his mind, how it could happen without anybody find out? He wants to talk with his daughter right-away, but Rodent was so afraid for the physical integrity of her daughter, that tried hard to convince him to wait till morning. She is sleeping, and may be she change her mind before sunrise. Sometimes the night is a good counsel. Finally, John agrees to wait till morning, but his fury didn't abate, he orders that the young lady come to his presence even before breakfast. Christine tried to be brave, but when getting at the presence of John, her Master, she breakdown, crying and unable to say anything. He demands that she break that relation right now, but she only masters to say; never. Get her outer here, before I kill her, John shouts to Rodent, she was close by, afraid that her Master could beat the fragile young lady's body. Christine walks to her room, her mother went there, but she wouldn't' talk to anybody, didn't eat, and won't see anybody. For the next few days Christine didn't came out off her room, almost don't eat, just tried to get in touch with Joe, but he had been taken out off her orders. Finally she went around, and stop at the stables, Joe was working there, told her that his Master tried to force him to confess, being accomplice with them on their meetings. However he never confesses, and never will, even if he tried to kill him. The grounds around the cottage are guarded by men with specific orders, to stop anybody who comes around, even to kill somebody who has the guts to come close in the night. This revelation left Christine terrified, Samuel could adventure to come for a meeting, and it may cost his life. She has to find the way to advise him; told her mother that would be going to church, but was informed that she would be escorted by a man from the guard. Christine, decided to go ahead, if Samuel comes could be a confrontation, but better be man to man, then being stabbed on the back in the night. When she went to church, a man went with her, and had been embarrassing close all the time, even gone in the church looking all around, and after coming to the door, where he waits for her to come out. However Samuel had a strong reason not to come to meet her at night. John Dantes had been in his place to meet him, and advice; if he comes close to his daughter again, he would be killed like a dog. Samuel had replied; no matter what, he would marry her, and if somebody has to be killed, it isn't his intention of being himself. On a Sunday morning, Christine went to church, escorted by the hated bodyguard. When she enters the plaza in front of the church she saw Samuel not to far from the church's door. She felt the ground running from under her feet, the confrontation could be now, but Samuel stood aside, seeming not looking to her. However when she passes by, could observe him playing with a small rock in his hand. It looks like the rock they use to hold down their notes at the Saint Joseph niche, back in Valpovo. It has to be a sign, he had left a note in some place, inside the church was a statue of Saint Joseph. Christine went to kneel in front of it, trying to figure where could be the best place to guard that note, from the eyes of so many people. Didn't took much time to find out, as the statue was dressed always down to the feet, she looks and could see a little rock just spying together with the toe of its right foot. Now she has to retrieve it, after praying a little more, she got up and with her handkerchief, clean some fictitious spot on the face of the statue. Looks directly to it for a few seconds more and drop the handkerchief right on Saint Joseph's feet. Slowly she picks it up together with the little rock and the note. Thanks Saint Joseph, once more you had come to help us, please help us to fulfill our plans; have compassion of us! Going back to the cottage, Christine was anxious to get there, to read that note. As soon as she arrives, she went to her room and reads it: My loved Christine, pardon me for not meeting you, but your father had come to meet me, and it wasn't a so friendly conversation as we like it to be. We don't have other solution, you have to come with me against his will. I will meet you in your place, someday soon to decide when and how, we could do it. It is dangerous and I have to test the guards before; just wait for me. With love Forever She was so afraid, but adamant with their plans; she got together just a few of her most personal belongings inside a little bag and hid it under her bed. If he comes successful to meet her, she would propose to go with him right away, and not let him be expose to that danger for the second time. Meanwhile Samuel get everything ready to receive his loved Christine, soon he would sail with her to Italy. Get a place there for them to stay, he will come from time to time to supervise his business. One day she would come with their children, and if her father still alive couldn't go on without the companionship of his grandchildren. God Help us! We are so close, and still so far! He just wait a few days, and decided to test the cottage guard, his best bodyguard had been spying the place, disguised as a beggar. It was well guarded, but as Samuel said it could be done. One man would come close to distract the guard, if possible let them pursue him, and John would go in. When the lamp comes on two times, the guard would be distracted again, and Samuel would come out.


That night was cold, wet mist, and a hard wind swept the place. There were times, in weak moments, when we felt the weather should be included retroactively, in Hades, or purgatory, or wherever people are supposed to suffer for their sins. However it could be the best to go in, it was noisy and dark, the men on guard would be trying to protect themselves from the rain; they could be caught of guard. Samuel left his horse under a tree near the church as he uses to do, and the two men ride in the same horse, Samuel in front taking care the reins. They ride to the side of the Dantes' homestead, Samuel reaches to a tree's branch and jump on it, while the other man took the reins and ridded slowly close to the stone wall. A dog began barking, some men came out off their windbreaks and follow the Samuel's man that rides along side of the stone wall in the opposite direction that his Master was walking. However when Samuel was trying to escalate the wall near the small gate, a guard grabs him from the back; instinctively Samuel drop to the side, and heard the sound of fragmentation from the man's sword on it's impact against the wall. The two men rolled on the wet muddy ground, like pigs, but the guard was able to shout; help, I got him, just seconds before Samuel's dagger slide on the edge of his heart through his lungs. Men and dogs had been alerted by the screaming of the dying guard, and Samuel had to run downhill through thorns and brambles. The dogs guided by their keen noses and Samuel's scent, came closer and closer, and after so many falls and slides Samuel comes near a River. Only after he had walk in shallow water the dogs lost his scent, but he was weak and bleeding, it was cold and dark, he has no sense of direction. Samuel leaned against a big boulder as if trying to get protection from it, his clothing was all wet, and it was impossible to find his way in the dark and dense forest. He decided to wait till morning to get outer off that place. His man who had going around, and positioned himself to see when the sign from the lamp advises him to be ready to pick up Samuel, noticed that some was going wrong. He heard the noise of men and dogs coming from that direction, but couldn't do nothing but wait. They didn't plan any other way to communicate, in bird songs or another sounds sometimes used in the forest. At sunrise Samuel was, burning with fever, so weak that couldn't walk, his man who still waiting on the hill in front of the window, decide to ride to Samuel's place. Gave the alarm to other men, and a party departs searching for Master Samuel. They assemble in the hill and wait while one of them disguised as beggar went to the cottage to find out if any strange thing had surfaced. In fact some had happen, the cottage's guard still in a state of alert, and somebody had been killed by estranges who tried to break in the grounds by the darkness of the night. The Samuel's men went in groups of two exploring some trails, sometimes dangerous near the cottage, but determined. This time they use coding language to communicate in sounds that resemble the sounds of the forest. After a couple hours somebody who had been tracking slowly through the disturbed brambles and shrubs, had a bizarre discovery. A corpus of a man, and coming closer, it was Samuel Clifford. The man barking as a coyote, communicates the finding. The party assembles around, and while checking they find signs of life in that cold and wet body. One of the men undresses, and after rubbing Samuel's body with rum from their canteens, a stuff they drink in the summer to get cool, and in the winter to get warmer. They dress him in dry clothing; he began to recuperate, and after swallow just a little of rum began to talk. The men made a hand-barrow from tree branches to carry him, and depart in parties, ready to divert the attention from the main carriers, if somebody estrange to the group appears. Took awhile to get him outer that place, but when they got him to the place where they left the horses, he already rides with a man. For the next couple weeks, nobody was sure he could survive, but in three weeks he was already in command of his business. Meanwhile Christine was alarmed, she got the news that had been a fight near the back gate and one of the guards had been killed. She was sure that Samuel had come to meet her, and had been to the church to see if he had left any message, but nothing surface to comfort her. However John Dantes, was trying to investigate, if Samuel had anything to do with the invasion of his propriety, his men told him that they find foot prints all over. Horses had been in the hill just in front of the cottage, it could be a prelude for father invasions. John had a different idea about all this, it could be some about his refusal of the marriage of his daughter to Clifford. He was determined not to let that happen, and Christine would be watched closely all the time. From now on, even during the night a man would be watching, just in case somebody tries to contact her. Samuel's men had been around trying to find some way to contact her, but this would be almost impossible. She new all the orders her father gave to the men, and likes to advise Samuel about that. She would take the chance of once more leaving a note on Saint Joseph's Statue, knows it was too danger, but she has no alternative. When she went to mass on Sunday morning, her eyes went around, screening the entire plaza in front of the church. Were no signs of Samuel, and she became despair, Some could have been happen to him. Too danger to leave the note in the church because if he didn't get there fast it could be find by somebody else. She will write another one, but this time in a way that nobody else could know who wrote it, and only Samuel knows who use to leave notes in that place. The next time she went to church, left a note in the same place that just reads: Too danger! Guards all over the place! We have to wait! She spent a lot of time in her prayers, and this was enough for the giant man to become suspicious. After she lefts, he went inside and looks all around the Statue, couldn't see nothing. In an act of despair he kicks the feet of the Statue, the little rock went flying in the church and the little note was exposed well enough to be seen by the hated man, who took it to John Dantes, as if it was a treasure.


John Dantes was furious when he red the little note, order that Christine come to his presence, and told her: I did order you not to see or talk with this man again, and you disobey my orders; what you think I should do? I don't think you have to do anything, I didn't see him or talk with him. Besides you are not my father and as far as I know I'm not your slave. You have a lot of nerve little lady, but you will learn to respect your elders, I will send you to a Monastery in Italy, may be it help you to brighten your mind, it is becoming too foggy, -- go to your room. John Dantes was out of his mind, was the first time, she disobeys him and the way she said, you are not my father, by itself implicit knowledge and disdain. He was wondering if he didn't made a big mistake by not taken a conversation with them years back, now it is too late. May be he does it before the wedding of Beatrice, it wasn't too far from its realization, but that conversation would be with Beatrice. If Christine understands that, and changes her mind, may be he could change his mind too, and not send her to Italy, otherwise she would go. He would go to Italy and talk with the abbess of the convent, and arrange for his daughter's ingress in the order. (On those times, most of the convents had been use not only as a residence for a community of nuns, but also as some kind of a correctional institution. Where they send people in, that otherwise could cause some problems to the upper class, or even be in the way of a marriage, or succession of a king). The few months before the wedding, gone fast and John one day assemble all the upper class of his people to make an announcement: "The times are different now, from the ones twenty years back; the ethics are others, and what was immoral then could be not only moral now, but one act of justice. I did assemble you here to say to you what is the very truth, and from now on would be recognized and acknowledge by all: I am the biological father of the young ladies of the house; Beatrice and Christine, you recognize that and act accordingly." It wasn't a surprise for the people assembled, but for the groom to be; it was an important fact to be known. He was already more interested in the fortune of John Dantes that properly in the bride. He too, was interested in everything that could take Christine from the way that could lead to a marriage, and the possibility of children. If he could be the only one to get control of a so vast conglomerate of business and estates, it would be his main happiness. Meanwhile Christine's mother, had a conversation with her daughter, telling that if she changes her mind everything would come out well. Her father would forget that abominable idea of send her to a convent. She could choose other young man, her father had invited many young men to Beatrice's wedding, and it could be the right occasion. This was like an insult to the morals of Christine, she even told her mother, that she never expects her to collaborate with her father as she does. Her mother should help her to runaway from that cottage that was already smelling like a prison. The idea of another man was one thing impossible, completely outer question, only old fashion people could come with such idea. She must find some way to pass all that information to Samuel, the danger of being cough again didn't scare her anymore. Her father would send her to a convent, and for her it couldn't be worse then it is now, being watched all the time, with no friends. One morning she went to the stables, nobody else but Joe was there to attend the horses. She told him: Joe I'm in danger, my father will send me soon to a convent in Italy, I have to communicate that to Samuel. Didn't see him for so long, and I am worrying if some had happen to him. You have to help me, my father invited some young men to the wedding, and they want me to choose one. I will die before they force me to do that, if I could know the way to runaway from this place, I would do it. Joe wants to help, but how? If he gets out of the stables and the Master finds out, he could be in trouble, even his life would be in danger. The young lady understands that, and told him; sorry Joe, I was selfish, shouldn't ask so much from you, just forget and don't worry. Everything would be okay, and one day you will be with us, but not working in the stables anymore. She walks away to the house, thinking how to resolve a so big problem. On the next morning, she heard some agitation between the people that supposed to guard the place, went out and asks; somebody else tried to break in the house? No, they told her; nobody breaks in, but somebody broke out. Joe disappears last night, he was here at nightfall, but at sunrise was gone, the Master already sent people looking for him. Christine, thought it could be he went looking for Samuel to take her message just hope he can get there safely. After that he could have the protection from Samuel. That happen, she was right on her thoughts, Joe went directly to Samuel's warehouse, explain everything that was happening in the Dantes' cottage, and ask for protection. Samuel told him to hide in the stables, that were situated right under Samuel's living quarters. He should stay there for a few days, and after he would be disguised as another man and work for Samuel in the warehouse till his younger Master break free from the Dantes. However Samuel continue to feel sick, sometimes he felt some fever and chest pains, the master horsemen advise him to eat bread soaked in red wine with garlic, and rest as much as possible. This sickness not only was interfering in his ability to conduct his business, but was one of so many obstacles in the way to accomplish his plans to get Christine out off that madly place. He as to rely on his best man to convey his message to Christine. He has to inform her that Joe was safe, and he had been a little sick, but now he already feels a little better. Tel her to be ready on her sister's wedding, that would be the appropriate time for her to get free. If not him, somebody else would be there to snitch her from her father's claws. The man has to find out the way to get in touch with her, and he decided that the church would be the best place. He observes when she comes to church, at least every Sunday, and the place were she kneels all the time, in front of Saint Joseph's Statue. Was on that place he has to talk with her. On a Sunday Christine went to church early, her body guard went inside as he use to do, and come out to wait at the door. As soon as she kneels, the priest walks from the Sacristy, looking to the altar, almost walking sideways. He stops behind Christine, and said in a very low voice; Joe his safe. On your sister's wedding Samuel or me, will be there to take you away. The priest walks around the altar and disappear again to the Sacristy. Sometime after, the church was already full with people, but the priest didn't return to read mass. Somebody who sometimes uses to help at the ceremony went to the Sacristy looking for him. He was tied to a column, gagged, and his vests on the floor in front of him. Somebody had broken in the Sacristy, overcome him, took his vests, dress-up, and in a few minutes drop the vests in front of him. Everybody was informed of that event, but nobody else knows he had talk to Christine. Only then she finds out that wasn't the priest who gave her the message, somebody else had been there, however the voice was completely strange to her. She went home thinking about that, and one way or the other she would be prepared for the event. Know that couldn't be anybody, from her father's party. Now she has to wait for the wedding party, but everything was a big confusion for her mind, could it be Samuel who comes, or will he rely on somebody else to take her away. All this scare her sleeping away, and those few weeks she has to wait, seem like not having an end. However she dedicates herself to help on the affairs of her sister wedding, was so busy doing that, that her father thought she already forgot Samuel. Looks like he already relaxes the guard of the cottage, but not enough for her to get any news from her loved Samuel, and she was eager to know how everything would take place. Once her sister said; looks like you are more anxious then me, for the wedding day.


Finally the so waited date comes, the wedding took place in the grounds of the John Dantes cottage. He had invited all the merchants from the area, with the exception of Samuel Clifford. However Samuel continued to be very sick, enable to go himself to the rescue of Christine, for the last few days he had been coughing blood, and had been advised to rest as much as possible. He decided to send Barnabas, his top man, to the very difficult task; to rescue Christine. The plan was, for a couple of men to subdue one of the guests on the way to the wedding in the Dante's cottage. Barnabas would be disguised, and using the guests horse would present himself as a guest, going in and in some way communicate with Christine. At first everything went as planed, the son of a big construction company owner, was ridding his horse through a trail not far from the Dante's cottage. While Barnabas hidden on a tree branch, drop a rope and pull him to the ground, the other men come out from the bush, and subdue the young man. He was advice that the only way he could survive, was to be quiet, undress from his cloth and just cover himself with a cape that one of the men passed to him. The two men took him to a hidden place in the woods, while Barnabas dress up in the young man clothing, that seems to be too big for his short body. When ridding to the cottage gate, he announces himself to the guards, and after they look to the horse marks signal him to go in, a boy was ready to take care of the horse. Barnabas insist to help to tie the horse, and made sure the boy didn't remove the bridle from the beast. He wants to be sure the horse was ready for their escape, when they get ready to do so. The ceremony was simple and brief, after that everybody was busy heating and drinking, around a big fire where a few pigs and lambs were being roasted. Some people begun dancing, and Barnabas decided to use the occasion to ask Christine for a dance, she was reluctant to go, but when he insists she got the message and went. In the dance he explains to her to be ready, just wait a little more, and when it was a little darker, and many would be drunk, she would go next to him get on the horse and elude everybody, getting out of the place. Everybody continues dancing; a young man asks for a dance with Christine, and despite of her excuses he insists to dance more, but she makes believe, a pain was bothering her right foot, and just set down waiting for the chance to go out. Barnabas felt that the propitious occasion had arrived, and walks to the horse. She immediately follows him, but the young man that was trying to dance with her, saw that she was follow him, and himself went to investigate what was happening. Barnabas lift the young lady to the horse, but before he mounts the young man comes and tried to interfere in their business. Barnabas had to grab him by the neck, and make sure he made no noise before he dies. However the horses became uneasy and made enough noise to call the attention of the guards. They came to investigate, Barnabas climbed to the horse and press the spurs on the animal, it jumps toward the gate, but a chain had been strength from jamb to jamb. The horse kaput, Christine was hurt, and Barnabas didn't have a chance to get up. A pair of lancers slides through his chest killing him instantly. The guards grab Christine and took her to the cottage. Her father was out of his mind, he demands that she explains how everything happens. She was confused, but after a few minutes she began by saying; the killed young man follows her around, and when she went close to the horses he grabs her, tried to get her on the horse, but she screams and the older man comes to rescue her. Don't know why, but when the guards came the older man jumps on the horse and tried to take her outer that place. John Dantes didn't like the explanation, but he would investigate, for now she would be in her room guarded day and night. The two men that had staying behind with the young undressed teenager, noticed some altercation in the cottage grounds. One of them went close to investigate; everybody was leaving the place, and Barnabas didn't come back to exchange the cloth, some was wrong. They have to move, but the young man was impeding their action, they only have two horses and leaving him behind he could be a witness. They decided for the safest way, kill him and take the cape with them, not to leave anything to implicate them. After they made sure that Barnabas was unable to come out with Christine, went back to report to Samuel. It was almost the last straw for him, he was about to go himself to investigate, but after being advised by the men he mostly trusts, comes down. They decided to wait for the next day, to see what happens. Joe was witnessed all that bickering, and after all the souls come down, he comes to Samuel and said: Master, I would like permission to help. Could disguise and go at the church's door, and later at the cottage gate. May be I can find out what happens to Barnabas and lady Christine, after I will report to Master Samuel. Okay, Joe you have my permission, and you will be compensated for your loyalty, and bravery. Go get everything you need, and tomorrow you may go and do your thing, but before you go, let me see how you look; I may need to go looking for you. On the next day, when Joe was about to get ready to sneak in his disguised outfit, a man comes to the warehouse. He was riding a horse and followed by a mule with a body laying across its back. At the entrance he asks; do you know this man? While somebody was answering, Joe with his back turned shouts: is the man Samuel fired last week, for stilling some pelts. The messenger rides back taking the corpus with him. Joe went and explains to Samuel what happens, and he becomes more apprehensive about what could have been happen to Christine. They decided that Joe would go to his scheme. He dresses up in those rugs, and walk his way to the church, where he set against the wall near the door jamb. For the first couple days, nobody gave him food, but on the third day one of the Samuel's men pass by and drop some food on his basket. After that he moves to the gate in front of the cottage; the first person who comes to offer food was Christine's mother. She drops a piece of bread in the basket, and Joe said; God give happiness to you and your children. They need it she answered. On the day after, was Christine, the one to come with food, "some soup in a red bowl," she said; after you eat I send somebody to get the bowl. Thank you, lady Christine, come to check on you. You are Joe? Yes, any message? Yes, come back here tomorrow. On the next day Joe was there furled in his rugs, trying to catch the sun to warm himself. Christine came with a bowl of soup, gave it to him, and at the same time passed a piece of folded paper to his hand. He hides it in an inside pocket, eat the soup, and as soon as somebody came to pickup the bowl, he left to report to Samuel. He was very happy, once more he had been able to do his job as a master in this game. After he walks e few hundred yards, looks back, nobody was watching, he didn't walk anymore; he runs to deliver that piece of paper to his Master, who was desperate waiting for news from his loved Christine. Master I get news from lady Christine, talk with her two times, in different days, she gave me this for you. He handles the piece of paper to Samuel, who unfolded it in no time. It reads: Samuel, My Love Everything goes wrong on our lives, seems that God didn't have any mercy on us. I hope at least you are feeling better, Joe told me you had been sick, and it was the reason you didn't come yourself to rescue me; it may have saved your life, but I'm loosing hope of see you again. My father orders me to get my things in my bags, and be prepared for a trip. It could be the end, think he is taking me to a convent to some place in Italy. Please no lose your faith, if one day I have the chance to runaway, I will beg on the way back to be with you. Please take care of your healthy and be there for me. Saint Joseph helps us before, he will do it again. If I have the chance to inform you of what convent, or his location, I will do it. Don't know how, but I will try. Yours till God takes me away. Christine Samuel red those lines, it was like a sward piercing his heart, he must do some to impede her depart. Sent a man to spy, to find out when they leave the cottage, and ride back to inform him. He wants to be in the docks when she embarks to Italy. He knows she will be well guarded, and impossible take her away, but would see her, and may be she sees him once more. Told his men to prepare one horse to be ready, just in case. He wants to be prepared for the worse, pick up his sward and tried a few maneuvers, but the cough comes back and with it the blood. Felt so debilitated, it would be better if he could save Christine from the pain of see him in that poor state of health. He couldn't rescue her by himself, better stay back and get somebody to take that so difficult task. Call one of his top men to encumber him of that delicate job, gave him five pieces of gold and said: Go, and rescue Christine from these miserable people. Don't come back till you do it, you will be well compensated when you bring her safely back. The man promised him that she will be back, and possible in less time that could be imagined by now. However after he left, he began looking to those so beautiful, shining pieces, it would be enough to star some kind of small business for himself in Italy. Samuel is sick, and by his looks, would never be well enough to go looking for him. Furthermore, if he brings Christine back to Samuel, it would be disastrous for both, she only comes to assist at his death; it would be a favor for both if he never comes back. He boards the first boat that was leaving across the Adriatic, and went looking for his owner business in Italy. More then one month went by, and nobody comes back with any news to the younger Clifford. All those problems come just in time to aggravate more that sickness, it appears that as the Fall season was approaching, his health would be worse. The one that was suffering with them was Joe, he had seen Christine growing, and developed that admiration for her. Later he became very friendly to Samuel, admire him for his courage, forsakes his fathers' fortune for his love to Christine. For Joe, Samuel was the example to be followed by all men who have any interest in the development of the humankind. Couldn't be present at the agony of his Master, without doing something to help those unfortunate lovers. He went to Samuel and said: Master I would like to have your permission to help; I could go back, disguise again, and may be find some news about lady Christine, it could take time, but I promise I will. Please Joe do it for me, I'm very sick, but I believe if you find her, and get news from her, I will recuperate from this devil that is trying to kill me. Joe told him that, would be at the cottage gate, at the Dantes, to see if it is possible to know the name of the convent. After he would come to see Samuel, on his way to find Christine, and take any message to her. This gave a new will to Samuel, for a few days he felt that his health was coming back. It took a few days for Joe to find the whereabouts of Christine, but one day when happen to be Christine's, mother the one to give him some food, he couldn't help and asks; please where is lady Christine? The older lady, hold her breath for a few seconds, and reply are you Joe? You had been here to see Christine? Yes, please, where is she? She is in Italy, in Saint Joseph's, you better get outer here fast, because you could be killed if they find out who you are. Thanks lady, I will give her your regards. Thanks Joe please help her. Joe, went back to report to his Master the good news, he knows the convent's name, and would find out where it is located. Samuel was grateful for Joe's discovery, and was anxious to send a message to Christine. He began writing, but he couldn't hide the fact that he was already loosing his faith; the dreams of a good life in communion with his loved one, had given way to the nightmares. He dreams about dying in church while waiting for the priest to say the words, (I pronounce you man and wife). Seem like he was seeing in the dark sky, the faces of his father and John Dantes, laughing, with fangs like venomous snakes ready to attack the most innocent lamb. My God, what are my sins, that motivate you to give me a so heavy penitence? Please help me God! Finally he was able to write a letter, that he handles to Joe and asks; please deliver this one to Christine, with this small bag. It contains some gold coins, she may be in need, take your time, I will pray to God to guide your steps. On the next morning, Joe left for his mission, in the docks he had to hide from the Dantes' men, they could recognize him, but in the afternoon he has the chance to sneak in one boat to sail cross the sea to Italy. Getting there, he walks faraway from the shore, looks for a church, went inside and met a priest. Ask where was located Saint Joseph's convent, and after getting some directions, his journey begun. The way was long, dense forest, the night comes dark and humid, the wind blows on the loose bark hanging from the eucalyptus trees, making sounds like lost souls in penitence to redeem from their sins. He walk three days and three nights before he gets to the convent. Knock on the gate, but nobody could heard. Walks around and saw a man coming with two baskets hanging on the extremities of a heavy stick laid across his large shoulders. The man stops in front a small door, place the baskets on the ground and after taking a small horn from his pocket, blow on it. A high pitch sound comes out from it and a nun come to open the door, she took the baskets inside one by one, and after empty them, opens the door again to devolve them to the man. Joe was already close to the door and asks, if he could see sister Christine. Was told that wasn't any sister Christine in the Convent. The door was close, he walks again planning how he could see her, she must have change her name, but he was persistent and would find the way. Disguised again as a beggar he went to the Convent, and set at the door, every time somebody comes to deliver some indispensable products to the life in the Convent, the door opens; once the nun gave him a piece of bread. Other times the vendors took some out off the baskets to offer him. On the third day, when the door opens, the old nun in an aggressive voice said; it is time for you to move outer this place, go to the city you may be more successful there. He replied; I will die here as a faithful dog at the door of his Master, and my Master is inside those walls. The religious went inside, she comments that exchange of words to one of her confidants, on the next day everybody in the Convent had heard about that. Christine, "not her name at the time," heard that too, and Joe popped to her mind instantly. At the first chance she comes to the door; Joe you are here, how you find me? I heard that somebody was at the door, and I though about you. Yes, my lady, finally I find you, and get this for you. He gave her the little bag and the letter; she gave him the bag back saying, it is against the rules to have money in the Convent. Keep it to you Joe, you gonna need it someday. I will be at the door two more days, if you want to send any message, he replied. Thank you Joe. She hides the letter in her vests, and at the first chance red those lines: Christine my love, my wife in dreams. Seem like the Devil in our father's flesh is wining. I feel the end coming, this stubborn cough makes me lose much blood, I feel so weak and sorry for dragging you to this life of uncertainty. I remember our meetings at the Saint Joseph's niche, and I'm not sorry for that, but I wander how much evil it brought to you. Sure we had some good moments of happiness, but they were so few and apart. Pardon me Christine, live and be happy, if you can, I will be in the other Kingdom waiting for the day we can be together. Hope our friend Joe can find you, and give you this letter to tell you how our dreams had turn in nightmares; only a miracle could saves us. I'm not complaining Christine, it worth to come into this world, just to know you, to had been with you. Guess we expect too much, but God only gives that much, may be our preparation for eternity, the Almighty knows what is better for us, and we accept his will. By, my dear wife in spirit. Samuel The young nun was crying, her tears dropping over the letter. She too, was seeing the end of those dreams, that for long had been the principal reason of their lives, but she felt that was her duty to encourage him. She didn't have any paper, but the letter she just received was written only on one side of the sheet, and she decided to use the other side to send the message. Samuel, my love, my husband. No be desperate, the end didn't come yet, and a miracle may happen, I have faith. In this place we don't have paper in our rooms, and my inkstand is coming dry, but it will not be a problem. The chickens we grow in the yard continue to grow feathers, and my fingers still have blood to inkier them, to write to you. As long as we have Joe, we will communicate, and it will be enough reason to live. Me too, sometimes feel the end is coming, but look; we lived parte of our lives, and it could have been worse. If God wants to take any one of us, it will not be the end, we still could be reunited in even. I pray for us to die in the same day, at the same time; how miserable life would be for one of us after the other departs! Keep living my love, be there for me. We still have a long time to go. Your wife in spirit and in the even Christine. On the next day Christine sneak to the door; Joe was there, she gave him the letter and told him, go as fast as you can and take it to Samuel; tell him I'm fine. Joe start the journey back, on the way he met a man going to the docks in Cape Acona, they went together and the man let him ride a mule. The way seems shorter then before, and two days later he was with Samuel. Gave him the letter, but the moribund man picks up the paper and said; but this is the letter I told you to take to Christine, handling it back. Joe looks and reply; Master she writes on the other side. Samuel begun reading; stop for a second and told his friend, struck the bell three times. Joe did that and when Samuel finish reading, all the employees from the warehouse had assemble in front of him. Samuel said; Joe you will be my heir, everything I own will be yours, Only one thing I ask you to do; help Christine if you can. He began to cough again and fell to the side, in a few minutes he was dead. The winter was already entrenched in the area, Joe has to wait for the spring to come before he looks for Christine again. When he did, it was too late, she had passed away, and he couldn't help lady Master anymore. He was the only one to continue looking for the interests and name of the Clifford's. END your_index_page