FTP-How to make it work  
  Now you have a Web Site, what is the easiest and fastest way to get your files there? I personally like FTP. Even when the servers are really busy, you can usually get your files uploaded in no time using this method. So here are some easy instructions on how to make it work! Your main page in GeoCities needs to be named "index.html". That will be your opening page always. All images must be in either .jpg or .gif format to be viewed by most internet browsers.  
  1.  Open your FTP Program. If you do not have an FTP program one can be downloaded at: http://nitco.tucows.com/ftp95.html.
2. Type the following information in the General Section of the FTP Session Properties: (See Figure 1.0 Below)

A.  Profile Name: [GeoCities Webpage]

B. Host Name/Address: [ftp.oocities.com]

C. User ID [Your GeoCities membername]

D. Enter your password: [Your GeoCities Password]

E. Make sure the Host Type is [Automatic Detect]

  Figure 1.0
figure 1

3. Click on the Start-Up tab. (See Figure 2.0 Below)

4. Type the following information in the Start-Up portion of the Session Properties.

A. Initial Remote Host Directory [userid]

Note: Your User ID is your GeoCities Member Name

B. Initial Local Directory. [c:\file location] This is the location on your hard drive of the image you will be uploading to your personal website in GeoCities.

5. Click OK.

  Figure 2.0
figure 2

6. Locate the box on the left labeled Local System. (See Figure 3.0 below.)

7. Click on the image file or html file you want to transfer. You should see it highlighted.

8. Click once on the arrow pointing to the box
under the label Remote System.

Figure 3.0

figure 3
9. When file has been copied over to your personal website in GeoCities, you should see the image file name in both windows. (See Figure 4.0 below)
Figure 4.0

figure 4

10. Click once on close.

11. Click once on exit.

12. To view your website open your browser and go to your GeoCities/Yahoo URL.

  If you have problems, please feel free to email me and I will do what I can. Now if you would like to go back to our main Help Page just hit the link!  
   Page Authored by Cat Cat! ©1997,1998,1999  
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