Part 2: CatDog Meet...

Thanks Annette for your drawings of DoggyCatty
  • All look at how in Love CatDog and DoggyCatty are :-) Thanks Annette

    ahh how romantic CatDog stand up for thier brother's girlfriends, thank you Candice for bringing the parking lot scene to life

    MEEEECEESS! Catty shouts as she goes after Winslow and Sadie, thanks very much Tina for recreating this scene!

    Tina's DoggyCatty drawings thanks Tina!//Another one with a little added detail :-)

    Thank you Felicia, for your DoggyCatty drawing :-)

    Thank you so much Dave for your drawing of DoggyCatty :-)

    Thank you Phreke for your drawing of DoggyCatty :-)

    First drawing of a scene by Phreke-, the dinner scene

  • CatDog wake up ready for the new day.

    Cat: *yawn* Ah what a good sleep. Dog *yawn* time to get up.

    Dog: *Rubbing eyes yawning* Ok Cat.

    CatDog crawl out of bed and head for the bathroom to freshen up. Afterwards, they head downstairs for breakfast. Winslow was there reading Cat's paper and Sadie was fixing herself some tea.

    Sadie and Winslow: Morning CatDog!

    Cat: Morning WinSLOW! How many times do I have to tell you not clip coupons out till I read it first?? *picking up 3 cheese coupons*

    Winlsow: Uh let's see, 2,4,6,8..I'd say about 572 times! heh heh!

    Dog: Wow your a good counter Winslow. heh heh heh

    Cat sat down grumbling, while Dog stretched over to the stove and cooked eggs and pancakes for everyone. Winslow and Sadie sat across from one another making googly eyes annoying Cat. The two walked across the table giggling and feeding each other bits of eggs and pancakes. Sadie took the syrup and drew a heart with the word Winsy written inside, and Winslow did the same with Sadie's name.

    Cat: Uggh! Do you have to do that mushy junk here?? Just once I'd like to eat my breakfast in peace!

    Dog: Ooo a vacation! When are we leaving?

    Sadie and Winslow cackle while Cat bangs his head on the table.

    Winslow: Nice drum solo Cat! You could be a rock star! heh heh

    Sadie: If he bangs his head anymore he'll see plenty of STARS! heheheheheh

    Both of them laugh more and soon Dog joins in, even though he's unsure what he's laughing about. Cat stops banging his head. Sadie and Winslow, give out a happy sigh and then exchange a sweet kiss.

    Cat: *bangs table with fist* Ok that's it! I can't take anymore of this!

    Cat picks up Winslow and tosses him in his hole.

    Winslow: WHOA! Hey! Cat! Stop furBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!! *crash*

    Sadie: How dare you throw him!

    Sadie stabs Cat's hand with a fork then runs to Winslow's rescue, and slams the door.

    Cat: OWWWW! You; you... RATS! *cries in pain*

    Cat looks over at his brother for sympathy, but Dog has an angry look on his face.

    Dog: Cat! Why did you hurt Winslow like that? He's your friend!

    Cat: If he's my friend, then I don't want to meet my enemy! *strokes wounded hand*

    Dog sighed ashamed of his brother and headed towards the couch in the living room dragging Cat behind him. He flipped on his TV. Winslow and Sadie didn't come out at all for the rest of the day. Cat was too sad and bored to watch TV, and in his boredom took a cat nap. He started having a wonderful and romantic dream about meeting a lovely cat with red hair who was beautiful and just as smart as he was. She was about to kiss Cat as they watched a rousing opera, until Cat heard barking. Cat was forced awake in seconds when Dog rushed to the front door opening it. Outside Mervis was doing the usual mailman duties as quietly as possible. Dog smiled and started running after Mervis, while lots of undelivered mail flew back smacking Dog's nose.


    Dog continued to bark and pant. Once Mervis was out of sight, Dog stopped and looked back to see his bruised brother groaning in pain.

    Cat: Are you finished now?!

    Dog: *shrugs* I guess so.

    CatDog walk quietly back to the house. Cat goes over to the mailbox to check the mail. He flips through and his eyes widen with delight and surprise. They recieved another response to their CatDog mailer.

    Cat: Bills, bills, bills...*gasp* Ahh could it be?? Oh this is wonderful!

    Dog: Since when do you find the electric bill so exciting?

    Cat: It's not a bill Dog. Someone actually responded to our CatDog Mailer again!

    Dog sniffs the letter and starts growling.

    Dog: Remember what happened last time with DanStan?

    Cat: *sighs sadly* Oh yeah. Well I better read it anyways. Who knows? We shouldn't lose hope, once we lose that we'll never find another bicranial quadreped.

    Dog, who was suspicious because of the DanStan incident, grabs the letter, tears it open, and holds it up: Just as I thought, nothing.

    Cat slaps himself in the face: That's because you're holding it backwards Dog!

    Cat reads:

    Cat: (hugs the letter) Dog! Oh pinch me, is this letter really real? (collapses in Dog's arms)

    Dog: Hi ho diggety! Sure it's real! Paper and everything! heh heh heh. Cat this could be it I hope....

    Cat: I'm sure it's real. No cat not attached to a dog could ever write so brilliant as this. Catty. Oh my. So smart; so beautiful. And I'm sure Doggy is just as stupid as you Dog.

    Dog: Gee Cat. heh heh heh Thank you. I can't wait to meet them both!

    Cat: Niether can I, this might be our sign, our sign to never be alone again.

    Dog: We're not alone. We're always together!

    Cat: Yes but..Oh never mind it would take days to explain and we don't have that long. We must get prepared for this. We should bring them presents, maybe flowers. I could write Catty a lovely poem, and you... umm, I guess could give Doggy a bone.

    Dog: Ooh yes I could give the sweetest, juiciest bone in my collection. Let's go to my bone cellar.

    Cat: Well not right now, we have more important matters, like how to dress.

    CatDog nervously and excitedly fumble around looking for what to wear, and what to give to DoggyCatty. Dog chose a bone aged well since 1989. Cat wrote his poem. This time instead of giving his usual spare of the moment improvisation, he took care in thinking of exactly what he wanted to say. Cat's been preparing for this moment ever since puberty, that now he was ready to express his feelings. Time passes, and CatDog get a good nights rest full of dreams of thier future sweetys. Dog sharing moonlight garbage chases with Doggy, and Cat taking Catty to his favorite opera. Morning breaks:

    *MEEOW MEEEOOWW MEEOOWWW HOOOOWWWLLL RIIIIINNGG* CatDog quickly awaken from the alarm clock. They are instantly awoken, nervous and excited for the most memorable day of thier lives.

    Cat: GASP! WE ONLY HAVE 4 HRS! Let's get MOVING!

    Dog: WOWIE KABOODLES! I'm so nervous Cat!

    Cat: Me too!

    After all the nervous commotion. Cat and Dog are finally ready. They look spiffier than ever! Their fur is neatly cleaned and brushed, Cat has a cute red bow tie on, and Dog put on his favorite blue baseball cap for special occasions. Cat has his poem freshly typed, a bouquet of red roses. Dog ties a blue ribbon around the bone, and picks a some fresh daisys in the yard. They climb into the car and drive to the park. Shaking with anticipation they find a spot to park the car and climb out.

    They walk into the park looking for DoggyCatty. The park is the same as yesterday. Each bench they pass has a couple sitting together. Until finally they spot the only other bicranial quadreped there. Cat and Dog's eyes glowed at the beauty before them. The canine sister had red hair, green eyes and was wearing a green and black striped dress. The feline sister had blonde hair, blue eyes and wore a blue dress with a pink heart sewed on. Both were equal visions of loveliness. Cat and Dog's hearts were beating like crazy. DoggyCatty smiled and waved as they drew closer.

    Catty: *whispers* Doggy they are both so cuuuuute! I think I'm getting goosebumps!

    Doggy: *whispers back* I see that. Now remember behave yourself today, don't let your over-exuberance scare them off, I'll never forgive you.

    Catty: Over what? Ok, I'll act calm, but if Cat gives me a ball of yarn I'll pounce all over him, I mean the yarn. *giggle*

    Doggy: shhhh.

    CatDog approach.

    Cat: Hello lovely ladies, this is my brother Dog, and I am Cat.

    Catty: *squeaks* Hi fellas! So happy to meet you guys!

    Doggy: Yes. We've dreamed of this moment.

    Dog: WOOOOOOW! (Dog stares at Doggy speechless) Ummm here. (hands Doggy the bone, and crumpled daisies)

    Doggy: Dog how beautiful, thank you very much. *kisses cheek, Dog's ears perk up*

    Cat: And Catty, I uh, (chuckles nervously) wrote you a poem.

    Catty shrieks with delight: Ahhhh that's sooo sweeet! I love poems! They're like so cool like songs only without singing and music.

    Doggy: Yes umm, good one Catty. (rolls eyes)

    Catty: Let's hear it!!!

    Cat: (nervously) Ok.

    Everyone listens intrigued.

    Cat: It's called "At Last My Soulmate is Found".

    Cat clears his throat and begins to read. The poem is full of profound references to classic literature, and he starts comparing Catty to his favorite opera. The poem took Cat 15 minutes to read. About 3 minutes into the poem Dog was already dozing off, and Catty politely did her best to pay attention smiling and nodding pretending to understand what he was saying. Doggy on the other hand was intrigued with Cat's poem. When Cat finished he handed the poem to Catty along with a dozen roses.

    Cat: It is all for you, my beauty.

    Catty was completly dumbfounded, she had no clue what Cat said nor understood or heard half of the words he said unless she heard Doggy say them.

    Catty: *takes poem and roses* Thank you Cat. Wowie Cattoodles! That's a lot of paper! (smiling bright eyed)

    Doggy: CATTY! Oh well never mind. Cat, for a feline that was very impressive. I especially enjoyed your reference to Shakesbone, my favorite author.

    Cat: (snickers vainly) Well it was a mere trifle of my affection for meeting the smart and lovely Catty. (kisses Catty's hand, and Catty giggles)

    Dog: Well let's go do something fun! Hey Doggy how about we go chase the meat truck, it's do to arrive in 5 minutes down the street.

    Catty: *laughs* Doggy would never do something cool like that! *dreamy sigh* Sure would be fun to try.

    Cat gives Catty a strange look after she says that.

    Doggy: Now Catty, we've been through this. The top nutritionists and exercise experts say the best kind of exercise is an organized routine. And I must say our routine does keep us fit and trim.

    Dog gives Doggy a strange look after she says that.

    Catty: But it gets boring!!

    Cat: Hmm you know Doggy, it's amazing you being a canine and all but I have to agree, trying to explain that to my brother is like explaining the Cartesian postulation of existance to a ROCK!

    Dog: *shouts* Chasing trucks is fun!!!

    Cat: *shouts* It hurts like crazy!

    Doggy: Hmm I just, never understood what was so stimulating about it.

    Catty gives Doggy a mean look.

    Catty: You are so dull sis!

    Dog smiles admiringly at Catty. Dog: I know how you feel. Cat isn't any fun at all.

    Cat: What?? *embarassed* I'm; I'm plenty FUN! I'm the KING of fun!

    Dog: Heh heh yeah right, your idea of fun is a snoring boring opera!


    Doggy: Not in the least, especially the handsome and gorgeous voice of Dogarotti.

    Cat: He's ok...for a Dog. *sigh*

    Doggy: HA! He's better than some winey purry feline! His growling voice is pure heaven.

    Cat feels his anger rising more, but is quickly interupted by the sound of very dangerous, growling voices. The Greaser Gang!

    Dog: *GASPS* We gotta get out of here right away!

    Catty: What's wrong?

    Cat: No time to explain we gotta leave before we are discovered and pounded!

    They run out of sight and out of the park, as quickly as possible. Since Lube is tall he catches a faint glimpse of DoggyCatty.

    Lube: Hey, uh umm I think CatDog is going to be on Jerry Springer.

    Cliff and Shriek give each other the usual Lube is acting stupider than usual stare.

    Cliff: Lube; I think it's time to lay off the stale burger bones.

    Lube: Duh, I like it when thier green.

    Shriek: CAN IT! Let's go steal some frisbees!

    Meanwhile, they climbed into the car and maneuvered themselves so that Cat and Catty were in front, and Dog and Doggy were in back. They decide to take a nice country drive. After the opera disagreement, Cat and Doggy purposely ignored one another and focused on Catty, and Dog.

    Cat: So Catty, what do you enjoy most in life?

    Catty: (eyes widen and smile) I love my pink yarn ball! It's fun getting all tangled in it.

    Cat: mmm Yes I have to agree my Big Yarn Ball is a joy!

    Catty: Wooooowwie cattoodles. Your much cuter next to me than on the picture. *batting eyes*

    Cat blushes shyly, and chuckles, while Catty purrs and strokes his ears.

    Meanwhile, in the back of the car.

    Doggy: Such beautiful scenery. So many different types of trees.

    Dog: I love trees!! *panting*

    Doggy: They do have thier own unique beauty. *smiling happily*

    Dog looks back smiling.

    Dog: You have such a peritty smile.

    Doggy: You are so sweet. *kisses his cheek, beaming*

    Dog puts his arm around Doggy, and she rests her head on his shoulder. Silence hits the car as both couples bask in the bliss of initial romance. All four are overwhelmed with the happiness of finding another bicranial quadruped. It just doesn't get any better than this. Hours pass and 2 stomachs start grumbling. They drive to a secluded romantic restaurant. They walk in getting the usual surprised stares. A waiter that looks like Mr. Sunshine's relative seats them. CatDog sit across from DoggyCatty in a booth. They look at the menus.

    Catty: Mmmm I'm so hungry I could eat 3 plates of white fish chub!

    Cat: *drooling* That does sound good. mmm

    Dog: I want a gigantic T bone steak!

    Doggy: Sounds delectable for any palate!

    The felines order the White Fish chub special and the canines order the dinner steak. Cat places his napkin neatly around his neck, while Catty crumples hers up with the dinner role crumbs. Dog wolfs down the bisquit appetizers spitting crumbs everywhere and wiping his mouth with his arm. Doggy places her napkin neatly on her lap and cuts the bisquits in neat tiny pieces. A crumb hits Cat...

    Cat: DOOOOOOOG!!!! Why can't you eat nicer??? We're in the presence of angels!

    Catty giggles, with food in her mouth at the angel comment.

    Doggy glares at her: You should eat more properly around guests too! I swear your like a little kitten sometimes! Cat deserves much better!

    Dog and Catty sigh together annoyed at the nagging and embarassed. Dog notices a few crumbs on Doggy due to his sloppy eating and apoligizes.

    Dog: I'm so sorry, didn't mean to get you so messy. Without thinking he starts licking the crumbs off her, soaking her hair into a slobbery mess!

    Doggy: *muffled in licks* AAAH That tickles! Watch you'll mess my hair!

    It was too late, by the time Dog stopped, she was soaked and a total mess.

    Cat: *gasps in horror* DOOOOOOG!!!! *buries face in table*

    Catty sits back giggling in amusement.


    Cat: *lifts head* I'm so embaressed. He umm means well, it's just I wonder about that dog-like brain of his!

    Dog realizes what a stupid thing he did. And gets a sad, embarassed look on his face.

    Doggy: DOG LIKE? Excuse me, I need to go to powder room.

    At this point, she had no desire to argue, she wanted to clean up. Catty is dragged along continuing to giggle.

    Dog feels bad and lays head on table.

    Cat: What on earth was that all about? What's wrong with you? I hope that didn't blow my chance with Catty.

    Dog: *whimpers* Cat I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble. It seemed like a good idea at time. The crumbs tasted so much better on her. *pants*

    Cat: Well, I saw how dirty Catty was too, but you never lick a girl in public, it's impolite!

    Meanwhile, in the powder room, Catty fixes her hair and makeup, while Doggy stands under the dryer trying to groom herself as best as she can.

    Catty: They are so dreamy! Dog is playful and fun!

    Doggy: He may be good looking, but he has the manners of a dirty mutt. Cat seems so refined, if it weren't for him being a stupid cat, he might be worth the time.

    Catty: You and Cat should RELAX! Dog was only trying to help. Cat could use some fun messin' up! *hee hee*

    Doggy: *Calming down* I guess it's just nerves. Dog just must be nervous. Im sure he'll come around. And soon we can talk about our favorite books.

    After the sisters are done, they head back to the table all calm and cool.

    Dog: I'm so very sorry, I didn't mean to....

    Doggy: Say no more, it's alright, apology accepted.

    Cat and Dog breathe a sigh of relief, and all finish eating. The check comes and Cat volunteers to pay the entire check. They climb into car and Cat starts the car. It is a gorgeous night. The stars shimmer like satin confetti, and the moon glows romantically bright. The night is young, they agree to stop at the beach for a romantic stroll. They walk together carrying two different conversations. One about the joys of being a canine, the other about felines. The discussions don't last very long, there's only so much that can be said about the canine and feline life. Eventually they are swept away, by the ambience of soothing waves, and gentle breeze. They stop walking and sit down. The couples cuddle in each others arms. They embrace and kiss sweetly. All thinking close to the same thing, at last I found real love. After a few kisses, the couples sigh in contentment and continue cuddling. Hours go by, and soon the sun begins to rise, which none notice, because they fell into deep sleeps full of anticipating dreams. Cat dreams of taking Catty to the museum and comparing notes on paintings. Catty, dreams of Cat and her chasing mice and telling each other funny knock knock jokes. Dog dreams of Doggy and himself chasing and biting the pants off the mailman. While Doggy, dreams of seeing her favorite ballet with Dog.

    A beachball flies over thier heads. Cat wakes up. Squints at the bright sun, looking at his watch.

    Cat: ACCK! It's 11am!

    The others wake up.

    Doggy: I can't believe we fell asleep. Good morning my sweet puppy. *kisses Dog*

    Cat and Catty kiss good morning too.

    Shadows form over them. There's a crowd of people staring in amazement at the two bicranial quadrepeds.

    They all look up startled. Doggy gets annoyed.

    Doggy: Don't you have anything better to do than stare at us? Ok so what! We are 2 sets of bicranial quadrepeds! Deal with it!

    Dog: *growls at crowd protecting Doggy* GO AWAY! *barking*

    The crowd takes the hint and backs away. The 4 quickly get up, and head to the car as soon as possible.

    Cat: The nerve of some people!

    Catty: Very nerrrrvy!

    Doggy: I'm used to it by now.

    Dog: Cat and I don't get as many stares as we used to.

    Cat: I guess it's because there's 2 sets of us. Besides, I could look at you forever. *looking at Catty*

    Dog and Doggy smile at each other.

    Cat: Well ladies do you have a place to stay?

    Catty: Not yet!

    Doggy: Our flight was very late. We just got to town, an hour before meeting you. We didn't get a chance yet.

    Cat: Say no more! We insist you stay with us!

    Doggy: Very nice of you but we don't want to impose.

    Dog: I agree! It's a super idea! Me casa YOU Casa! As they say in Frenchburg.

    Doggy: *thinking Dog was only kidding laughed* You're so funny and witty!

    Cat laughes too, but Dog and Catty are confused. Quickly they forget about it. Soon, they arrive at CatDog's house.


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