The Save CatDog Petition has moved. Here is the new place to sign petition.
Also below is it's new home apart of the new location for CatDog's First Fan Site thank you. Please update your petition page links.
Thank you.
Bad news, do to an email glitch I lost a bunch of petition names from the old format I was using. I'm really sorry to everyone that signed last fall October and on, in the old bravenet petition format. There are a few names I managed to save but, not all. So please I would appreciate those of you that signed to please sign the new form again. I'm extremely sorry about this, I was so dissapointed when my email did that. I strongly feel that all of your voices deserved to be heard, and I wish I didn't have to request this. I learned my lesson, and I'll quit babbling please click and sign again it will only take a moment. Thank you very much for understanding.