Acidic Rainfall in the United States
By: Dustin B. for CatDust06
  Acid Rain isn't just rain. It falls from the sky in two forms; dry, and wet. Acid Rain can cause damage for hundreds of miles around.
    The problem begins with fossil fuels in the atmosphere. The pollutions travel high, and then fall as acidic snow, rain, or fog. The other form of acid rain is "dry", which is the invisible falling of these pollutants.
    It turn, Acid Rain is slowing the growth of trees, and making lakes inhabitable for fish. Acid Rain corrodes nearly everything it touches.
    The pollutants are now causing a "smog" in cities, causing many health problems with people, and animals alike. Los Angeles is one of the worst "smog" cities in the United States, with warnings and "smog" level checks going out daily.
    Acid rain begins as oxygen combines with carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. Now we have something that we call "oxides"
   In the United States, 70% of sulfur dioxides come from power plants, mostly from those that burn coal. Motor vehicles emit 43% of the sulfur dioxide in the US.
    When the oxides reach the atmosphere, they combine with water vapor and other chemicals to create acidic rain.

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{The town of Prague, in the Czech Republic}
Click on picture to go to an Acid Rain informative site. This picture shows a way that Acid Rain pollutes the atmosphere, and then falls on us.