Basilica of the famous conclavist sect of Palmar de Troya, Spain

The Palmarian sect hold that one Clemente Dominguez y Gomez became pope after the death of Paul VI in 1978 not John Paul I. Gomez has taken the title Gregory XIV and resides at Palmar de Troya. The Palmarians take the view that the papal seat is now no longer Rome but Palmar de Troya, and that the name of the Church is no longer the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic and Roman Church but the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Palmarian Church. The Palmarians are probably the most outlandish of all the conclavist sects. Gomez has gone so far as to replace the traditional Roman liturgy with his own concoction, the 'Palmarian Liturgy', and he has even defined new dogmas, claiming, e.g., that the Mass is not merely a sacrifice of Christ but also of His mother.

The huge basilica is located on top of a hill and can be seen from afar.

A closer look.