The first thing in the morning of Amon Goeth was to shoot jews in Plaszow camp.
The same scene of Amon Goeth in the film.
Schindler's List
The real Amon Goeth's picture as a prisoner after World War 2.
Here is something to compare with the real history...
Director: Steven Spielberg
Liam Neeson: Oskar Schindler
Ben Kingsley: Itzhak Stern
Ralph Fiennes: Amon Goeth
Embeth Davitz: Helen Hirsch

It's Steven Spielberg's serious work. A fact-based, three-hour long epic piece of the Holocaust. The history happend in Krakow, Poland during World War 2, 1944, Polan was occupied by Nazi.
The screenplay was based on Thomas Keneally's novel: Schindler's Ark (published in 1982). The novel is about Oscar Schindler, a German enterpriser/oppertunitist, who took over an enamelware factory and "hired" Jewish labours (for free) during WW2, but in the end, he protected and saved nearly 1200 of Jews' life.
Amon Goeth is the German officer who was in charge of the construction of the Plaszow labour camp. He is a sadistically cruel man. He was hanged after war.
Oskar Schindler.
(Above) Oskar Schindler (centre) was in a party with Nazi officials in Krakow, April 28, 1942.
The map of Nazi camps.