1939: The Thames Valley Top Transvestites form their own Home Guard and vow to fight Hitler on the beaches as long as the seawater doesn't ruin their stockings and sandals.
Gerald Brown: one of the most low maintenance brats in recorded dp history. His main sin was a propensity to wear his tie at a slightly rakish angle. His Top Albert Smith strangled him in 1952 in a fit of extreme boredom. Naturally, being a Top, he gave himself up at once. The Judge dismissed all charges and demanded that Brown be posthumously flogged for being criminally adult.
Derek 'Chubby' Green: inventor of the flab flogging machine that gave tubby BDSM devotees many hours of innocent pleasure. He died of multiple orgasm failure in 1983 after his machine short circuited mid session.
Trevor Bird, Shemale, surprises the ladies and gentlemen of the over sixties life drawing class with his little extra attribute.His Top's mother was in the class and did NOT appreciate his artistic little wave of greeting while calling 'look, no hands.' Trev's Top subsequently painted a fine sunset on the canvas of his brat's bare  arse.
June 2005: Peter Shale makes an attempt to escape retribution from his Top Malcom by scaling the South face of Everest, alas, Malcolm was waiting at the summit for him along with his mountaineering, high altitude paddle.
Summer 2005: Tom and Clancy trying desperately to outrun their Tops Harry and Ted and make it over the mountains into neutral Switzerland after Harry and Ted find out about the bank job they pulled after a night out with the lads.
Jason Shale, Pete's brother, a nice boy, but dim, here he's photographed after accidently supergluing his thumbs to his biceps again. Not even the charming smile saved him from a spanking from his irate Top Desmond Bendover.
Brat Buster's in action: Tops are called in after a Brat goes ferral at a League Domino Match. Armed with nets they soon get their boy and bring him back to heel.
In the gym: Soon after this photo was taken Lester Love learns that playfully tickling your Top when he's shouldering 200 pounds of hard metal is a tad unwise. Lester's jumper wasn't the only thing red soon afterwards.
Adam Apple: photographed here in classic 'pissed off his Top' mode. No corner time for Adam, squatting for an hour with a 50 pound dumbell on his shoulders while dying for a shit will soon teach him some respect.
1959: Arthur 'The Faker' Doyle: Bogus Top who lured young men with promises of discipline and firm correction and who couldn't in reality Top a fruit salad.
Despite Dave's 7 Tops, pictured right, telling him he couldn't have a toy bike, Dave naughtily went ahead and bought one anyway. His Tops were  impressed neither with bike nor gesture and not one of them cracked a smile, though they all cracked a hand across his bad bottom.
Despite his Top's photographic evidence Justin still denies he was throwing a tantrum.