~ The Royal Cat Of Siam ~

TEXT: catwhiskas@aol.com

It was often stated that the Siamese cat was of such elevated status that it was confined soley to the Royal Palace of the King of Siam. The theft of one was punishable by death.

According to one frequently repeated tale, the role of this breed was to provide a repository for the souls of the human occupants when their earthly lives ended. When a member of the royal family died, one of their favorite cats would be entombed with them. This wasn't as cruel as it sounded as there were holes in the roof of the tomb so the feline could jump out & escape. When it did, it was considered that the dead person's soul was now successfully reincarnated in the cat.

The kinked tail was said to be the result of a royal princess preparing to bathe her cat in a stream, threading her rings on her cat's tail & than tying a knot in the tip to stop them from sliding off.

Their vivid blue eyes are definitely oriental: almond-shaped & slanting, were gained as a result of the devoted courage of these cats when defending a sacred altar.

Siamese are highly intelligent. They are extroverts in every sense of the word & very mischeivious! The most evident trait in Siamese is their loving attachment to their humans. They're extremely affectionate & purr most of the time. They always want to be in the same room with you. They love to sit on your shoulder or lap. They can also be trained to walk on a leash & come when called.

Another special trait is the Siamese voice. It is very loud & demanding & difficult to ignore. They speak in many different octaves & frequencies. They have frequently been mistaken for crying babies. They enjoy running conversations with their owners.

Siamese coats' are affected by temperature. When they are born their coats are white from the heat inside the womb. As they grow their extremities become cooler & gradually darken more than the rest of the body.

There are many variations in color today but the most popular are; seal point, chocolate point, blue point & lilac point.

There are 3 different body types:
A heavier body with a rounder head. This was the original type of Siamese.

A thin, long, tubular shaped body with a delicate bone structure. The face is wedge shaped.

This style is somewhere in between the top two. The body is more slender than the traditional, but not as delicate as the modern. The face is not as round as the traditional, but not as sharp a wedge as the modern.

Siamese have always had a bad rap, lots of people believe they are nasty cats. I have lived with Siamese cats most of my life & would not live without one. They are very devoted, loyal & loving. If you plan on getting one, you will not be disappointed. Be prepared for a very rewarding & enjoyable experience for years to come.