+ Catwhiskas Place...Introducing Pyewacket

Introducing Pyewacket...
The Crosseyed Siamese

This picture of Pye and my hubby was taken in our backyard about a week after we brought Pye to live with us.

Pyewacket is the newest addition to the family. After Kobi passed in August 2007. We were very sad as we just lost our sweet pair of siamese brothers to intestinal cancer just a year apart from one another. Sami, who is the last Siamese cat we have left, loved the extra attention he was getting. However, he was very lonely for another cats companionship when we were out.

One day in the Fall while on the computer, we saw a picture of a Siamese cat up for adoption at The Denver Dumb Friends League, which is our local shelter. He was absolutely gorgeous, and his crossed eyes made him even more adorable! The description said he was about 6 years old. I was not ready to adopt just yet, but my hubby thought he might fit in purrrrfectly being he was a little older. We went back and forth over this for a couple of days. I was procrastinating and silently hoping someone else would come along and adopt him. Finally, after much persuasion from my Hubby, I agreed to visit with him.

On his cage in the shelter was a checklist which showed the following:

  • Neutered
  • Gets along with other cats
  • Craves attention
  • Very talkative
  • Cuddler /Lapcat
  • Household with no children
  • It seemed he was just what we might be looking for. We waited about 1 hour to visit with him. All the while, he was having a long conversation with my Hubby through the cage. Once in the room with him and the counselor, we were told that his first day at the shelter he did not react too well on his evaluation. He seemed frightened and agressive toward the evaluator. So we approched him slowly. The counselor was shocked...Pyewacket seemed to have taken an instant liking to us. All he wanted to do was headbutt us in the face and sit on our laps and be pet. He was purring. I even picked him up close to my face....and to everyone's disbelief he started licking my cheek - this cat actually KISSED me multiple times! By this time all the staff at the shelter were watching through the window with huge smiles. Then I handed him over to hubby and he did the same to him. I believe he approved of us to be his new parents!!!

    That night we were told to keep him in another room away from our other cat Sami until they get used to sniffing one another underneath the door. Pyewacket cried (HOWLED) loudly all night long. I felt so sorry for him. Next morning I introduced the two cats to each other and within minutes they were friends, they even slept nestled with each other that same day!

    Pyewacket is a very loving Siamese, who pretty much wants to be held by me most of the time. He seeks a ton of attention, and when he doesn't get it he can be very loud and demanding. He also sleeps cuddled up with me every night. During the night I even get kissies on my face! Pyewacket was named after the Siamese cat in the movie * Bell, Book & Candle * where he played a witches familiar.