There are so many kittens & cats in the shelters that need loving homes. Unfortunately there are not enough people to adopt these loving cats & they are subject to a very untimely death.
Irresponsible owners allow female cats to breed with no homes for the kittens to go to. These kittens are brought into the shelter, and many have to be euthanized. It is so unfair to them to have their lives cut short. There are not enough homes.
When you adopt from a shelter the low fee includes spay/neuter, shots, vet check-up & sometimes even microchipping. Don't forget the most important will be saving a life!!!

SPAYING A female cat comes into heat every few weeks. She is restless & noisy. If she is confined indoors, she will become frustrated & try to escape. She attracts male cats by her scent. She should be spayed at about 6 months old.
Spaying involves the removal of the cats uterus & ovaries under a general anesthetic. There will be a small wound on the cats stomach afterward. She will have stitches & you will have to keep her calm & relaxed for a few days till this heals.
By calling your local shelter, they can supply you with a phone number of a cat clinic in your area that does low cost spaying.

Male cats are dominated by their sex drive. They are very hard to keep indoors unless neutered. They mark their territory by spraying urine.
The neutered male cat makes a very affectionate & loving pet that is less likely to stray from home.
A male cat should ideally be neutered at about 6 months of age. Neutering is a routine operation & involves the removal of the cats testes under a general anesthetic. There are normally no stitches & a healthy cat will be back to his old self within a day.
By calling your local shelter, they can supply you with a phone number of a cat clinic in your area that does low cost neutering.