TEXT: www.petsmart.com

Cats are wonderfully communicative animals. They can make over 100 vocal sounds... ten times more than dogs. They also communicate extensively through their tail movements. Cat owners can get a good gauge on their cat's emotions by understanding various tail signs:

Tail curves gently down and then up again at the tip:
This is a relaxed cat.
Tail raised slightly and softly curved: Cat is
becoming interested in something.
Tail held erect but with the tip tilted over:
Cat is very interested and is in a friendly mood,
some reservations.
Tail fully erect with the tip stiffly vertical:
Intense greeting with no reservations.
Tail lowered fully and possibly tucked between
hind legs: Signal of defeat.
Tail lowered and fluffed out: Cat is indicating
active fear.
If the tail is swinging violently from side to side,
it means that the cat is about to attack.
Tail held still, but with tip twitching: This shows
only mild irritation.
Tail held erect with its whole length quivered:
Often seen after a cat has been greeted by its owner.
Tail held to one side: Sexual invitation of a
female cat in heat.
Tail held straight and fully bristled: Signal of
an aggressive cat.
Tail arched and bristled: Signal of a defensive
cat that may attack if provoked further.