Kuji-Kiri (nine cuts or nine words )
This is a very common technique, which is used in
different traditions in Japan.
The nine cuts create an energetic grid,
which can be adapted to almost any purpose.
A downward cut separates good from bad and this is
also used in Misogi ( Purification ).
Imagine your right hands index and middle finger
as a blade, keep them inside your left hand to
to hold energy, until used. Then cut downwards
as shown. Four times downward, five times sideways
as shown below.
If you cannot see the Kanji below, you need to view this page
in Japanese-JIS or click here for a JPG
The nine words are: Rin, Pyo, Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen.
In Japanese:
These words and cuts are also asscociated with handseals ( Mudras ).
Also with a variety of deitys, listed below in Japanese.
The spell can also be done on paper, charms or whereever needed.
Or in your left palm.
- 臨・・・・・・・・・天照皇大神・毘沙門天
- 兵・・・・・・・・・八幡神 ・十一面観音
- 闘・・・・・・・・・春日大明神・如意輪観音
- 者・・・・・・・・・加茂大名神・不動明王
- 皆・・・・・・・・・稲荷大明神・愛染明王
- 陳・・・・・・・・・住吉大明神・聖観音
- 列・・・・・・・・・丹生大明神・阿弥陀如来
- 在・・・・・・・・・日天子 ・弥勒菩薩
- 前・・・・・・・・・摩利支天 ・文殊菩薩
Information about such pratices can be found in traditional
japanese art, such as Noh or Kabuki plays. In a Kabuki play called
Kanjincho, we find lots of info on shugendo practice. The story
is based on an older Noh play. Here a guard interrogates a moutain
monk. Exerpts:
( my comments )
The air we breathe in and out?
-Ar and Un, two characters.
What is the meaning of the nine sacred syllables?
-The nine syllables are ........( see above )
When you say them, stand upright and strike your teeth together
thirtysix times. With the thump ( ? that seems strange ) trace four
vertical anf five horizental lines . At the same time intone
Kyu Kyu Nyo Ritsu Ryo, and all forms of evil will disappear
like frost under boiling water and you become invincible
against all enemies.
Source: Cavaye, Ronald-Kabuki A pocket guide Tuttle ^93
Copyright 2001 by kakusho gottschlich