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Priya Kaur-Jones
In the Hot Seat
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Where are you from?
I was born in a small village between Leeds and Wakefield, but my family is now all from Nottingham…so I think of myself as a northern girl…erm but from the Midlands- if that makes sense!?!!

Age? (very optional!!!)
28 – only just! :-)

Earliest memory?
My birthday cake melting in India when I was very little,
because it was so hot!

Favourite place?
South India or the Himalayas

Favourite music?
All kinds really, I’m into everything and anything

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
Being youngest national news reader

First job?
Journalist on Fosseway Radio  in Leicestershire

Best job?
BBC Politics Show presenter ( current…thank goodness I like it!)

Dream job?
Presenter on Holiday….shame they’re axing it…or News at 10.

How did you get started in doing what you do?
I’m not entirely sure. I did a degree in Genetics and then decided I couldn’t face looking down a microscope for ever, so I decided to look down a camera lens instead…and did a journalism course.

How long ago?
7 years ago

Where would you have been seen or heard since you
started broadcasting?

Fosseway Radio, Lincs FM, BBC Asian Network, BBC East Midlands Today, Five News, Sky News, BBC Politics Show.

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
The worst are also the best as you learn from them…but, the funniest was laughing through a story about dog poo…..the director and the whole of the gallery lost it…….the laughing was infectious and I don’t think anyone could understand I word I said through the giggles….never again. Now I pinch myself!
Other bad ones have been losing live links, having no reports to run….everything going wrong…but you learn to stay calm and not to panic!

Describe a typical working day (if there is such a thing!)
There isn’t really a typical day….you never know what you’re going to get…..that’s what keeps it exciting!

Any ambitions left?

Biggest influence in your life?
My parents and India.

Best advice that you've been given and why?
My mum always says, what ever you want to do is achievable, you just have to believe in yourself. It’s true, if you believe in your own ability you can do anything.

Any hobbies or special interests?
Yoga, traveling.

Any advice for those who want to get started in broadcasting?
Develop a thick skin, and never let anyone steer you away from your goals.

Thanks to Priya for answering our questions.

Copyright: Priya Kaur-Jones/Martin Phillp 2007