Home Current Buns - Sarah Moore
In the Hot Seat
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Where are you from?
I grew up in Worcestershire but Im a Welsh girl at heart.

Age? (very optional!!!)

Earliest memory?
Meeting Bob Warman at the Central Telethon well thats one of them!

Favourite place?
Cardiffs Millennium Stadium in a Six Nations game

Favourite music?
Anything I can sing and dance to.

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
I won two awards for my features on drug-rape. It was worth it.

First job?
Hospital radio when I was 15.

Best job?
This. Who wouldnt want to be a reporter?!

Dream job?
Doing this, but somewhere else, probably in America

How did you get started in doing what you do?
I did a Philosophy degree at Warwick and spent time working on radio and in newspapers. I also did eye-in-the-sky travel news in holidays. After my degree, I did a post-grad at Cardiff Journalism School and got my job with ITV after a work placement there.

How long ago?
I started at Central in June 2003

Where would you have been seen or heard since you started broadcasting?
Mainly in the Midlands though a couple of stories have gone on ITV News

Best on-air moment?
An investigation I did on suicide chatrooms ran on ITV. I was interviewed live off the back and told by Alistair Stewart that I was a very experienced journalist. Thanks Alistair!

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
I was interviewing a woman in the studio about some photos shes taken.
A live had gone down so I had to keep filling the time.
There's only so much you can say about a photo.

Describe a typical working day (if there is such a thing!)
No such thing as a typical day. Anything from getting up at 5 to read the early mornings. Or being on a turkey farm for lives on bird flu all day. Or working on an investigation. No two days are ever the same!

Any ambitions left?

Biggest influence in your life?
My Dad

Best advice that you've been given and why?
Go to university and do a proper degree.

Any hobbies or special interests?
I love dancing, anything from hip hop in a club to latin and ballroom, as long as the guy can dance. I try and go the gym but with working shifts and seeing friends, theres not much time left.

Any advice for those who want to get started in broadcasting?
Just keep at it. If you want something youll always get it.

Thanks to Sarah for answering our questions, watch Central News on ITV1.
Copyright: Sarah Moore/Martin Phillp 2006