The 2nd Baler Scenario Landing Party
7-10-1897 (10:00 AM)
by Jesus Mateo
Further Edited and Developed by Andrew Preziosi
After the surprise attack by the Insurrectos, the remnants of the garrison at Baler have
been holed up in the church. The tactical situation is a stalemate since the Spanish can't
leave their refuge and the Filipino's are afraid to assault the church.
The Philippine Insurgent commander has decided to leave a screening force at Baler,
while departing with the rest of his force to the town of Casiguran.
Early on the morning of October 7th, 1897, the Transport "Manila" arrived off Baler beach.
The commanding officer of the ship had orders to get news about the arrival of the troops
under Lt. Mota.
Seeing the town apparently deserted he sent a landing party with orders to scout out and
link up with the garrison. The landing party, under Medical Lieutenant Ricardo Espi was
composed of twelve marine infantrymen and a NCO.
The game
Philippine: Avoid the landing party trying to make contact with the forces at the church. If
the link cannot be avoided then impede the Spanish forces returning to the beach.
Spanish: The marine patrol must make contact with the Spanish forces at the town in
order to assess the situation they are facing.
Special Rules:
The river can only be forded (crossed) near the broken bridge. The rest of its length is
impassable, except for figures who discard their rifles. (These figures are considered
knife armed [only] for the rest of the game, or until they secure another rifle).
The Spanish forces at the church cannot leave the building until contacted, but they are
allowed to fire at any insurgent within range and LOS.
The ship is armed with a 50-mm gun that can reach 40 inches from the center of the
coast side of the table. It has 10 shells and can fire a shot every turn if the Spanish
player rolls a 3 or higher with a 1d6. The gun cannot perform indirect fire, so any and all targets must be within Line of Sight.
The wounded must reach the beach to be evacuated. They have serious wounds, so they
need another person to help move them at half speed or two figures to move at normal
The Filipino's deploy their figures after the Spanish marines have landed. They cannot
deploy forces East of the river. There is only one Philippine leader, which is placed on the
table with his forces. The two kinds of troops must be deployed intermixed. Starting with
game turn Six (#6), roll a 1d10 for breech loading, rifle armed insurrectionist
reinforcements to enter the table on the NE corner every odd turn.
Victory points (VP's):
- 10 points if the Spanish forces link up.
- 2 points for every wounded Spanish soldier evacuated.
- 2 points for every able (not seriously wounded) soldier left as garrison in the church.
- 2 point for every marine re-embarked after link up with the garrison.
- -1 point for every marine or infantry private killed.
- -2 points for every Spanish NCO dead.
- -3 points for every Spanish officer dead.
- 60+ VP's = Substantial Spanish victory.
- 50-59 = Moderate Spanish victory.
- 40-49 = A Draw.
- 29-39 = Minor Spanish defeat.
- 29 or less = Spanish debacle.
2nd Exp. Jaeger Battalion
| Class
| Weapons
Captain Lopez Irizarri
| Inexperienced
| Revolver and saber
| Veterans
| Bolt action rifle and bayonet
| Seasoned
| Bolt action rifle and bayonet
Marine Infantry
| Class
| Weapons
Lieutenant Espi
| Seasoned
| Revolver and saber
| Veteran
| Bolt action rifle and bayonet
| Veteran
| Bolt action rifle and bayonet
| Class
| Weapons
| Veteran
| Revolver
Bolo armed
| Raw
| Cutlass or spear
Rifle armed
| Raw
| Single shot breech loading rifle
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