BY JINGO - Colonial History & Wargames
Mounted infantry rules for Battle Cry.
J. Overton
Mounted infantry units, or cavalry units effectively
used as such, were some of the most innovative and
effective used during the U.S. Civil War. Many
recognized that the tactics of the massed cavalry
charge , lightly armed by highly exposed riders on
horses charging into well-defended infantry or
artillery positions, was not always the best use for
soldiers on horses. Commanders like Nathan Bedford
Forrest , unschooled in traditional military
strategies and organization, but with a keen sense of
terrain and genius for using the principles of
warfare which they had never been taught, often used
their cavalry as mounted infantry. Troops could get
from place to place quickly by horses, then dismount
as needed to fight with greater accuracy and less
exposure to enemy fire. They could also function in
traditional cavalry roles, fighting from horseback,
screening movements of large combat formations,
reconnaissance, and as reserve units to be used as
shock troops at crucial times in battle.
Mounted infantry units were used in several
battles played in Battle Cry, and could be used in
additional battle scenarios of the players design. On
the battle field, the unit will consist of one flagged
infantrymen and two other infantry pieces, as opposed
to the usual four piece unit. A campaign token flag
will travel with the unit to differentiate it from
regular infantry. The units may function as cavalry
or as modified infantry, although not in the same
round. Mounted infantry may be played as cavalry for
cavalry-specific Command cards, such as Hit and Run,
or fire at a distance as infantry for cards like Fire
and Hold. As cavalry, mounted infantry may move 3
spaces per turn, but can only battle a unit in an
adjoining hex. As infantry they may move one hex and
fire, but due to lighter weapons and less personnel,
as up to 1 in 4 troops must be kept in the rear to
control the horses, their fire rates are as follows.
- 1 hex away- 3 dice rolled
- 2 hexes away-2 dice rolled
- 3 hexes away-1 dice rolled.
Mounted infantry are killed when they opposing player
rolls infantry, but not cavalry icons.
The author writes in memory of his three ancestors who
served in Company 'I', 7th Tennessee Mounted Infantry
Regiment, U.S.A.
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