Laagers at Buluwayo, Bellingwe, Mangwe and Gwelo
| Numbers
Rhodesian Horse Volunteers (3 mtd companies) | 150 men
Rhodesian Infantry Volunteers(7 inf companies) | 350 men
Salisbury Horse Regiment(3 mtd companies) | 150 men
Gifford's Horse Regiment (3 mtd companies) | 150 men
Afrikander Corps (3 mtd companies) | 213 men
Bellingwe Field Force (4 inf companies) | 200 men
Gwelo Field Force (6 inf companies) | 336 men
Buluwayo Field Force Artillery Battery | 1 x 7pdr, 1 x 2.5" gun, 1 x Hotchkiss,1 x
gun, 1 x Maxim
Buluwayo Field Force Engineers Company | 50 men
Matabele Mounted Police Company | 48 men
Grey's Scouts Company | 50 men
Dawson's Scouts Company | 49 men
Brand's Mounted Volunteer Company | 100 men
Matabele Irregular Company | 100 warriors
Matabele Native Police Company | 100 men (defected to rebels)
British Regulars | Numbers
7th Hussars Cavalry Regiment | 480 men
Mounted Infantry Battalion | 200 men
West Riding Regiment (2 companies) | 160 men
BSA Police Regiment (2 companies) | 100 men
South African Constabulary Police Battalion | 100 men
British Volunteers | Numbers
Natal Contingent Company | 100 men
Hurrell's Mounted Volunteer Company | 50 men
Coope's Scouts Company | 50 men
Ndapfunya Native Contingent | 200 warriors
Cape Boys Regiment | 200 men