Hello everyone, My name is Bonnie. I have 2 boys:Jonathon and Aaron. They are the pride and joy of my life.
Well to start things off I was born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada. I attended Elementary and Junior High School in Havelock, I graduated from Petitcodiac Regional High in 1981. I now live in Beaver Harbour, N.B. Canada. with my husband and boys.

My main interest is in computers...I like to read, listen to music (any kind except for old old country), knit, crochet, and thing with my kids :) and of course chat on the net...lol

I can be found chattin in mIRC as (CdnRose or RoSePeTaL)or on ICQ (CdnRose 78287438)

Rob and I This is pic of hubby and I. We were married on the 30th of March 2001. He's been my friend for about 18 years now. We dated along time ago, and finally decided that we belonged together :-)

Jonathon age 20 is a great young gentleman. He loves anything that has to do with the Military. He is a Graduate of the St. Stephen High School as of June 21, 2001. We are all so very proud of him. Jonathon has joined the Army, he graduated from basic training on Oct.16th 2003. And he is now a Private, his training is Infintery. He loves to read and listen to any kind of music.

this is Jonathon in his camo :-)

Aaron age 11 is a wonderful little guy. Aaron is in the 5th grade. Aaron loves a lot of the same things that is older brother Jonathon does, but says that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.


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