Reedy Pictures Page 2
Reedy Reunion
held at Glenn and Esther Reedy's Farm south of Villa Grove, Illinois
Held about 1980-81
Glenn is 3rd from right on Frnt Row
Esther is 2nd from right
Helen Reedy Hampton is 4th from right
Creed Hampton is 5th from right
Anna Harmison Ringo
the picture to the left is of Annie Ringo. Her stepson was the famous outlaw Johnny Ringo
the story below was found by George Loy
John Ringo
story taken from "Heroes and Outlaws of the Old West" by Shane Edwardsp. 103-104 This was found by George Loy

Born: unknown
Died: Turkey Creek Canyon, Arizona 1882

Very little is know of the notorious John Ringo. Some historians consider him to be one of the best gunfighters of the day, while others consider him inconsequential. Some claim his true name was Ringgold, while others feel that it was simply Ringo.
He as born some time aroud 1850, probably on the East Coast,and he most likely attended a university.

He made his way to the West some time during the late 1860s, and he may have even fought in the Texas range wars. He was imprisonedat least once, where he befriended several bad men. Upon release, Ringo moved even further West, eventually arriving
in Arizona.

Ringo had a love-hate relationship with the town in which he lived. He was well respected, and he was even appointed deputy sheriff for a few years, but at the same time it was commonknowledge that he was a cattle rustler. During the day he worked alongside sheriffs and marshals, but at night he spent
his time with such memorable outlaws as the Clanton Brothers. He had probably studied British literature at a university, as he liketo impress townsfolk with recitals of Shakespeare. But he drank far too much, which led to several incidents. Once, while in a saloon, for example, he insisted that the man next to him have
another drink. The man refused, so Ringo beat him over thehead with his gun and slashed his throat. On another occasion,one of Wyatt Earp's brothers was shot and seriously woundedwhile standing outside a saloon. Witnesses claim that they sawRingo exiting the saloon from the rear, incredibly drunk and carrying
a rifle; it was well known that Ringo hated the Earps.

John Ringo died in 1882. His body was found in Turkey CreekCanyon. He had left town two weeks before, drunkere than anyonehad ever seen him. His death was considered a suicide, as there was a bullet lodged in his head, but the coroner's report also noted
that he had been scalped.
Annie liked her corncobb pipe!  Uncle George told a story of when he was a boy at Annie's home. She was out in the garden hoeing. She came in to get a drink and George asked her, "What happened to your pipe?" She hadn't realized but the cobb had fallen off the stem of the pipe. George says she searched all afternoon for that cobb but never found it!
Scroll down for Johnny Ringo's bio