Waynesburg, PA is where Darius Sutton and Harriet Hendershot were born and married. It is located in Greene County, PA, which is in southwestern PA.
According to a map from 1865 this is close to where Thomas Hendershot, Peter Hendershot and Darius/Harriet Sutton lived. It is located near Graysville, PA in Center Twp, Greene County PA. They probably cleared this land.
This is taken close to the Hendershot/Sutton Farm
This is Beulah Baptist Church and Cementary. It is located in Morris Twp, Greene County, PA. Henry and Elizabeth Sutton are buried here.
Henry Sutton's Tombstone-I believe he was an uncle to Darius Sutton
Elizabeth Sutton's Tombstone. Darius Sutton lived right next door to her in 1860. I believe she was his aunt.