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9-9-04: Yesterday, 9/8, NWS hi=72@0949{farm=68.4@1200}, lo=63@2400{farm=60.3@2400}. 2% of pos-sible sunshine (PPS); dark for most part with rain beginning 1500 & going into the night; affects of FRANCES.

9-10-04: Yesterday, 9/9, NWS hi=80@1525{farm=78.9@1500}, lo=62@0403{farm=59.4@2400}. 8% of pos-
sible sunshine; rain before dawn; dark until afternoon, then OK and hot; cold front approaching.

9-11-04: Yesterday, 9/10, NWS hi=76@1517{farm=73.5@1500}, lo=56@2356{farm=55.3@2300}. 74% PPS;
beautiful day start to finish; windy until late.

9-12-04: Yesterday, 9/11, Nws hi=76@1534{farm=74.9@1600}, lo=52@0551{farm=53.2@0400}. 96% of
possible sunshine; gorgeous day and evening after early, heavy fog burned off.

9-13-04: Yesterday, 9/12, NWS hi=77@1507{farm=75.8@0700}, lo=56@0344{farm=49.5@0700}. 58% PPS;
much more sun at farm than at NWS station at Albany airport; another gorgeous day with less early fog.

9-14-04: Yesterday, 9/13, NWS hi=72@1540{farm=68.1@1300}, lo=51@2400{farm=47.8@2400}. 70% of
possible sunshine; another gorgeous day after for burned off and clouds lifted.

9-15-04: Yesterday, 9/14, NWS hi=72@1512{farm=69.6@1500}, lo=47@0545{farm=43.2@0700}. 82% PPS;
very ight fog early; cool, somewhat windy but sunny; real fall day.

9-16-04: Yesterday, 9/15, NWS hi=73@1445{farm=71.8@1600}, lo=56@0540{farm=54.7@0400}. 75% PPS;
overcast morning; mostly sunny afternoon; south, damp feeling breeze.

9-17-04: Yesterday, 9/16, NWS hi=77@1551{farm=74.9@1700}, lo=62@0433{farm=54.3@0200}. 48% PPS;
light fog early and slow to burn off; sunny afternoon and pleasant. Hurricane "Ivan" came ashore in MS @ #3.

9-18-04: Yesterday, 9/17, NWS hi=69@1125{farm=65.6@1100}, lo=58@2400{farm=55.8@2000}. No sun-
shine; dark and cool with rain beginning in early pm; cold front from Nwest & moisture from "Ivan" interacting

9-19-04: Yesterday, 9/18, NWS hi=60@1609{farm=59.8@1700}, lo=46@2400{farm=44.2@2400}. 18% PPS;
cold & dark w/ heavy rain until 1100 (2days=2.40"); slow clrg from NW; clear w/ blue sky & wh clds 1600>

9-20-04: Yesterday, 9/19, NWS hi=62@1459{farm=59.7@1500}, lo=43@0614{farm=38.8@0700}. 100% of
possible sunshine; a real fall day- cool, windy, blue sky and white clouds; clear nite upcoming with btfl stars.

9-21-04: Yesterday, 9/20, NWS hi=67@1554{farm=64.5@1600}, lo=41@0447{farm=40.6@0300}. 92% PPS;
a "ditto" of yesterday!

9-22-04: Yesterday, 9/21, NWS hi=76@1338{farm=71.3@1600}, lo=51@0323{farm=50.4@0300}. 83% of
possible sunshine; another gorgeous fall-like day for the last day of summer; blu sky, wh clds, breezy, clr nite.

9-23-04: Yesterday, 9/22, NWS hi=79@1457{farm=75.4@1600}, lo=51@0608{farm=51.6@0300}. 100% of
possible sunshine; another glorious day, although windy; clear, starry night and relatively warm.

9-24-04: Yesterday, 9/23, NWS hi=77@1520{farm=75.4@1200}, lo=55@0553{farm=54.6@0700}. 100% of
possible sunshine, again (!); glorious day but windy; clear, pleasant evening into night.

9-25-04: Yesterday, 9/24, NWS hi=76@1555{farm=74.6@1500}, lo=52@0624{farm=48.8@0700}. 100% of
possible sunshine; "and the beat goes on!"
[Just before midnight, 9/25, hurricane "Jeanne" at Category 3 strength came ashore near Stuart, FL, the same spot as "Frances" earlier. FL has now had 4 Hs in '04.

9-26-04: Yesterday, 9/25, NWS hi=71@1759{farm=73.7@1400}, lo=59@0702{farm=53.8@0300}. 31% PPS, but greater at the farm; dense fog until late AM; clearing & sunny most of PM; Albany must have had cld cover

9-27-04: Yesterday, 9/26, NWS hi=74@1445{farm=71.4@1500}, lo=51@2357{farm=51.9@2400}. 92% of
possible sunshine; light fog in early AM; a return to glorious weather- clear blue sky w/ wh clds and breeze

9-28-04: Yesterday, 9/27, NWS hi =74@1516{farm=71.8@1500}, lo=45@0549{farm=46.3@0700}. 94% of
possible sunshine; another glorious day with no early fog; a bit windy at times; very nice late afternoon.

9-29-04: Yesterday, 9/28, NWS hi=64@1820{farm=63.2@1500}, lo=57@2400{farm=54@0300}. No sunshine
light rain and fog early morning; some brightening midday; rain again until 1600; brightening again  into night.

9-30-04: Yesterday, 9/29, NWS hi=66@1531{farm=64.5@1600}, lo=50@2300{farm=47.0@2400}. 74% of
possible sunshine (PPS); overcast, dampn cool AM; clearing at noon; a glorious afternoon and eve, again!

10-1-04: Yesterday, 9/30, NWS hi=58@1653{farm=57.1@1700}, lo=51@2400{farm=46.6@0100}. 4% of possible sunshine; low clouds all day; rain in morning and again in late afternoon, with thunder- cold front.

10-2-04: Yesterday, 10/1, NWS hi =68@1548{farm=67.7@1600}, lo=48@0624{farm=46.9@0700}. 86% of sunshine but much less at the farm; AM overcast w/ lite fog early; cleared at noon and afternoon btfl; eve. too.
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