11-5-02: Potted dwarf marigolds by the southeast living room windows doing fine. They were brought inside before a hard freeze. Geraniums also by the same windows.

11-8-02: Geranium cuttiings rooting under flourescent lites are looking OK. One of ten lost thus far. Two "Thanksgiving Cacti" are setting buds in cool, long night, spare bedroom.

11-12-02:  Planted 6 salvaged Lilium henrii bulbs across the road.
This day, 1997, low temp. at the farm was 20 deg. F. "Calendulas and gloriosa daisies finally shut down."

11-13-02:  Put a tiny cactus cutting from Paul's "the desert"  in straight sand & under flourecent lites. Forsythia 'Meadowlark' still in full leaf &turning a beautiful golden color. Cv is flower hardy into -20s.

11-15-02: "Crown-of Thorns" (Euphorbia splendens) blooming beautifully by my bedroom window.
-Spread 'elemental sulphur' on front and bottom borders and the blueberry plot. Ph here is naturally 7.0 because of dolomite ridge/outcropping just 300 feet from the yard and plantings.
-Found 3 calendulas (C. officinale) still showing a tiny flower in leaf protected spot across the road. C.o is truly a marvel. Hardy even in the open down to 25 degrees F.
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