Page 10
CLICK for 3 years ago & historical information. Use next page link for later dates.
June 13: Planted several rows of sunflower 'Color Fashion Mix' in back 1/3rd of  main garden. Seeds 4' apart.
Put 6-8 of same seeds behind  old barn foundation. (Kyle did the setting  of seeds.)
Deer have eaten down the transplanted hosta below the side yard apple tree, browsed the phlox and perennial asters and devastated the liliums out back, although most of the Martagon hybrids were spared.
June 21: Planted Calendula 'Pacific Beauty' seeds at edge at fron of back bed across the road.
Tplanted a few "Feverfew" plants from across the road to the postlight bed.
Set out "boughten" Salvia 'Red Hot Sally' plants among Hostas inder the apple tree..
Set out same in two rows at front of right half of bed at end of the house. (Kyle did all this planting.)
July 6: Planted 65 Calendula seeds spaced 12" in two rows of front bed across the road. (Kyle and CGS)
July 7: Started Calendula seeds in 6-pacs and other.
Started sunflower 'C.F. Mix' in 6-pacs and other.
Tplanted four Gloriosa Daisy volunteers to small pots.
Tplanted one Nicotiana volunteer to a cottage cheese container
July 11: Sflower and Calendula seed started 7/7 began to show in early morning.
July 12: Added  to Salvias at end of house. Now three full rows of 45 plants.
Lifted 20 white Cleome volunteers below bottom wall by birdhouse and replanted 12" in open spaces.
July 14: Started old Glor. Daisy seeds in six 6-pacs. Multiple seeds per section. {no germination took place}
July 19: Set  out 12 sflower 'C F. Mix' seedlings 30" apart near edge of grass at top side of blueberries.
Set out three of same in two gaps in row of holyhocks on bottom side of blueberries.
July 27: Tplanted one Nicotiana 'vol' from breezeway planter box to below lower wall at road end.
Started saved Glor. Daisy seeds in six 9-pacs and two 6-pacs, with multiple seeds per section.
July 30: Set out three potted Glor. Daisy plannts at left end of main border, either side of Mrs.G's aster.
Rabbit has found the 7/19 sflower transplants. One gone and one partially eaten.

Aug. 4: Put four potted native Columbine plants at front of bed at the end of the house.
Tplanted two "Feverfew" and two potted Glor. Daisy plants to post light bed.
Planted Calendula seedlings from 9-pacs, etc. into front bed acrossthe road. Total visible plants now 57. (Kyle)
Aug 5: Put 12 "boughten" swarf Marigolds and 12 burgandy petunias in the 5 planter boxes & other containers.
Aug 16: Tplanted 9 very small Glor. D. seedlings from pacs to post light bed. (Gregory DuBois)
Aug 19:  Rain in evening and into early hours on the 20th= 1.26". Broke a 3.5 week spell of inadequate rain.

Sept: Planted lifted crocus corms along front of end of house bed and at top of front yard stone wall. (Kyle)

October 7: Close call with frost! Low temp of 31.7 occurred between 0700 & 0800 for a brief time. No damage
Oct. 13:
27.1 deg. for  first frost and freeze. Calendulas, nicotianas & helianthus survived. Peren. blooms OK
Oct. 14:
27.8 deg. "Just for good measure!"
Prior to these freezes potted geraniums were brought into the house and put in front of the southeast facing living room windows. These were in bloom. Also, put non-blooming ones into the cellar for the winter.

November 21: Low temp at farm=24.4. Calendulas still green but flowers "have had it."
All three "holiday" cacti budded and bloomed. Two before Thanksgiving, 11/23, and one after.

December: Brought in one potted petunia plant and five calendula plants in 2 pots and placed with the geraniums.
Dec. 27: Planted an Amarylis bulb per instructions & placed it in front of the rear southeast living room window

January 2007
Jan. 10: Two flower stalks have sprouted from the amarylis bulb (see 12-27-06). Leaves are only 6-8" tall!
Jan. 23: Red color showing at the tip of the bud on the larger of the two amarylis flower stalks.
Jan. 29:
CGS underwent total knee replacement of the right knee.

Feb. 2: CGS returned home from the hospital to be greeted by open blossoms on the Amarylis!
Feb. 10: First blooms on the Amarylis are gone. Blooms on second flower stalk are opening.
Feb. 20:  First tiny flower on one of the Calendula plants growing in two large pots in LR. Also, flower buds have appeared on three of the Liliums growing in these same pots. Pots were outdoors summer of 2006. First time I have tried to move potted non-geraniums indoors for the winter in the hope they would rebloom.
Feb.25: Third 'holiday' cactus showing buds. Potted petunias brought inside in fall are budding, with 1 bloosom

Mar. 3: Petunias are in full flower, with 6 blossoms. Plant is very healthy- dark green. Lilium buds showing color. Two of the three "holiday" cacti have a blossom close to being open. Other one very  close.
Mar. 5: First lily bud opened with a small  rusty red flower displayed. I think this is old #80, which was always first of the Asiatic Hybrids to bloom out-of-doors. Over time I planted c.150 Liliums, but few are left now.
Mar. 8: Second pot containing Lilium bulbs showing new shoots. Put by back SE window in the living room. First two pots now have multiple flowers in bloom, along with a calendula blossom. C. buds showing, too.
Mar. 13: Bought seeds of 3 types of H. annus, sunfowers. Also a fully blooming golden yellow, potted primrose

Apr. 3: Found a blooming crocus and one bud in lawn at end of house on slope facing the sun. Self seeded!!
Apr. 12-13: Two to three inches of wet snow and some rain. Poor crocus buried!
Apr. 15: Heavy snow falling from a dangerous 'noreaster. However, indoors there are geraniums, African violets, a large petunia plant, a "Crown of Thorns" and two holiday cacti blooming.
CLICK for three years ago and historical information. Click next page link for later dates.
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