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CLICK for five years ago and historical info. Click next page link for later dates.
April 19, 2007: Crocuses in the front lawn bloomed. Still some snow pile left along side wall.
April 21: First daffodils bloomed across the road in the grass. Others in bud.
April 23: Daffodils in front bed across the road began blooming.
April 24: Forsythia 'Meadowlark' shrubs below lower border and across lane at end of upper stone wall blooming.

May 11: Old fashioned purple lilacs across the road began opening and giving off their sweet perfume.
May 13: Old crabapple tree in backyard began opening flower blossoms. Old pear tree in field across lane bloom'g
May 15: Old apple tree in corner of yard began bloom'g. Old 'Yellow Transparent' apple tree in field in full bloom.
May 17: Two transplanted, native dogwood trees in full glorious bloom- low winter temps above minus 10 F.
May 28: One old, purple iris blooming. These were found years ago at the "T intersection" of the lane up above.

JUNE 1: Viburnum trilobum in full bloom. Huge bush to the left rear of house at edge of woods.
June 6: Shrub rose 'Theresa Bugnet' in full bloom, as are two rugosas. Siberian iris blooming, with white one best
June 15: Very old, flesh colored peony blooming. This came from the Ketz' garden on the Union College campus.
June 16: The Lilium "Martagon Hybrids" have begun blooming. There is a pink and a mahogony colored.
June 22: "Feverfew" (small flowered type) in full bloom.
June 26: Discovered deer damage to the hostas under the old apple tree in side yard. Eaten much earlier in 2006.
             Hemerocalis fulva (common daylily) began blooming. Also, the white, 'shrub' Clematis was in bloom.
June 29: First few bloosoms on phlox and hollyhocks.

JULY 1: Planted Helianthus 'Italian White' seeds in the rear, right corner of the old, back garden area. ("Murph")
July 5: First blooms on the old, yellow, pon pon mums by the power pole. Always very early but  this beats all! Also, buds on Clematis virginiana on stone wall beginning to show. Astilbe has been blooming for a few days.
July 7: "Trumpet Vine" blossoms opening. Hybrid, red monarda well into bloom. Also, achillea 'Gold Plate.'
July13: Hybrid Hemoracalis (daylilies) begining to bloom.
July 29: Lilium henryi blossoms began opening.

Aug. 2: Clematis virginiana, with hordes of white blossoms, in bloom on the 50' front stone wall/fence support.
Aug. 15: Hollyhocks have "about had it" insofar as new blooms go. Phlox are in full bloom and very colorful.
Aug. 25: First of the perennial asters, "Treasurer," began blooming on three year old transplant behind side wall Also, the hardy, small flowered, white hibiscus is blooming in the old vegetable plot, now devoted to perennials
Aug. 30: Flowers beginning to show on the large, old timer hosta 'grandiflora' (sp?) above the rock garden.

Sept. 6: Soil has become very dry; large areas of the lawn totally brown. Plants weeping. 2nd, red aster blooming
Sept. 9-11: Rain off and on began late afternoon on the 9th and went thru late eve on the 11th; total = 1.31".
Sept. 13: Began fall cleanup of plantings with help from Ethan & Corinne. Cut down most of hollyhocks+others.
Sept. 26-27: First worthwhile rain since the 11th fell, totalling 1.28". Plants perked up once again.
Sept. 30: Last of the tall, perennial asters began to bloom. As usual, deer are eating the leaves of the hollyhocks.

Oct. Plenty of rain, with 4.65" thru the 27th. On the 27th brought in the potted geraniums and placed by living room southeast windows. Also brought in a pot of dwarf marigolds that grew from "volunteers" and a potted petunia plant that also started from a "volunteer" in 2006. It was inside & bloomed last winter. A perennial petunia
Oct. 29: First full freeze, with no preceding frost. Low temp= 26.2. Very late occurence by about a month.

Nov. 1: Drew helped me begin cleaning up the perennial plantings. Nice to spend a day with him!
Nov. 4: One of three different "holiday" cacti in the dining room has begun to develope flower buds.
Nov. 6: Second cactus is showing the beginning of flower buds.
Nov. 17: Put large pot with flowering, self seeded, red salvias by back, southeast living room window. New trial!
             Third "holiday" cactus is developing flower buds. All three are in the dining room by windows.
Nov. 25: Broadcast saved Gloriosa Daisy and white cleome seeds along edge of field behind house. ("Murph")
Nov. 28: All three "holiday" cacti are now blooming in the dining room. Plants put by LR windows still blooming.

Feb. 20: Small "holiday" cacti plants blooming and/or budding once again. Likewise some geraniums. "Crown of Thorns" and several African violets blooming, too. [Only the white and blue violets from "Ma" Ketz still survive.]

April 9: Crocuses in the front lawn began blooming!
April 17: Daffodils began blooming!
April 20: Many Liliums have shown their new growth.
April 19: Forsythia "Meadowlark" began blooming!
April 24: Magnolia souliana (sp?) began blooming. More blossoms than ever before.
             Two year old, potted petunia plant that was indoors over the winter began blooming outdoors.
April 25: Discovered the two pots of Lilium bulbs that I had over-wintered in the breezeway had shoots appearing
April 30: Freeze at 29.6 degrees F.

1: Freeze at 26.6 degrees F. Magnolia blossoms "burned." No other damage to plants apparent.
           Japanese flowering quince and wild strawberries flowering.
May 8: Blossoms on the old crab apple tree in the back yard began opening. 
May 10: Old apple trees, "Bridal Wreath,"  and the native, transplanted, white dogwoods in full bloom.
All spring blooming trees and shrubs are outstanding this year throughout the area- just loaded with blossoms!
May 14: Old,purple lilacs blooming. These were found at top of ridge by intersection of old lanes some 40 yrs ago
May 19: "Lily of the Valley" began blooming above the "tractor shed" and into the poor so called rock garden.
CLICK for five years ago and historical information. Click next page link for later dates
CLICK for horticultural pictures. These do not change; only need to visit once.
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