11-17-02: Leaves from 2 of the 12 sugar maples (Acer saccharum) around the house still falling, on top of the snow. (See "WEATHER")

11-24-02: Put six African violet leaf cuttings under flrst lites. Two each of three different new plants. Have begun a new collection after losing virtually all of previous large collection to white fly, now eradicated (?).

12-04-02: Divided and repotted old African violets; also made leaf cuttings. Marigolds "bit the dust," making room for my "Crown of Thorns" (in full bloom) in the livg rm.Brought one"Tgiving Cactus"down into dning rm

12-07-02:Continued to divide, repot, start leaf cuttings of African violets.Also 'layered' Philodendron scandens.

12-10-02: Finished dividing, repotting African violets & making leaf cuttings; "Thanksgiving Cactus #1" bloomg

12-16-02: Second "Thanksgiving Cactus" beginning to bloom. First one's flowers on way down; are short lived.

12-17-02: This day, 1983, harvested broccoli with help from Gert A., also Brussel sprouts.

12-18-02: "Layered" end of a long shoot of what may be a Philodendron species, but I am not well versed.
(I located this plant in one of my reference books: Syngonium podophyllum {also called Nephthytis}, an aroid.)

1-13-03: This day, 1985, "Dug mulched carrots and leeks."

2-14-03:  Indoor "tulip" geraniums beginning to bloom.  This day, 1976, "Dug mulched carrots."

2-15-03: The indoor Helianthus annus (sunflower!) plant I nurtured from a surprise seedling bloomed today!

2-23-03: Geranium "Ritz" (brilliant red) now blooming indoors.

2-25-03: This day, 1979, "dug mulched carrots." (Despite many previous days w/ temperatures below zero.)

3-05-03: All four geranium plants brought inside last fall and put by the two SE livng rm windows are blooming.

3-06-03: Added a small Impatiens plant to indoor collection; gift from friend Gil Harlow.

3-16-03: Indoor "Norfolk Island Pine" (Araucaria excelsa), which is 12-15 years old and 66" tall and 66" wide, has begun its annual terminal growth. The "nubbin" is one inch long and contains the next set of branches.

3-21-03: This day, 2000, "First blooming crocus; daffodil leaves showing."

3-22-03: This day, 1981, "Raked yard; daffodils and crocuses showing."

3-24-03: This day, 1973, "Planted saplings along wall across the road."Today, daffodils showing across the road

3-30-03: This day, 1998, "Crocuses; forsythia on the verge."

4-02-03: This day, 2002, "First crocus blossoms."

4-04-03: This day, 1981, "Roto-tilled and planted peas;" 1991, "Crocuses bloomed yesterday."

4-06-03: This day, 1997, "First crocuses (bloomed)."

4-07-03: This day, 1988, "Roto-tilled some out back; planted onion seed on 8th."

4-08-03: This day, 2000, "Second day forsythia showing flowers." [2003-Ice and snow covered vegetation!]

4-09-03: This day, 1993 and 1996, "First crocuses (bloomed)."

4-10-03: This day, 1976, "Planted peas, onions, carrots and lettuce;" 1992, "First three crocuses." 

4-13-03: This day, 1985, "Roto-tilled and planted peas; very dry."

4-14-03: Today, first crocus flowers around driveway maple tree.

4-15-03: This day, 1986, "Planted peas out back, soil dry;" 2001, "First crocuses - - - ."

4-17-03: This day, 1976, "Plowed;" 1982, "Roto-tilled & planted peas."

4-20-03: This day, 1971&74, "Roto-tilled and planted peas."

4-21-03: This day, 1990, "First roto-tilling in  top and bottom gardens."
4-22-03: This day, 1972, "Planted flowering crabs, peach tree and magnolia;" 2001, "Forsythia blooming."
Today, first daffodils; also forsythia blooming.
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