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11-5-03: This day, 1971, "First killing frost."

Today, along with vacuuming leaves, I mowed grass! The latest for that I am quite sure. [I was wrong. I found a note for November 26th saying I mowed lawn that day in 1984.]

11-22-03: Today, 'planted' daffodil bubs in three large containers for movable color in the spring. Also, the last of the odds & ends of leaves were vacuumed by "Murph" & the last of the perennials cut down

11-28-03: Today, two of three "Christmas Cacti" are  blooming. One has pink flowers the other fuchia.

11-30-03: Today, put 4 potted mums in grnd next to the foundatn at end of house; supposed to be hardy

12-10-03: Today, brought 3rd "Christmas Cactus" (pink) down into dining room from spare, cool bdrm

1-8-04: Today, African violets beginning to develope flower buds; some have bloomed all early winter. Lengthening daylight always triggers flower bud formation. I have grown African violets for 35 years.

1-19-04: Today, fuchia "holiday" cactus is blooming again from later buds; also, an orange "Easter" cactus has several large buds. Geraniums by living rm SE window blooming. New annual growth on the large "Norfolk Island Pine" in living rm has started- a little nob that has the new branches enclosed.

1-24-04: Today, orange "Easter" cactus has two beautiful flowers and a bud yet to open. Young "tulip" geranium in dining rm southwest window beginning to open a flower-looks like cluster of small tulips.

2-4-04: Today, "Crown of Thorns" began opening new flowers-deep red- by southeast living rm window.
Two flowers fully open on young "Tulip" geranium by SW DR window that was started from a cutting.
2-28-04: Today, "C of T" in full bloom; original "holiday" cactus into second budding/blooming. All mature African violets in bloom. Ground still well covered with snow; spring flowers a ways off!

3-27-04: Today, daffodils breaking ground, including those planted last fall.
3/29-04: Today, first, lonely, small, purple crocus was open at house foundation by LR front windows.

4-13-04: Today. started dwarf marigold seeds in trays; planted pansies in three containers and 5 boxes.
4-19-04: Today, first daffodil flowers opened;there is a nice display of Coltsfoot by the turn-around area

5-17-04: Today, daffodils are 'finished.' My actual count of blooms done while 'deadheading,' was  over 650.
Strangely, my largest "Christmas cactus" is setting flower buds numbering more than in the fall! Plant upstairs.
5-20-04: Today, started 48 "Autumn Beauty" sunflower seeds in "6 pacs;"  also "Ring of Fire" on 21st.
5-22-04: Today, much transplanting- old, yellow pon pon mums; Achillea 'White Bty;" and 12 phlox.
5-23-04: Today, with "Murph's" help, spread 23 bags of cedar bark mulch in lower border. New mulch idea.
5-26-04: Today, started last of annual seeds in '6 pacs':Cosmos; Lavatera; and Snapdragon 'Dwf Magic Carpet'.
Centaurea montana ("Mountain Bluet") in full bloom; start of flowering on huge "Am. Cranberry" bush (wild).

6-5-04:  Today, replaced six lost H. 'Autumn Beauty' with 'Ring of Fire.' Pink oriental poppies blooming along with roses 'Therese Bugnet' and R. rugosa. The "Christmas cactus" upstairs is in bountiful,full bloom!(see 5/1
6-8-04: Today, planted more Helianthus seeds out back- H. 'Autumn Beauty' and "Colour Fashion.'
6-13-04: Today, with help from "Murph," set out young plants of 'Ring of Fire' sunflowers, cosmos and lavatera that had been seeded in and grown on in "6 pacs."
6-15 & 16-04: Today, planted 53 "hills" of sunflower "Colour Fashion"  in main garden, with 2 seeds to a "hill."
6-19-04: "Feverfew," blue and white "cranesbill" and "sundrops" blooming. Set out 90 'Dwarf Magic
Carpet' snapdragon seedlings in  two flats with help from "Murph."
6-22-04: First phlox bloomed; also, first Asiatic lilium (#80?). Deer feeding on phlox below lower border "wall."

7-7-04: Planted 85 small 'Magic Carpet' snapdragons from flats (see 6/19)  in bed at end of house with help from Kyle.15 "potted" dwarf calendulas put in front of wall by post lite.2 geraniums from cuttings in front bord
7-20-04: Holihocks in full, btfl bloom; dwarf cals blooming & some tiny snapdragons budding (see 7/7).
7-29-04: Clematis virginiana on front wall is is full bloom (small white blossoms) and a huge blanket of white. The plants were found here (C.v. is native to the northeast) & transplanted to the wall. Very aggressive grower

8-2-04: "Fancy" & dwarf sunflowers beginning to bloom, also dahlias. Nice show of flowers on "trumpet vine"
Self-seeded white cleome is blooming nicely. Pansies in planter boxes "have had it." Achillea 'Gold Plate' is btfl.
Rest of Aug.: Hostas bloomed, with large white above rock garden the best and still blooming into Sept.; phlox very floriferous; cosmos very large and attractive; old yellow pon pon mum blooming, but some will later.

9-1-04: Aster
novae-angliae " 'Treasurer' began blooming; also "Alma Potchke;" dwarf snapdragons floriferous
9-6-04: With help from "Mirph," put 10 "boughten" potted, cushion mums in containers for display in  front of breezeway and elsewhere. Also, repotted 4 mums from last year for future display. They are just now budding.

Very light frost-31.4 degrees @ 0720. Even tender annuals not hurt, except some 'burning' of dahlias
As they do every fall, deer are devouring the leaves of the holihocks, which will be of no consequence. Joe F.,
Kyle T. and CGS opened old woods trail to the big field fronting Potter Road; tree growth in woods impressive.
10-10-04: NYS, DEC forester informed CGS that the 50-60 yr old pine grove across from house was "healthy."

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