Page 9
March 30th, 2006: First two crocuses bloomed, one in grass by old apple tree & other one above rock garden.
Kyle mulched the daffodil bed across the road with ground up bark. Daffy leaves 3-4 tall.
Kyle finished pruning ;water sprouts out of the crabapple tree & the old, side yard apple tree

April 2: Tender Torch Lily shoots acr. rd. at base of stone face had to be covered w/ pine needles & a bucket.
April 7: L. martagon shoots across the lane at base of ramp's stone face coming up.Too soon!! Lo temp=28 F.
April 12: First daffodils opened in front bed across the lane. Forsythia flowers beginning to open. Hi temp=69 F.
April 18: Transplanted H. 'Stella d'Oro' from guy wire bed to front of blueberry patch. Lifted and potted four Aquilegia canadense from across the road for future replanting elsewhere.
April 29: Magnolia s. began opening flowers. New planting of daffies & 'grape hyacinths' acr. rd. bloomg nicely

May 2: Tplanted holihocks from 'out back' to row below blueberries and to across the road rear plot. Likewise phlox to mixed daylily/Lilium 'RR tie' bed. Tplanted hosta from above tractor shed to 'guy wire' spot. Also, Tplanted Feverfew from across the road to below dining room windows and to front 'post light' area. (Kyle)
May 3: Japanese flowering quince in btfl full bloom. Tplanted Hosta from above tractor shed to along stone wall under apple tree. Pruned dead wood from all shrub roses. Grass mulched back area acr. rd.(Kyle did the work!)
May 4: Fran M. brought a clump of "Blue Flag" for my main border; planted it near left end in wettest spot.
May 5: Two old pear trees across the road began blooming.
May 7: Tplantd more phlox to RRtie bed. Tplantd 2 Lilium to front border. Mums by pwr pole lifted for Tplantg.
May 8: Old crabapple in back yard and the two struggling dogwoods well covered with bloossoms.
May 10: Transplanted phlox, perennial sunflower, asters & Gloriosa Daisy volunteers to various locations.(Kyle
May 11: Replanted Gaillardia 'Goblin' & old, yellow pon pon mums by power pole. Tplanted same across lane.
May 18: First old, purple iris blossom.
Deadheaded last narcissuses/daffodils, with total = 1196!
May 21:
Tenth straight day with some rain. Total for period = 4.11". Indoor potted geranium plants have many large, beautiful bloosoms. The few African violets are blooming very well, too.
May 26: Very small tree peoney in lower border loaded with red blossoms. Easy winter must have helped.

June 6: Forest (Tent) Caterpillars are extremely heavy this year. Damage to foliage appearing.

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