Monthly summaries of Albany NWS data,  page 5
     Average temperature = 27.8 degrees; normal = 28.0 degrees
     Heating Degree Days = 1148, normal = 1142; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 2469, normal = 2602
     Water equivalent precipitation = 2.93", normal = 2.76"; year = 40.01", normal = 38.60"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
     Snow = 10.7", normal = 12.8; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 11.2", normal = 18.1"
     Percent of possible sunshine =
28%, normal = 38%
Average windspeed = 8.7 mph, normal = 9.3 mph
[Total cooling degree days for the year = 539, normal = 544]
     Note: A dark month, more so than usual. Very wet at the farm, obviously.

     Average temperature =
19.5 degrees; normal = 22.2 degrees
     Heating Degree Days = 1400, normal = 1330; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 3869, normal = 3932
     Water equivalent precipitation =
4.27", normal =  2.71"; year = 4.27", normal = 2.71"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
     Snow =
31.8", normal = 18.0"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 43.0", normal = 36.1"
     Percent of possible sunshine = 41%; normal = 46%
     Average windspeed = 7.9 mph; normal = 9.8 mph
     NOTE: A cold, snowy, wet January, but less windy. Interestingly, the snow was light weight. At farm, however, there were two periods of rain, freezing rain and sleet that equaled 1.64" of  water equivalent precip.

     Average temperature = 26.9 degrees; normal = 25.0 degrees
     Heating Degree Days = 1060, normal = 1135; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 4929,.  normal = 5067
     Water equivalent precipitation = 1.38", normal = 2.27"; year = 5.65", normal = 4.98"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation = 1.39"
     Snow = 7.0", normal = 12.7"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 50.0", normal = 48.8"
     Percent of possible sunshine = 52%; normal = 52%
     Average windspeed = 6.9 mph; normal = 9.8 mph
     NOTE: February was a pleasant change from January!!

MARCH 2005
     Average temperature =
31.1 degrees; normal = 35.0 degrees
     Heating Degree Days = 1043, normal = 938; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 5972, normal =  6005
     Cooling Degree Fays = zero, normal = one; year = zero, normal = one
     Water equivalent precipitation = 3.99", normal = 3.17"; year = 9.64", normal = 8.15"
     Farm water equivalent precipityation = 4.01"
     Snow =
25.9", normal =  10.9"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 75.9" normal = 59.7"
     Percent of possible sunshine  = 53%; normal = 53%
     Average wind speed = 9.4 mph; normal =  10.6 mph
     NOTE: A cold, snowy, wet month, with 2.93" of rain at the farm from the 23rd thru the 31st.

APRIL 2005
     Average temperature = 50.2 degrees; normal =46.6 degrees
     Heating Degree Days = 438, normal = 553; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 6410, normal = 6558
     Cooling Degree Days = zero, normal = 3; year = zero, normal = 4
     Water equivalent precipitation =
2.36", normal = 3.25"; year = 12.00", normal = 11.40"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
Snow = zero, normal = 2.9"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 75.9", normal = 62.5"
     Percent of  possible sunshine = 58.8%; normal = 54%
     Average windspeed = 7.7 mph; normal = 10.7 mph
     NOTE: Most unusual to have such a large discrepency in rainfall other than due to local summer storms.

MAY 2005
     Average temperature =
54.5 degrees; normal = 58.1 degrees    
     Heating Degree Days = 319, normal = 240; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 6729, normal = 6798
     Cooling Degree Days = 4, normal = 27; year = 4, normal = 31
     Water equivalent precipitation = 
1.44", normal = 3.67"; year =  13.44", normal = 15.07"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
     Snow = zero, normal = 0.10"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 75.9", normal = 62.7"
     Percent of possible sunshine =
46%, normal = 55%
Average windspeed =  7.1 mph; normal = 9.1 mph
     NOTE: As emphasized, May was cold, dry and dark. A terrible month!
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